因纽特人的语言 | 外刊精读

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本期精读文章来自于The Economist对因纽特人的报道The Inuit agree on a common writing system





The 47,000 Inuit who live in Canada’s Arctic speak five dialects of Inuktut and use nine writing systems.


The dialects are similar enough that an Inuk from one group can puzzle out what a speaker from another is saying. The writing systems, invented by Christian missionaries starting in the 18th century, are bigger barriers to comprehension.


puzzle out意思是“琢磨出……的答案”(to find the answer to a difficult or confusing problem by thinking carefully),相当于work out,例如:I still can't puzzle out how I managed to spend so much money last month. 我现在仍想不明白上个月怎么花了那么多钱。

Three use syllabics—characters to represent syllables—rather than the Roman alphabet. Both systems can be supplemented with diacritical marks that modify pronunciation and meaning.


Communication is difficult and translating textbooks and government documents expensive.


句子后半部分省略了be动词,还原后是Communication is difficult and translating textbooks and government documents (is) expensive. 省略be动词能够减少用词重复度,使得句子更加紧凑。


Partly because of these difficulties, Inuktut, a group of languages spoken by 39,000 Inuit, is giving ground to English.


give/lose ground to somebody/something是一个固定表达,意思是“向……让步”。比如我们可以说:

When it comes to research and development, company managers should notgive ground to short-sighted shareholders, who place profit above quality.

In Nunavut, the northernmost Canadian territory, where most Inuit live, not all schools offer classes in Inuktut even though the territory has mandated bilingual education by 2020.


Most phones and keyboards need extra software to handle syllabics, so young Inuit text and email mainly in English, says Crystal Martin-Lapenskie of the National Inuit Youth Council.



On September 26th Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the national Inuit organisation, decided to mitigate these difficulties by adopting a unified writing system.


Inuktut Qaliujaaqpait will use combinations of roman letters to represent the sounds in all five dialects. It is a writing system created by Inuit for Inuit, says Natan Obed, the group’s president.


这里之所以要强调created by Inuit for Inuit是因为前面提到的9种书写系统是由基督教传教士为因纽特人创造的,这次的统一书写系统要由他们自己创造。


Getting to this point was not easy, for the Inuit aim for consensus. A task-force took eight years to achieve it.



task-force是指为处理某一特定问题而暂时组成的特别工作组,例如:The government has set up a task force to investigate the matter. 政府已经成立了一个专门委员会来调查这一事件。

Elders who grew up with syllabics fretted that the shift to roman letters would erase part of their culture. Linguists had to devise ways to distinguish between sounds, like different ways of pronouncing “r”, without using diacritics, which add an extra step in typing.

从小习惯使用音节符号的老年人担心转向罗马字母会使他们一部分文化消失。语言学家不得不设计出各种区分声音的方法,例如使用不同的方式发“ r”音,而无需使用变音符号,这增加了一个额外的打字步骤。

Every sound had to be represented. There could be “no dialect left behind”, says Michael Cook, a linguist who worked on the project.


no dialect left behind 来自一个著名说法No Child Left Behind,这是小布什于2001年签署的一项美国联邦法律,旨在提升美国教师质量以及帮助贫困家庭学生提升学业成绩。现在人们常用"no XX left behind"来阐明对事物一视同仁,不让任何一个落下。


The Nunatsiaq News, a newspaper that circulates in the eastern Arctic, will continue to use syllabics in its Inuktut text, says its editor, Jim Bell.



Rumors began to circulate on the internet that the Prime Minister was going to resign.

The governments of Nunavut and of Canada, the newspaper’s biggest advertisers, still want adverts set in syllabics and in the roman orthography now used for Inuinnaqtun, an official language in the territory.


Mr Bell “can foresee a long transition period”. In the north, change can come at a glacial pace.


glacial在这里有一语双关的意味,它字面意思是“冰川的”,引申义为“如冰川般运动的,极其缓慢的”,单词在这里既可以点出北方气候的特点,又可以说明变化的缓慢。如果将句子换成:change can come at a slow pace 就失去了这一层意味。

发布于 2020-11-05 17:45:45