1.“自始(不存在)”。译文采用ab initio,改词是拉丁语,符合法律英语语体风格和国外使用习惯,很专业。该词词典解释如下:
Ab initio [æbi'niʃiəu]
[Latin, From the beginning; from the first act; from the inception.] Anagreement is said to be "void ab initio" if it has at no time had any legalvalidity. A party may be said to be a trespasser, an estate said to be good,an agreement or deed said to be void, or a marriage or act said to beunlawful, ab initio. Contrasted in this sense with ex post facto, or withpostea.
2.“以上”。“18岁以上”包含本数18,因此建议翻译为aged 18 or over, aged 18 or above, 或者aged 18 or older。
3.“民事法律行为”。前文翻译中有个“民事活动”(civil act)概念与此接近,但有法理基础的读者应当知道两者法律含义差别甚大。与昨天“民事权利能力和民事行为能力”类似,“民事法律行为”在西方法律也存在对应概念juristic act(参考《牛津法律手册》)。如不考虑与国际接轨,直译为civil legal act也是很多译本的做法。
另外,上述范文provided that和 if连用重复。