1. 名词术语单复数适用差异
法律语言表述崇尚精确,而英语表述有严格的单复数之分,所以人们对法律英语语篇中的单复数使用十分谨慎。比如“The purchasers shall notify the vendor…” 中对名词复数“purchasers” 的理解可能会产生歧义:这里表达的意思究竟是所有买方必须一起行动通知卖方,还是可以单独通知卖方?如果是一起通知,应表述为“The purchasers shall jointly notify the vendor...”;如果表示单独行动,可表述为“Each purchaser shall notify the vendor...”。使用单数形式可明确指明每一个体都有义务,而使用复数则指向不确定群体,并不明确到底是谁的义务。因此,在英文合同条款中,若没有特别说明,在能使用单数的情况下尽可能使用单数为上策。
法律英语常用表示选择的or将单数和复数形式一并列出(如buyer or buyers),或在单数表达式后加括弧附加复数后缀s(如buyer(s))。而在英文法律语篇中,为了避免因单复数问题造成的额外麻烦,往往在词汇术语定义部分会就单复数问题做如下明确说明:“In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires: words importing the singular also include the plural and vice versa.”(本协议中,除非上下文另有要求,单数词亦包含其复数,反之亦然。)或“Unless the context otherwise requires, words singular and plural in number shall be deemed to include the other.”(除上下文另有规定,单数及复数的单词应被视为彼此互相包含)。与此类似的表述还有“单一性别的词包含其各种性别” (words importing a gender include any gender),以及“一般现在时态包含过去或将来”(the present tense shall include the future, and sometimes the past)。法律英语的这种规定不但不能增加精确,反而会引发模糊与歧义。现在较正规的合同条款的术语定义部分,一般会有类似于“单数就是复数,反之亦然”的明确规定。但在英文法律文书写作实践中,如果没有特殊需要,一般使用单数名词,且还需在文本中自始至终保持风格的一致。
此外,对一条法律/法案或一种法律类别,用单数 law,比如:The law says that ...(按法律......);Criminal law(刑法);The law of gravity (牛顿的万有引力定律);We must obey the law(我们必须遵守法律)。但不同类别的法律,用复数laws,例如:The laws of the land (一个国家的多种法律);Laws are passed by the government (政府通过的不同法律/法案);Every religion has its own dogmas and laws(每个宗教都有不同的教义和法律)。
法律语篇中有一些常用句型,其中的单复数适用有一定的规律,含义也有相应的变化。for the purpose(s) of… 就是其中一例。该句型中的purpose可以是复数,也可以是单数。例如:
A judge may, on the application of an appellant who is in custody, order the appellant to be brought up to the court in custody for the purpose of attending his appeal or any application or any proceeding therein. (Laws of Hong Kong, Cap. 227, Magistrates Ordinance, Art. 122)
For the purposes of this legal research, we ignored the responses of those with fewer than three children.
For the purpose(s) of 中的purpose用单数时,后面一般接分词短语,并且这个分词短语可以换成“to+动词不定式”。Purpose用复数时,后面一般接名词性短语,并且可以直接用for来替代,意思不变。再比如:
(1) This spoon can be used for the purpose of stirring ingredients. (This spoon can be used to stir ingredients.)
(2) This calculator can be used for the purposes of homework. (This calculator can be used for homework.)
法律英语行文中,句子谓语动词单复数的选择有时令人抓狂。其实句子谓语动词单复数的使用有一定的规律可循,且单复数使用表达了不同的含义。比如,当each在主语前面,谓语动词用单数:Each student has a law dictionary. Each of the students has a law dictionary;当each在主语后面,主语是复数情况下,谓语动词用复数,例如:They each have law dictionaries.
法律英语写作中,常常碰到board, council, court, faculty, government, jury, majority, panel, and staff 等语汇做主语,其谓语动词的使用直接关系到语义的准确表述。这些语汇是单数还是复数?应该说 the jury is 还是 the jury are? 在法律语言学家看来,这并不是那么简单。《法律用法词典》(Garner’s Dictionary of Legal Usage) (Garner, 2011) 的作者,美国法律专家Bryan Garner表示,如果强调团体里的个体,那么谓语动词最好用复数。《韦氏英语惯用法词典》(Merriam-Webster’s English Usage Dictionary) (Merriam Webster, 1994)的编著者也持有相同的意见:当团体被视为一个整体时,谓语动词用单数;当团体被视为个体的集合时,谓语动词用复数。所以下面两个句子都是正确的,只不过侧重点不同。
(1) The faculty [as a singular entity] gratefully acknowledges the assistance of volunteer judges.
(2) The faculty [individually] are of different minds on the subject of pass-fail courses.
此类表述还要注意相应的代词用法,谓语动词用单数的句子,相应的代词是it 或 its, 而不用 they, them或 their。
Wrong: The council needed to review the transcript before they could vote.
Right: The council needed to review the transcript before it could vote.
此类名词术语有一个例外,那就是court 一定要被视为整体,谓语动词用单数。尽管法庭审案,初审法院常有三位法官组成审判组或上诉法院一般由九位法官组成,但审案法官都被看成一个整体,不能强调个体。
Wrong: The court must first determine whether they have jurisdiction.
Right: The court must first determine whether it has jurisdiction.