斯里兰卡的禁酒令 | 外刊精读

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本期精读选自The Economist一篇关于斯里兰卡的小短文 Faced with a ban on booze, Sri Lankans have been making moonshine(面对禁酒令,斯里兰卡人民已经开始了私自酿酒)


文章小标题worth a shot取得非常巧妙,它是一语双关:shot可以理解为“(做某事的)尝试”(a chance or attempt to do or get something),也可以理解为“少量的(酒精)”,因此worth a shot既可以理解为“私自酿酒这种行为值得一试”,也可以理解为“酿造的酒值得喝一小口”。类似这样的双关标题在外刊中还有不少,平时遇到了可以多加积累。下面是对文章的详细分析:


“Dates, jaggery?” asked the grocer, offering the main ingredients for brewing palm wine.



另一个值得注意的点是作者介绍杂货店主用的是the grocer,而不是a grocer,这里借鉴了文学作品中一种常见的开头手法。

在文学作品中,作者往往在开头使用the来将读者引入小说的情景,使读者有一种身临其境的感觉,来分享书中人物的世界。比如小说After You的开头:

The big man at the end of the bar is sweating. He holds his head low over his double scotch and every few minutes he glances up and out behind him toward the door, and a fine sheen of perspiration glistens under the strip lights.

文章开头用the grocer效果会更好,因为它能够让读者快速进入场景,让人彷佛看到杂货店主就在眼前同顾客交谈。

His customer bought both, tucking them away with his onions and lentils before disappearing down a narrow lane in a suburb of Colombo, Sri Lanka’s capital.


Tuck something away是一个固定搭配,意思是“将……藏起来,将……放到安全的地方”,新概念3课文里面也有一个关于该短语的例句:Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes in the country.


On March 21st the government closed all bars and liquor shops as part of a series of restrictions to curb the spread of covid-19.


The intention, it said, was to prevent “drink parties” at which the virus might spread and to reduce unnecessary shopping trips.


Trip除了可以表示长途旅行之外,还可以表示短途出行甚至是在室内几步路的路程,比如:After studying the sketch plans of the hotel, he had made three trips himself to the hotel to verify details. 他研究过了旅馆的示意图之后,还亲自到旅馆去了三趟去查明细节。

Small wonder: when the government first began introducing countrywide measures to slow the spread of the disease, “wine shops”—ubiquitous small stores selling mainly beer and liquor—were mobbed (social distancing be damned) by customers frantically stocking up.


Small wonder/little wonder是一个固定搭配,意思是“难怪,怪不得”,也可以说It’s small wonder that… 比如:Her car's been broken for the past two months, so it's small wonder that she hasn't come to visit you recently. 她的车坏了两个月,所以她最近没来看你并不奇怪。

Something be damned是一个比较口语化的说法,意思大概相当于“让……见鬼去吧”,可以用来表示某人对某事毫不在意(used to say in a forceful way that you do not care about something),用在这里可以让文章语气更加活泼。


Since then, booze has been hard to obtain. Supermarkets offer deliveries, but few have a licence to sell alcohol. For a time, enterprising distributors arranged deliveries of liquor, too, until the authorities made it clear that these were banned.


For a time是一个固定搭配,相当于for a short period,比如:We were quite happy for a time, until his brother moved in.

A black market has sprung up, but sellers are hard to find and prices are prohibitive. A bottle of “gal”, which is distilled from coconut-palm sap, goes for almost three times its normal price of about 1,850 rupees ($9.75).


Spring up可以用来形容新事物大量涌现,比如:Fast-food restaurants are springing up all over town. 突然之间,镇上到处都是一家一家的快餐店。

Go for这一短语有多个含义,在这里是指“以……的价格出售”(to be sold for a particular amount of money),比如要表达“我们希望这间房子以两百万人民币的价格出售”,可以说:We expect the house to go for 2 million yuan.


The obvious, albeit illegal, solution is home-brewing. Sri Lankans desperate for a tipple are mixing everything from beets to pineapple with sugar, water and yeast, and leaving the cocktail to ferment.


The result can be cloudy, fizzy and sickly sweet, but is at least mildly alcoholic. The more ambitious are trying to distil these brews into something stronger.


One home-distiller describes fending off inquiries from the man who delivers cooking-gas canisters, who wants to know why his consumption has shot up.


Fend off这一短语的意思是“避开,回避(问题等)”,比如:He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world's Press. 他回避各国媒体的提问时显得轻松而果决。

The next wave of hospital admissions, a common joke runs, won’t be victims of the virus, but of alcohol poisoning.



The police say they have uncovered 18,000 instances of illicit alcohol production. On April 13th, for instance, officials arrested two men making liquor in 36 barrels in a swamp.


Home-brewers are harder to catch. The government, which is losing some 500m Sri Lankan rupees ($2.6m) a day in forgone tax, has asked the telecoms regulator to find some way to stem the sharing of recipes on social media.


“They are using Grade Six science knowledge to manufacture alcohol at home,” complains Kapila Kumarasinghe of the excise department. All the same, he admits, “We can’t very well go house to house, raiding kitchens.”


All the same是一个固定搭配,意思相当于“尽管如此”(despite what has been mentioned),can’t very well do something也是一个固定说法,意为“没有充足的理由做某事,不能做某事”。

发布于 2020-11-19 16:11:15