为何养虾会加剧全球变暖 | 外刊精读

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本期精读文章来自The Economist一篇关于人造虾肉的文章How artificial shrimps could change the world


小标题brain v prawn来自一个常见的英文说法brain and brawn(脑力和体力),prawn是指“大虾”,这一改编非常切合题意。类似这样的表达在文中还有不少,我在下面做了详细解析:


For a long time, beef has been a target of environmentalists because of cattle farming’s contribution to global warming.


XX is a target of somebody是一个固定搭配,意为“XX是某人攻击的目标”,比如川普经常被媒体挖苦,我们可以说:

Donald Trump has been a favorite target of the US media since he entered the political scene.

But what about humble shrimp and prawns? They may seem, well,shrimpy when compared with cows, but it turns out the tasty decapods are just as big an environmental problem.




The issue is not so much their life cycle: shrimp (as UN statisticians refer to all commonly eaten species collectively) do not belch planet-cooking methane the way cows do.



But shrimp farms tend to occupy coastal land that used to be covered in mangroves. Draining mangrove swamps to make way for aquaculture is even more harmful to the atmosphere than felling rainforest to provide pasture for cattle.


make way for something意思是“让位给(更新、更好的事物)”,这一表达在建筑和环境话题中经常出现,比如:Several houses were demolished to make way for a new road.

Eating a surf-and-turf dinner of prawn cocktail and steak, the study warned, can be more polluting than driving across America in a petrol-fuelled car.


surf and turf是一个固定搭配,surf原始含义是“浪花”,turf原始含义是“草皮”,surf and turf引申为“海陆大餐”。


Eating wild shrimp is not much better: catches are declining around the world as a result of overfishing. Trawlers can pull as much as 20kg of by-catch from the sea for every kilo of shrimp.



And reports abound of the appalling treatment of workers on shrimp-fishing vessels, including human-trafficking and child labour.


reports abound of the appalling treatment of workers on shrimp-fishing vessels 相当于 reports of the appalling treatment of workers on shrimp-fishing vessels abound,这里将abound提前是为了对其进行强调,说明这样的报道有很多。


Most of the world’s shrimp and prawns come from Asia. The continent accounts for 85% of the farmed sort and 74% of the wild catch.


the farmed sort其中sort用来指代前面提到的shrimp and prawns,这样可以避免用词重复。

But the industry is controversial, not just because of its part in global warming. Razing mangroves also leaves coastal regions vulnerable to flooding.


Many shrimp farms are unsanitary; ponds often have to be abandoned after a few years because of problems with disease and pollution.



All this has given one Singaporean company a brain wave.


brain wave字面意思是“脑电波”(brain wave也可以写成brainwave),这里引申为“灵感,好主意”。比如:In 1980 she had a brainwave that changed her life.

“Farmed shrimps are often bred in overcrowded conditions and literally swimming in sewage water. We want to disrupt that—to empower farmers with technology that is cleaner and more efficient,” says Sandhya Sriram, one of the founders of Shiok Meats.

“养殖虾通常是在拥挤的环境下饲养,它们实际上是在污水中游动。我们希望打破这种局面,使农民拥有更清洁、更高效的技术,” Shiok Meats的创始人之一桑迪亚·斯里拉姆说。

The firm aims to grow artificial shrimp, much as some Western firms are seeking to create beef without cows. The process involves propagating shrimp cells in a nutrient-rich solution.


solution在这里是一词多义,意思是“溶液”(a liquid in which a solid or gas has been mixed)

Ms Sriram likens it to a brewery, disdaining the phrase “lab-grown”. Since prawn-meat has a simpler structure than beef, it should be easier to replicate in this way.


Eventually it plans to grow curved “whole” shrimp—without the head and shell, that is.


that is相当于that is to say,用于对前面提到的信息进行补充说明。


The hitch is that producing shrimp in this way currently costs $5,000 a kilo. Shiok Meats thinks it can bring the price down dramatically by using less rarefied ingredients in its growing solution.

目前存在的问题是以这种方式生产的虾肉目前每公斤成本为5000美元。Shiok Meats认为,通过在虾肉培养液中使用便宜一点的原料,公司可以大幅降低虾肉价格。

hitch在这里的含义是“问题,故障”(a temporary difficulty which causes a short delay),比如:Due to a slight technical hitch the concert will be starting half an hour late.

People want to know more about where their food comes from and how it is harvested, argues Ms Sriram. “Cell-based technology is one of the ways to provide that accountability.” And even ordinary shrimp, whether farmed or fished, come at a heady price.

斯里拉姆女士认为,人们希望更多了解食物的来源和它们的获取方式。“基于细胞培养的技术是提供这种责任感的方法之一。” 即使是普通虾(无论是养殖还是野外捕获的),其获取的代价都太高。

something comes at a XX price是一个固定搭配,意思是“以XX的代价获得某事物”,比如我们可以说:

The country’s economic growth comes at a high price. Over the past two decades it has lost a third of its rainforest. 

最后一句的come at a heady price是一语双关,上文讲到目前人造虾肉价格还太高,作者笔锋一转提到即使是普通虾价格也不便宜,这种不便宜不仅体现在价格上,还体现在养虾和捕虾对自然环境造成的破坏上。

发布于 2020-11-19 15:03:52