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开证行(issuing bank),通常为进口方所在地银行,开证行接受开证申请人的申请开立信用证,且有责任到期付款。其英文释义为:An issuing bank (also called an issuer) is part of the 4 party model of payments. It is the bank of the consumer (also called a cardholder) and is responsible for paying the merchant’s bank (called an Acquiring Bank or Acquirer) for the goods and services the consumer purchases.


通知行或联行(notifying bank or advising bank),即出口方所在地银行,也可以是开证行的分行或联行。通知行按照开证行说明将信用证传递给出口方,其只负责证明信用证的真实性,没有其他责任。An advising bank (also known as a notifying bank) advises a beneficiary (exporter) that a letter of credit (L/C) opened by an issuing bank for an applicant (importer) is available. An advising bank's responsibility is to authenticate the letter of credit issued by the issuer to avoid fraud.


议付行(negotiating bank),负责按信用证项下的跟单汇票支付给受益人款项。议付行可以是开证行或信用证指定其他银行。如果信用证中无特殊规定,出口方可以把跟单汇票交给任意银行来完成交易。其英文释义为:Negotiating bank is one of the main parties involved under Letter of Credit. Negotiating Bank,is the one who negotiates documents delivered to bank by beneficiary of LC. Negotiating bank is the bank that verifies documents and confirms the terms and conditions under LC on behalf of beneficiary to avoid discrepancies.


偿付行(reimbursing bank),指信用证中要求支付的银行,通常是开证行或信用证指定的其他银行。其英文释义是:Reimbursing bank is the bank that, at the request of the issuing bank, is authorized to pay, or accept and pay time draft under a documentary credit in accordance with UCP 600 article 13 or if incorporated, the ICC uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Documentary Credits



1. AN issuing bank undertakes to reimburse a nominated bank that has honoured or negotiated a complying presentation and forwarded the documents to the issuing bank. Reimbursement for the amount of a complying presentation under a credit available by acceptance or deferred payment is due at maturity, whether or not the nominated bank prepaid or purchased before maturity.



2. Any bank, other than the advising bank, who are requested to transfer this credit, must request the permission from the issuing bank by SWIFT. 



3.Negotiating bank may claim reimbursement by T/T on the Bank of China New York branch certifying that the credit terms have been complied with。 



4.If a reimbursing bank's charges are for the account of the beneficiary, they shall be deducted from the amount due to a claiming bank when reimbursement is made. 


发布于 2020-06-22 17:17:29