法言法语 *合同法第60-63条【约定不明合同】

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第六十条 当事人应当按照约定全面履行自己的义务。当事人应当遵循诚实信用原则,根据合同的性质、目的和交易习惯履行通知、协助、保密等义务。

Article 60  The parties shall fulfill fully their respectiveobligations as contracted.The parties shall observe the principle of good faithand fulfill the obligations of notification, assistance and confidentiality inaccordance with the nature and aims of the contract and trade practices.

第六十一条  合同生效后,当事人就质量、价款或者报酬、履行地点等内容没有约定或者约定不明确的,可以协议补充;不能达成补充协议的,按照合同有关条款或者交易习惯确定。 

Article 61 For a contract that has becomevalid, where the parties have not stipulated the contents regarding quality,price or remuneration or the place of performance, or have stipulated themunclearly, the parties may supplement them by agreement; if they are unable toreach a supplementary agreement, the problem shall be determined in accordancewith the related clauses of the contract or with trade practices.

第六十二条 当事人就有关合同内容约定不明确,依照本法第六十一条的规定仍不能确定的,适用下列规定:







 Article 62  Where the parties haveunclearly stipulated related contents in a contract and fails to determine themin accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of this Law, the followingprovisions shall apply:(1) in case of unclear quality requirements, thecontract shall be performed in accordance with State standards or tradestandards, or in the absence of such standards, in accordance with common    standards or special standards conforming to the aim of thecontract;(2) in case of unclear price or remuneration stipulation, the contractshall be performed in accordance with the market price in the place of contractperformance at the time of the making of the contract, or according to thegovernment-set price or government-guided price if it is so required by law;

(3) in case of unclear stipulation of place of performance, where thepayment is in cash, the contract shall be performed in the place of the cashrecipient; where the payment is in real estate,   the contract shall beperformed in the place where the real estate is located; where other targetedmatters are involved, the contract shall be performed in the place of the partyfulfilling the obligations;

(4) in case of unclear time limit for the performance, the debtor mayfulfill its obligations at any time, and the creditor may demand thefulfillment at any time, while giving the debtor necessary time to makepreparations;

(5) in case of unclear mode of performance, the contract shall beperformed in a manner conducive to the realization of the aim ofthe contract;


(6) in case of unclear charge for the performance, the chargeshall be borne by the party fulfilling the obligations. 

第六十三条 执行政府定价或者政府指导价的,在合同约定的交付期限内政府价格调整时,按照交付时的价格计价。逾期交付标的物的,遇价格上涨时,按照原价格执行;价格下降时,按照新价格执行。逾期提取标的物或者逾期付款的,遇价格上涨时,按照新价格执行;价格下降时,按照原价格执行。 

Article 63  For a contract with thegovernment-set price or government-guided price as the fulfilling price, wherethe government price is adjusted within the delivery period of the contract,the price at the time of delivery shall be the fulfilling price. Where anoverdue delivery occurs and the price goes up at the delivery, the originalprice shall be the fulfilling price; if the price drops at the delivery, thenew price shall be the fulfilling price. Where an overdue delivery-taking oroverdue payment occurs, the new price shall be the fulfilling price if theprice goes up; and the original price shall be the fulfilling price if theprice goes down.









1.全面履行(合同)。上文翻译为fulfill fully, 也有版本翻译为perform     thoroughly。值得注意的是,perform表示to do what one party is obliged to do by a contract泛指双方履行合同的各项责任和义务,而fulfill表示to do everythingwhich is promised in a contract强调合同一方具体履行合同的义务。

2.补充协议。翻译做supplementary agreement没有问题。值得说明的是,在跨境并购法律实务中,side letter也是补充协议。

3.履行地点、履行期限、履行方式、履行费用负担。分别译为place of    performance,,time limit for the performance,mode/method of performance,charge/burden ofexpenses for the performance。

4.有利于实现合同目的的方式。官方译本译为a manner conducive to the realizationof the aim of the contract。Conducive一词是亮点。  Conducive [ kən'dju:siv ],adj. tending to bring about; beingpartly responsible for". Example: working conditions are not conducive toproductivity"。

5.逾期交付标的物的、逾期提取标的物或者逾期付款的。分别译为overdue  delivery overdue delivery-taking,overdue payment。 







发布于 2020-07-23 09:55:13