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Measures for Evaluation of Government Procurement of Indigenous Innovation Products



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Ku(2007) No.30

Promulgating Date: 04/03/2007

Effective Date: 04/03/2007

颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财库[2007]30号

颁布时间: 04/03/2007

实施时间: 04/03/2007


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1    In order to implement the “Notice of the State Council on Several Supporting Policies for Implementation of the ‘Outline of Medium- and Long-term National Plan for Science and Technology Development (2006-2020)’” and implement the government procurement policies that promote indigenous innovation, these Measures are hereby formulated in accordance with the “Government Procurement Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Measures for Administration over Tendering and Bidding for Government Procurement of Goods and Services”.

       第一条  为贯彻落实《国务院关于实施〈国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006—2020年)〉若干配套政策的通知》,实施促进自主创新的政府采购政策,根据《中华人民共和国政府采购法》和《政府采购货物和服务招标投标管理办法》,制定本办法。

  Article 2    The State organs, public institutions and organizations (hereinafter referred to as the “procuring entities”) shall give priority to the procurement of indigenous innovation products in the government procurement activities.

The “indigenous innovation products” as referred to in these Measures mean the goods and services included in the “Catalogue of Indigenous Innovation Products for Government Procurement” (hereinafter referred to as the “Catalogue”) promulgated by the Ministry of Finance. The Catalogue shall be formulated by the Ministry of Finance together with the Ministry of Science and Technology and other relevant departments within the scope of indigenous innovation products accredited by the State.

       第二条  国家机关、事业单位和团体组织(以下统称采购人)在政府采购活动中,应当优先购买自主创新产品。


  Article 3    These Measures shall apply to the evaluation of the activities of government procurement of indigenous innovation products carried out by the procuring entities and the procurement agencies as entrusted thereof (hereinafter referred to as the “bidding entities for procurement”).

The “procurement agencies” as referred to in these Measures mean the centralized procurement institutions and other procurement agencies accredited by the finance departments at or above provincial level.

       第三条  本办法适用于采购人及其委托的采购代理机构(以下统称招标采购单位)开展自主创新产品政府采购活动的评审工作。


  Article 4    Any entity or individual shall not obstruct or restrict the suppliers of indigenous innovation products (refer to the suppliers that supply the indigenous innovation products, the same below) from entering the government procurement market in its/his local region or industry, or implement differential or discrimination treatment against the suppliers by means of unreasonable requirements.

       第四条  任何单位和个人不得阻挠和限制自主创新产品供应商(指提供自主创新产品的供应商,下同)自由进入本地区和本行业的政府采购市场,不得以不合理的条件对供应商实行差别待遇或者歧视待遇。

  Article 5    Any matters not covered in these Measures shall be subject to the provisions of relevant laws and regulations on government procurement.

       第五条  本办法未作出规定的,应当按照政府采购有关法律法规执行。

Chapter II Evaluation Requirements

第二章  评审要求

  Article 6    A procuring entity shall procure indigenous innovation products by adopting the procurement modes as prescribed by the provisions of laws. If the value of procurement reaches the threshold value for public tender, the procurement shall be conducted by way of public tender.

       第六条  采购人采购自主创新产品应当采用法律规定的采购方式,其中,达到公开招标数额标准的,应当采用公开招标方式采购。

  Article 7    In case a procuring entity conducts the procurement for a service project whose value reaches the threshold value for public tender and the technology content for indigenous innovation is high and technical specification and price is difficult to be confirmed upon accreditation, the procuring entity may, upon approval by the finance department at the level of city with districts or autonomous prefecture, adopt the procurement modes of invitation to tender, competitive negotiation, inquiry, etc.

       第七条  采购人采购达到公开招标数额标准以上的,经认定的自主创新技术含量高、技术规格和价格难以确定的服务项目采购,经设区的市、自治州财政部门批准,可以采用邀请招标、竞争性谈判和询价等采购方式。

  Article 8    In case the products procured by a procuring entity fall within the items in the Catalogue, the bidding entity for procurement must set forth detailed provisions on prior procurement of the indigenous innovation products in the qualification requirements, evaluation methods and standards in the tender documents (including the negotiation documents and inquiry documents, the same below), including the evaluation factors and the scores thereof.

The tender documents shall not require or specify the specific suppliers or products, or contain tendentious contents or other contents that exclude the potential suppliers of indigenous innovation products.

       第八条  采购人采购的产品属于目录中品目的,招标采购单位必须在招标文件(含谈判文件、询价文件,下同)的资格要求、评审方法和标准中作出优先采购自主创新产品的具体规定,包括评审因素及其分值等。


  Article 9    While procuring the products with relatively long service life and relatively high price for a single piece, a procuring entity shall take into account the life cycle cost of the said products.

       第九条  采购人采购使用年限较长、单件采购价格较高的产品时,应当考虑该产品的全寿命成本。

  Article 10    In case the products procured by a procuring entity fall within the items in the Catalogue, the bidding entity for procurement shall reasonably set the qualification requirements for suppliers, appropriately lower the requirements for the suppliers of indigenous innovation products in terms of the scale, performance, qualification, credit, etc. of the suppliers, and shall not exclude or restrict the suppliers of indigenous innovation products.

While a consortium participates in the bidding, if one party to the consortium is a bidding supplier that supplies the indigenous innovation products, the consortium shall be regarded as a supplier of indigenous innovation products.

       第十条  采购人采购的产品属于目录中品目的,招标采购单位应当合理设定供应商资格要求,在供应商规模、业绩、资格和资信等方面可适当降低对自主创新产品供应商的要求,不得排斥和限制自主创新产品供应商。


  Article 11    In case a procuring entity procures the products that fall within the items in the Catalogue by way of invitation to tender, it shall give priority to inviting the suppliers of indigenous innovation products with the corresponding qualifications to participate in the bidding; in case of procurement by way of competitive negotiation or inquiry, the procuring entity shall give priority to determining the suppliers of indigenous innovation products to participate in the negotiation or inquiry.

       第十一条  采购人采购的产品属于目录中品目的,采用邀请招标方式采购的,应当优先邀请符合相应资格条件的自主创新产品供应商参加投标;采用竞争性谈判和询价方式采购的,应当优先确定自主创新产品供应商参加谈判、询价。

  Article 12    If a supplier of indigenous innovation products has any doubt about the matters concerning the government procurement activities, or believes that the tender documents, procurement process or the bid or transaction results damage its legitimate rights and interests, it may raise queries to the bidding entity for procurement in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations on government procurement. If the supplier is not satisfied with the query reply or the entity fails to reply within the specified time limit, the supplier may lodge a complaint to the finance department at the same level according to the provisions of law.

       第十二条  自主创新产品供应商对政府采购活动事项有疑问的,或认为招标文件、采购过程和中标、成交结果使自己的权益受到损害的,可以按照政府采购法律法规规定向招标采购单位提出质疑。对质疑答复不满意或逾期不答复的,可以依法向同级财政部门投诉。

Chapter III Evaluation Standards

第三章  评审标准

  Article 13    With respect to a project for which the lowest bid method is adopted for bid evaluation, the indigenous innovation products may be granted a deduction of 5% to 10% of the price from the bid price thereof in bid evaluation.

       第十三条  采用最低评标价法评标的项目,对自主创新产品可以在评审时对其投标价格给予5%-10%幅度不等的价格扣除。

  Article 14    For a project for which the method of comprehensive scoring is adopted for bid evaluation, the indigenous innovation factor shall be added for the evaluation of the indigenous innovation products, and during the evaluation, a certain range of bonus points shall, on the premise of meeting the basic technical requirements, be granted for the technical and price items in accordance with the following rules:

(1) In the price item for bid evaluation, bonus points of 4% to 8% of the total score in the price item may be awarded for the indigenous innovation products. And

(2) In the technical item for bid evaluation, bonus points of 4% to 8% of the total score in the technical item may be awarded for the indigenous innovation products.

       第十四条  采用综合评分法评标的项目,对自主创新产品应当增加自主创新评审因素,并在评审时,在满足基本技术条件的前提下,对技术和价格项目按下列规则给予一定幅度的加分:



  Article 15    For a project for which the price quality method is adopted for bid evaluation, the scoring factor of indigenous innovation may be added and a certain range of price deduction may be granted to the indigenous innovation products. The scoring factor for indigenous innovation products shall, according to the principle as stated in Article 14, be added to the technical item for bid evaluation; a price deduction of 4% to 8% from the bid price quoted for the indigenous innovation products shall be granted.

       第十五条  采用性价比法评标的项目,对自主创新产品可增加自主创新评分因素和给予一定幅度的价格扣除。按照第十四条所述原则,在技术评标项中增加自主创新产品评分因素;给予自主创新产品投标报价4%-8%幅度不等的价格扣除。

  Article 16    In case of procurement by way of competitive negotiation or inquiry, the indigenous innovation requirements for the products shall be taken as the content of the negotiation or inquiry. On the premise of meeting the procurement demands and equal quality and service, if the quotation of the indigenous innovation products is less than 5% to 10% higher than the minimum quotation of the common products at the time, the supplier of the indigenous innovation products shall be determined as the winning supplier.

       第十六条  采用竞争性谈判、询价方式采购的,应当将对产品的自主创新要求作为谈判、询价的内容。在满足采购需求、质量和服务相等的情况下,自主创新产品报价不高于一般产品当次报价的最低报价5%-10%的,应当确定自主创新产品供应商为成交供应商。

  Article 17    Within the range of proportion as set in the above articles, a bidding entity for procurement may, in light of the technological content, market competition extent, market maturity, sales features and other relevant factors of different types of indigenous innovation products, set out fixed and rational proportion of price deduction, range of bonus points, scores of the indigenous innovation factor, etc. respectively, and ascertain them in the tender documents.

       第十七条  在上述各条所设比例幅度内,招标采购单位可根据不同类别自主创新产品的科技含量、市场竞争程度、市场成熟度和销售特点等因素,分别设置固定合理的价格扣除比例、加分幅度和自主创新因素分值等,并在招标文件中予以确定。

Chapter IV Supervision and Inspection

第四章  监督检查

  Article 18    The finance departments at various levels shall intensify the supervision and administration over the government procurement of indigenous innovation products.

       第十八条  各级财政部门应当加强对自主创新产品政府采购活动的监督管理。

  Article 19    Any entity and individual shall have the right to charge and report the violations of the provisions of laws on government procurement activities, and the relevant departments shall handle the matters in a timely manner according to their respective functions and duties.

       第十九条  任何单位和个人对政府采购活动中的违法行为,有权控告和检举,有关部门应当依照各自职责及时处理。

  Article 20    If a bidding entity for procurement is in any of the following circumstances, it shall be ordered to make rectification within a specified time limit and given a warning, the responsible person(s) and other persons directly liable shall be punished by the competent administrative department or the relevant organs, and the relevant matter shall be circulated:

(1) failing to specify the detailed provisions on prior procurement of indigenous innovation products in the tender documents;

(2) restricting or excluding the suppliers of indigenous innovation products from participating in the government procurement by means of unreasonable requirements; or

(3) failing to invite the suppliers of indigenous innovation products to participate in the invitation to tender, competitive negotiation or inquiry for procurement of the products that fall within the items in the Catalogue.

If a procuring agency fails to implement the above provisions, it shall be imposed on the punishment of circulation of a notice of criticism, suspension of the qualification for government procurement agency or cancellation of the agency qualification in light of the circumstance.

       第二十条  招标采购单位有下列情形之一的,责令限期改正,并给予警告,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,由其行政主管部门或者有关机关给予处分,并予通报:





  Article 21    If a procurement agency commits the acts contrary to the provisions of laws in providing agency service for government procurement, the agency shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, and its relevant business qualification may be cancelled according to the provisions of law. If a crime is constituted, the offender(s) shall be investigated for criminal liability according to the provisions of law.

       第二十一条  采购代理机构在代理政府采购业务中有违法行为的,按照有关法律规定给予处罚,直至依法取消其进行相关业务的资格,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

  Article 22    In case the winning supplier provides false materials to counterfeit the indigenous innovation products to procure a government procurement contract, the bid or transaction result shall be invalid, and the supplier shall be concurrently fined with an amount between 5‰ and 10‰ of the amount of the bid or transaction of the government procurement project, be included in the list of misconduct record and be prohibited from participating in government procurement activities within one (1) to three (3) years, and the matter shall be announced to the public, and the illegal gains of the supplier shall be confiscated concurrently, if any; if the circumstance is serious, the administration for industry and commerce shall revoke the business license of the supplier; if a crime is constituted, the offender(s) shall be investigated for criminal liability according to the provisions of law.

       第二十二条  中标、成交供应商提供虚假材料冒充自主创新产品谋取政府采购合同的,中标、成交结果无效,并处以政府采购项目中标、成交金额千分之五以上千分之十以下罚款,列入不良行为记录名单,在一至三年内禁止参加政府采购活动,并予以公告,有违法所得的,并处没收违法所得,情节严重的,由工商行政管理部门吊销营业执照;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

第五章  附则

  Article 23    While a mode other than tender is adopted for the procurement for government procurement projects, if the procurement of indigenous innovation products is involved, these Measures shall be referred to for the implementation.

       第二十三条  政府采购工程项目采用非招标采购方式时,涉及自主创新产品采购的,比照本办法执行。

  Article 24    The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

       第二十四条  本办法由财政部负责解释。

  Article 25    These Measures shall be effective as of the promulgation date.

       第二十五条  本办法自印发之日起施行。





中英双语-自主创新产品政府采购评审办法(可下载).pdf 下载
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