“A lot in the financial markets is the number of units of a financial instrument bought on an exchange. The number of units is determined by the lot size. For example, in the stock market, a round lot is 100 shares. However, investors do not have to buy round lots, where a lot can be any number of shares.
While odd lots can include any number of shares between one and 100, a round lot is any lot of shares that can be evenly divided by 100. For example, 75 shares would be an odd lot since it is below 100 shares, while 300 shares would be counted as a round lot since it can be evenly divided by 100.”
由上述可知,在金融市场,lot表示在证券交易所买卖某种金融工具的单位数量,译为“手数”。比如,在股票市场,1手表示100股。odd lot表示不足最小交易单位(100股)的股票,译为“零股”或“散股”,香港译为“碎股”;round lot表示100股或其整数倍,译为“整数股”。