1. 乙方承诺利用其自有资金人民币xxx万元整,认购公司增资,占公司x%股权,并将此x%的公司股权无偿转让给甲方。
译文:Party B undertakes that it will subscribe for and purchase, with RMBx,xx0, 000 out of the pocket of Party B, the increased registered capital constituting x% of the equity interest in the Company, and that this x% equity interest in the Company will be transferred free of charge to Party A.
2. 甲方承诺:仅以个人名义提供技术顾问服务,且该顾问服务不影响甲方在现有单位的工作,不会对甲方现有服务单位及其他任何第三人造成任何侵权或损失, 甲方与现有服务单位因本协议产生的法律纠纷自行承担。
译文:Party A undertakes that the technical consulting service will be rendered only in the name of Party A, that it will not compromise the service of Party A with the current employer, and that it will not constitute infringement upon, or cause losses to, the Party A’s current employer or any other third party.
3. 甲方将根据乙方及公司要求,提供包括电话咨询、电子邮件、现场指导、人员培训等方式的技术顾问支持。在执行中,如乙方无实际技术需求的,亦视为甲方已履行完毕本协议中技术顾问之服务。
译文:Upon request of Party B and the Company, Party A will provide technical consulting support in the form of telephone enquiries, electronic mail, on-site instructions, staff training, and the like. The technical consulting service hereof will be deemed as has been performed by Party A in the absence of Party B’s need for such service.