1.“利害关系人”。民商法领域使用interested person或者interested party符合国际惯例。值得一提还有一词stakeholder,法律英语中其一般含义为 a person having in his/her possession (holding) money or property inwhich he/she has no interest, right or title, awaiting the outcome of adispute between two or more claimants to the money or property. Thestakeholder has a duty to deliver to the owner or owners the money orassets once the right to legal possession is established by judgment oragreement.
2.“有关组织”。有关组织包括“居民委员会、村民委员会、学校、医疗机构、妇女联合会、残疾人联合会、依法设立的老年人组织、民政部”,这些机构英文中可能没有完全对等概念,分别翻译为“the neighborhood committees, village committees, schools, medical institutions, the associations of women, the associations of people with disabilities, any lawful established association of senior people, and the department of civil affairs”准确。
Individuals who comprise a family unit and who live together under thesame roof; individuals who dwell in the same place and comprise afamily, sometimes encompassing domestic help; all those who are underthe control of one domestic head.For the purposes of insurance, the terms family and household arefrequently used inter-changeably.
Registered office: A registered office is the official address of an incorporated company, association or any other legal entity. ----for legal person only
Business premise: Premises, land and buildings together considered as a property.
Domicile: (law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return; every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time. - For legal person as well as natural person.
Residence: the place where one makes his/her home. However, a person mayhave his/her state of "domicile" elsewhere for tax or other purposes,especially if the residence is for convenience or not of long standing. 2) incorporation law, the state of incorporation.