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Measures for Administration over Contract of Government Procurement of Indigenous Innovation Products



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Ku(2007) No.31

Promulgating Date: 04/03/2007

Effective Date: 04/03/2007

颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财库[2007]31号

颁布时间: 04/03/2007

实施时间: 04/03/2007


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1    In order to implement the “Notice of the State Council on Several Supporting Policies for the Implementation of the ‘Outline of Medium- and Long-term National Plan for Science and Technology Development (2006-2020)’” (Notice of the State Council [2006] No. 6) and implement the government procurement policies that promote indigenous innovation, these Measures are hereby formulated in accordance with the “Government Procurement Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China”.

       第一条  为贯彻落实《国务院关于实施〈国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006—2020年)〉若干配套政策的通知》(国发[2006]6号),实施促进自主创新的政府采购政策,根据《中华人民共和国政府采购法》和《中华人民共和国合同法》,制定本办法。

  Article 2    The conclusion and performance of the government procurement contracts shall be conducive to promoting indigenous innovation and enhancing the competitiveness of the indigenous innovation products.

       第二条  政府采购合同签订和履行应当有利于促进自主创新,提高自主创新产品的竞争力。

  Article 3    The State organs, public institutions and organizations (hereinafter referred to as the “procuring entities”) and the procurement agencies as entrusted thereof shall be subject to these Measures when concluding the contracts for purchasing indigenous innovation products in the government procurement activities.

The “indigenous innovation products” as referred to in these Measures mean the goods and services included in the “Catalogue of Indigenous Innovation Products for Government Procurement” (hereinafter referred to as the “Catalogue”) promulgated by the Ministry of Finance. The Catalogue shall be formulated by the Ministry of Finance together with the Ministry of Science and Technology and other relevant departments within the scope of indigenous innovation products accredited by the State.

The “procurement agencies” as referred to in these Measures mean the centralized procurement institutions and other procurement agencies accredited by the finance department at or above provincial level.

       第三条  国家机关、事业单位和团体组织(以下统称采购人)及其委托的采购代理机构在政府采购活动中签订购买自主创新产品合同时,应当按照本办法规定执行。



  Article 4    Any matters not covered in these Measures shall be subject to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations on government procurement.

       第四条  本办法未作出规定的,应当按照政府采购有关法律法规执行。

Chapter II Conclusion and Performance of Contract

第二章  合同的订立和履行

  Article 5    The government procurement contract of indigenous innovation products shall be concluded by a procuring entity and a supplier of indigenous innovation products (refers to the supplier which supplies the indigenous innovation products, the same below) that wins the bid or concludes the transaction. A procuring entity may entrust a procurement agency with the conclusion, on its behalf, of a government procurement contract with the supplier of indigenous innovation products that wins the bid or concludes the transaction.

Where a procurement agency concludes a government procurement contract of indigenous innovation products with a supplier of indigenous innovation products that wins the bid or concludes the transaction in the name of the procuring entity, it shall submit the letter of authorization of the procuring entity as the annex to the contract.

       第五条  自主创新产品政府采购合同应当由采购人与中标、成交自主创新产品供应商(指提供自主创新产品的供应商,下同)签订。采购人也可以委托采购代理机构代表其与中标、成交自主创新产品供应商签订政府采购合同。


  Article 6    The government procurement contract of indigenous innovation products shall contain the essential provisions about promoting indigenous innovation and specify the content and detailed measures for supporting the indigenous innovation products.

The government procurement contract of indigenous innovation products shall provide appropriate support for the supplier of indigenous innovation products in terms of the performance bond, payment period, etc.

       第六条  自主创新产品政府采购合同必须将促进自主创新作为必备条款,明确支持自主创新产品的内容和具体措施。


  Article 7    A procuring entity and a supplier of indigenous innovation products that wins the bid or concludes the transaction shall, within thirty (30) days upon issue of the notice of award or the notice of transaction conclusion, conclude a government procurement contract of indigenous innovation products in accordance with the particulars as set out in the procurement documents.

       第七条  采购人与中标、成交自主创新产品供应商应当在中标、成交通知书发出之日起三十日内,按照采购文件确定的事项签订自主创新产品政府采购合同。

  Article 8    A procuring entity shall not conclude a contract for subcontracting projects of indigenous innovation products with the supplier of indigenous innovation products that wins the bid or concludes the transaction.

       第八条  采购人不得与中标、成交自主创新产品供应商签订自主创新产品分包项目合同。

  Article 9    In case both parties to the contract alters the clauses of the contract or concludes the supplementary provisions or agreement according to the provisions of law during the performance of the contract, the principle of promoting indigenous innovation shall not be violated.

In case any indigenous innovation products are involved in the alteration of the clauses of the contract or conclusion of the supplementary provisions or agreement by both parties to the contract according to the provisions of law, the procuring entity or the procurement agency as entrusted thereof shall report the contents of the supplementary provisions or agreement, the reasons for supplement, and a copy of the amended contract, supplementary provisions or agreement to the finance department at the same level and other relevant departments for filing.

       第九条  在合同履行过程中,双方当事人依法变更合同条款、签订补充条款或协议的,不得违背促进自主创新的原则。


  Article 10    When a government procurement contract of indigenous innovation products is being performed, in case a procuring entity needs to procure additional goods or service identical to the subject matter of the contract, it may, on the premise of complying with the principle of promoting indigenous innovation and keeping other terms of the contract unchanged, negotiate with the supplier to conclude a supplementary contract, provided that the total amount for procurement of all the supplementary agreements does not exceed 10 percent that of the original contract.

       第十条  自主创新产品政府采购合同履行中,采购人需追加与合同标的相同的货物或者服务的,在不违背促进自主创新的原则、不改变合同其他条款的前提下,可以与供应商协商签订补充合同,但所有补充合同的采购金额不得超过原合同采购金额的百分之十。

  Article 11    In case of procurement of foreign products upon approval, the principle of being conducive to assimilating the core technology shall be adhered to, and priority shall be given to awarding the contract to the foreign enterprise that transfers the core technology.

       第十一条  经批准采购外国产品的,应当坚持有利于消化吸收核心技术的原则,优先将合同授予转让核心技术的国外企业。

  Article 12    A government procurement contract of indigenous innovation products shall be concluded within the valid period of the certification for the indigenous innovation products. The term of a government procurement contract of indigenous innovation products shall not generally exceed the valid period of the certification for the indigenous innovation products.

       第十二条  自主创新产品政府采购合同签订时间应当在自主创新产品认证有效期之内。自主创新产品政府采购合同期限一般不得超过自主创新产品认证有效期。

  Article 13    When filing a government procurement contract of indigenous innovation products, the government procurement contract of indigenous innovation products shall be indicated. While filling in the statistics statement of government procurement information, the contents of procurement of indigenous innovation products shall be specified.

       第十三条  自主创新产品政府采购合同备案时应当标明自主创新产品政府采购合同。填写政府采购信息统计报表时应当明确自主创新产品采购内容。

  Article 14    A procuring entity or the procurement agency as entrusted thereof shall organize the acceptance check on the fulfillment of the procurement contract by the supplier. For a government procurement project that is large or complex, the quality inspection institution accredited by the State shall be invited to take part in the acceptance check. Members of the checking team shall sign on the acceptance report and shall assume the corresponding legal liabilities.

       第十四条  采购人或者其委托的采购代理机构应当组织对供应商履约的验收。大型或者复杂的政府采购项目,应当邀请国家认可的质量检测机构参加验收工作。验收方成员应当在验收书上签字,并承担相应的法律责任。

  Article 15    A supplier of indigenous innovation products shall provide qualified indigenous innovation products according to the provisions of law.

       第十五条  自主创新产品供应商应当依法提供质量合格的自主创新产品。

Chapter III Supervision and Inspection

第三章  监督检查

  Article 16   The finance department at various levels and other relevant administrative departments shall be responsible for the supervision and administration over the contracts of government procurement of indigenous innovation products.

       第十六条  各级财政部门等有关部门负责自主创新产品政府采购合同监督管理。

  Article 17    If a bidding entity for procurement is in any of the following circumstances, the finance department shall order it to make rectification within a specified time limit and give it a warning, the responsible person(s) and other persons directly liable shall be punished by the competent administrative department or the relevant organs according to the provisions of law, and the relevant matter(s) shall be circulated:

(1) refusing to conclude a government procurement contract of indigenous innovation products or refusing to accept the indigenous innovation products after the notice of award or the notice of transaction conclusion has been issued;

(2) failing to conclude the government procurement contract in accordance with the relevant provisions on promoting indigenous innovation as set out in the tender documents and other procurement documents, and the bid documents and response materials of the supplier of indigenous innovation products that wins the bid or concludes the transaction; or

(3) in case of government procurement of the products that fall within the items in the Catalogue, procuring foreign products or services without approval.

In case a procurement agency fails to implement the above provisions and the circumstance is serious, its qualification for government procurement agency may be cancelled.

       第十七条  招标采购单位有下列情形之一的,财政部门责令限期改正,给予警告,对直接负责的主管人员和其他责任人员,由其行政主管部门或有关机关依法给予处分,并予通报:





  Article 18    Where an entity has committed the acts as prescribed in Article 17 of these Measures, if the supplier which wins the bid or concludes the transaction has not been determined, the procurement activities shall be terminated; if the supplier that wins the bid or concludes the transaction has been determined but the procurement contract has not been performed, the contract shall be cancelled, and the supplier of indigenous innovation products that wins the bid or concludes the transaction shall be determined separately in accordance with relevant provisions; if the contract has been fulfilled, the finance department shall suspend the payment of the budgetary funds. In case any loss is caused to the procuring entity or supplier, the liable person(s) shall be liable for compensation.

       第十八条  有本办法第十七条行为,未确定中标、成交供应商的,终止采购活动;中标、成交供应商已确定但采购合同尚未履行的,撤销合同,按照相关规定另行确定中标、成交自主创新产品供应商;合同已经履行的,财政部门停止按预算支付资金。给采购人、供应商造成损失的,由责任人承担赔偿责任。

  Article 19    If a supplier of indigenous innovation products that wins the bid or concludes the transaction is in any of the following circumstances, the finance department shall include such supplier in the misconduct record list, and announce it to the public. The finance department shall remove such products from the Catalogue, and provide feedback concerning the information about the relevant indigenous innovation products and the supplier to the Ministry of Science and Technology in a timely manner:

(1) subcontracting after winning the bid or concluding the transaction in the name of indigenous innovation products;

(2) subcontracting the indigenous innovation products to other suppliers after wining the bid or concluding the transaction; or

(3) providing the indigenous innovation products that are substandard or affect the normal use.

If a supplier is in the circumstance as prescribed in Item (3) of the preceding paragraph, it shall make compensation as agreed in the contract.

       第十九条  中标、成交自主创新产品供应商有下列情形之一的,财政部门将该供应商列入不良行为记录名单,并予以公告。财政部应当将该产品从目录中删除,并及时将相关自主创新产品和供应商信息反馈科技部:





  Article 20    In case of any loss incurred by alteration, cancellation, suspension or termination of a government procurement contract of indigenous innovation products, the party at fault shall be liable for compensation; if both parties are at fault, each party shall assume its corresponding liability.

       第二十条  自主创新产品政府采购合同因变更、撤销、中止或终止而造成的损失,当事人有过错的一方应当承担赔偿责任,双方都有过错的,各自承担相应的责任。

Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions

第四章  附则

  Article 21    The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

       第二十一条  本办法由财政部负责解释。

  Article 22    These Measures shall be effective as of the promulgation date.

       第二十二条  本办法自印发之日起施行。





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