干货:见索即付保函统一规则(2010修订版) - 中英文翻译对照 1-10

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2010版本总计35条,涉及金融、法律、工程等领域的知识。今天先推荐 10 条,后续内容会在近日连载分享给大家。此文本影响较大,值得有志于从事金融或法律领域翻译的小伙伴参考学习。更多金融或法律翻译内容,敬请回复“金融专题”或“法律专题”获取。

Article 1 Application of URDG 本规则的适用范围 

a. The Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees ("URDG") apply to any demand guarantee or counter-guarantee that expressly indicates it is subject to them. They are binding on all parties to the demand guarantee or counter-guarantee except so far as the demand guarantee or counter-guarantee modifies or excludes them. 


b. Where, at the request of a counter-guarantor, a demand guarantee is issued subject to the URDG, the counter-guarantee shall also be subject to the URDG, unless the counter-guarantee excludes the URDG. However, a demand guarantee does not become subject to the URDG merely because the counter-guarantee is subject to the URDG. 



c. Where, at the request or with the agreement of the instructing party, a demand guarantee or counter-guarantee is issued subject to the URDG, the instructing party is deemed to have accepted the rights and obligations expressly ascribed to it in these rules. 


d. Where a demand guarantee or counter-guarantee issued on or after 1 July 2010 states that it is subject to the URDG without stating whether the 1992 version or the 2010 revision is to apply or indicating the publication number, the demand guarantee or counter-guarantee shall be subject to the URDG 2010 revision. 


Article 2 Definitions 定义 

In these rules: 


advising party means the party that advises the guarantee at the request of the guarantor; 


applicant means the party indicated in the guarantee as having its obligation under the underlying relationship supported by the guarantee. The applicant may or may not be the instructing party; 


application means the request for the issue of the guarantee; 



authenticated, when applied to an electronic document, means that the party to whom that document is presented is able to verify the apparent identity of the sender and whether the data received have remained complete and unaltered; 


beneficiary means the party in whose favour a guarantee is issued; 


business day means a day on which the place of business where an act of a kind subject to these rules is to be performed is regularly open for the performance of such an act; 


charges mean any commissions, fees, costs or expenses due to any party acting under a guarantee governed by these rules; 


complying demand means a demand that meets the requirements of a complying presentation; 


complying presentation under a guarantee means a presentation that is in accordance with, first, the terms and conditions of that guarantee, second, these rules so far as consistent with those terms and conditions and, third, in the absence of a relevant provision in the guarantee or these rules, international standard demand guarantee practice; 


counter-guarantee means any signed undertaking, however named or described, that is given by the counter-guarantor to another party to procure the issue by that other party of a guarantee or another counter-guarantee, and that provides for payment upon the presentation of a complying demand under the counter-guarantee issued in favour of that party; 


counter-guarantor means the party issuing a counter-guarantee, whether in favour of a guarantor or another counter-guarantor, and includes a party acting for its own account; 


demand means a signed document by the beneficiary demanding payment under a guarantee; 


demand guarantee or guarantee means any signed undertaking, however named or described, providing for payment on presentation of a complying demand; 


document means a signed or unsigned record of information, in paper or in electronic form, that is capable of being reproduced in tangible form by the person to whom it is presented. Under these rules, a document includes a demand and a supporting statement; 


expiry means the expiry date or the expiry event or, if both are specified, the earlier of the two; 


expiry date means the date specified in the guarantee on or before which a presentation may be made; 


expiry event means an event which under the terms of the guarantee results in its expiry, whether immediately or within a specified time after the event occurs, for which purpose the event is deemed to occur only: 


a. when a document specified in the guarantee as indicating the occurrence of the event is presented to the guarantor, or 

a.保函中指明的表明失效事件发生的单据向担保人提交之时; 或者

b. if no such document is specified in the guarantee, when the occurrence of the event becomes determinable from the guarantor's own records. 


guarantee, see demand guarantee; 


guarantor means the party issuing a guarantee, and includes a party acting for its own account; 


guarantor's own records means records of the guarantor showing amounts credited to or debited from accounts held with the guarantor, provided the record of those credits or debits enables the guarantor to identify the guarantee to which they relate; 


instructing party means the party, other than the counter-guarantor, who gives instructions to issue a guarantee or counter-guarantee and is responsible for indemnifying the guarantor or, in the case of a counter-guarantee, the counter-guarantor. The instructing party may or may not be the applicant; 


presentation means the delivery of a document under a guarantee to the guarantor or the document so delivered. It includes a presentation other than for a demand, for example, a presentation for the purpose of triggering the expiry of the guarantee or a variation of its amount; 


presenter means a person who makes a presentation as or on behalf of the beneficiary or the applicant, as the case may be; 


signed, when applied to a document, a guarantee or a counter-guarantee, means that an original of the same is signed by or on behalf of its issuer, whether by an electronic signature that can be authenticated by the party to whom that document, guarantee or counter-guarantee is presented or by handwriting, facsimile signature, perforated signature, stamp, symbol or other mechanical method; 


supporting statement means the statement referred to in either article 15 (a) or article 15 (b); 


underlying relationship means the contract, tender conditions or other relationship between the applicant and the beneficiary on which the guarantee is based. 


Article 3 Interpretation 解释 

In these rules: 


a. Branches of a guarantor in different countries are considered to be separate entities. 


b. Except where the context otherwise requires, a guarantee includes a counter-guarantee and any amendment to either, a guarantor includes a counter-guarantor, and a beneficiary includes the party in whose favour a counter-guarantee is issued. 



c. Any requirement for presentation of one or more originals or copies of an electronic document is satisfied by the presentation of one electronic document. 


d. When used with a date or dates to determine the start, end or duration of any period, the terms: 


i.  "from", "to", "until", "till" and "between", include; and the date or dates mentioned. 

i.词语 “从......开始(from)”、“至(to)”、“直至(until,till)”及“在„„之间(between)”,包括所提及的日期; 

ii. "before" and "after" exclude the date or dates mentioned. 

ii.词语 “在......之前(before)”以及“在......之后(after)”,不包括所提及的日期。 


e. The term "within", when used in connection with a period after a given date or event, excludes that date or the date of that event but includes the last date of that period. 

e.词语“在„„之内( within)”用来描述某个具体日期或事件之后的一段期间时,不包括该日期或该事件的日期,但包括该期间的最后一日。  

f. Terms such as "first class", "well-known", "qualified", "independent", "official", "competent" or "local" when used to describe the issuer of a document allow any issuer except the beneficiary or the applicant to issue that document. 


Article 4 Issue and effectiveness 开立和生效

a. A guarantee is issued when it leaves the control of the guarantor. 


b. A guarantee is irrevocable on issue even if it does not state this. 


c. The beneficiary may present a demand from the time of issue of the guarantee or such later time or event as the guarantee provides. 


Article 5 Independence of guarantee and counter-guarantee 保函和反担保函的独立性

a. A guarantee is by its nature independent of the underlying relationship and the application, and the guarantor is in no way concerned with or bound by such relationship. A reference in the guarantee to the underlying relationship for the purpose of identifying it does not change the independent nature of the guarantee. The undertaking of a guarantor to pay under the guarantee is not subject to claims or defences arising from any relationship other than a relationship between the guarantor and the beneficiary. 


b. A counter-guarantee is by its nature independent of the guarantee, the underlying relationship, the application and any other counter-guarantee to which it relates, and the counter-guarantor is in no way concerned with or bound by such relationship. A reference in the counter-guarantee to the underlying relationship for the purpose of identifying it does not change the independent nature of the counter-guarantee. The undertaking of a counter-guarantor to pay under the counter-guarantee is not subject to claims or defences arising from any relationship other than a relationship between the counter-guarantor and the guarantor or other counter-guarantor to whom the counter-guarantee is issued. 


Article 6 Documents v. goods, services or performance 单据和货物、服务或者履约行为

Guarantors deal with documents and not with goods, services or performance to which the documents may relate. 


Article 7 Non-documentary conditions 非单据条件

A guarantee should not contain a condition other than a date or the lapse of a period without specifying a document to indicate compliance with that condition. If the guarantee does not specify any such document and the fulfilment of the condition cannot be determined from the guarantor's own records or from an index specified in the guarantee, then the guarantor will deem such condition as not stated and will disregard it except for the purpose of determining whether data that may appear in a document specified in and presented under the guarantee do not conflict with data in the guarantee. 


Article 8 Content of instructions and guarantees 指示和保函的内容 

All instructions for the issue of guarantees and guarantees themselves should be clear and precise and should avoid excessive detail. It is recommended that all guarantees specify: 


a. the applicant; 申请人 

b. the beneficiary; 受益人 

c. the guarantor; 担保人 

d. a reference number or other information identifying the underlying relationship; 指明基础关系的编号或其他信息; 

e. a reference number or other information identifying the issued guarantee or, in the case of a counter-guarantee, the issued counter-guarantee; 指明所开立的保函,或者反担保函情况下所开立的反担保函的编号或其他信息; 

f. the amount or maximum amount payable and the currency in which it is payable; 赔付金额或最高赔付金额以及币种;

g. the expiry of the guarantee; 保函的失效;

h. any terms for demanding payment; 索赔条件;

i. whether a demand or other document shall be presented in paper and/or electronic form; 索偿要求或其他单据应该用纸质形式还是电子形式提交

j. the language of any document specified in the guarantee; and 


k. the party liable for the payment of any charges. 费用的承担方。

Article 9 Application not taken up 未被执行的申请 

Where, at the time of receipt of the application, the guarantor is not prepared or is unable to issue the guarantee, the guarantor should without delay so inform the party that gave the guarantor its instructions. 


Article 10 Advising of guarantee or amendment 保函或保函修改书的通知

a. A guarantee may be advised to a beneficiary through an advising party. By advising a guarantee, whether directly or by utilizing the services of another party ("second advising party"), the advising party signifies to the beneficiary and, if applicable, to the second advising party, that it has satisfied itself as to the apparent authenticity of the guarantee and that the advice accurately reflects the terms and conditions of the guarantee as received by the advising party. 


b. By advising a guarantee, the second advising party signifies to the beneficiary that it has satisfied itself as to the apparent authenticity of the advice it has received and that the advice accurately reflects the terms and conditions of the guarantee as received by the second advising party. 


c. An advising party or a second advising party advises a guarantee without any additional representation or any undertaking whatsoever to the beneficiary. 


d. If a party is requested to advise a guarantee or an amendment but is not prepared or is unable to do so, it should without delay so inform the party from whom it received that guarantee, amendment or advice. 


e. If a party is requested to advise a guarantee, and agrees to do so, but cannot satisfy itself as to the apparent authenticity of that guarantee or advice, it shall without delay so inform the party from whom the instructions appear to have been received. If the advising party or second advising party elects nonetheless to advise that guarantee, it shall inform the beneficiary or second advising party that it has not been able to satisfy itself as to the apparent authenticity of the guarantee or the advice. 


f. A guarantor using the services of an advising party or a second advising party, as well as an advising party using the services of a second advising party, to advise a guarantee should whenever possible use the same party to advise any amendment to that guarantee. 



发布于 2020-05-25 11:12:29