1: | absolute difference 绝对差分 |
2: | absolute value 绝对值 |
3: | acceptance and certainty thresholds 接收和确定域值 |
4: | acceptance threshold 可接收的域值 |
5: | accuracy and timeout interval 精确度和时间间隔 |
6: | actions 行为 |
7: | add 加法 |
8: | add and subtract with saturate 饱和加法和减法 |
9: | add noise 添加噪声 |
10: | adjust smoothness of contour filter and minimum threshold for contours 调整轮廓滤波器的平滑度和轮廓的最小域值 |
11: | Advanced geometry 高级几何学 |
12: | and/or 和/或 |
13: | angle and scale range 角度和缩放范围 |
14: | annotations 注释 |
15: | apply filters and classifiers 应用过滤器和分类器 |
16: | area 面积 |
17: | arithmetic 算法 |
18: | at specific angle 特定角度 |
19: | automatic or manual 自动或手动 |
20: | automatic or manual model creation 自动或手动模板创建 |
21: | averaged 平均 |
22: | ayscale representations of fonts 显示表现字体的灰度级 |
23: | background flatten 背景淡化 |
24: | band pass 带通 |
25: | band reject 带阻 |
26: | basins 盆 |
27: | binary and grayscale 二值和灰度 |
28: | bit 带有调色板的8- |
29: | Blob 粒子 |
30: | blue 蓝 |
31: | bounding box coordinates 坐标盒的范围 |
32: | breadth 宽度 |
33: | break points 断点 |
34: | buffer 缓存 |
35: | build 构件 |
36: | calculate over 50 different features area 超过50 个不同特征的计算 |
37: | cell size min/max 元件最小/最大尺寸 |
38: | change hotspot values 改变热点值 |
39: | clear buffer to a constant 清除缓冲区为一个恒量 |
40: | clone 克隆 |
41: | Coda Bar 编码条 |
42: | Code 编码 |
43: | code type 代码类型 |
44: | collectionDICOM 收藏 |
45: | combined with input 复合输入 |
46: | compactness 简洁 |
47: | compatible 兼容 |
48: | conditional 有条件的 |
49: | connect map 绘图连结 |
50: | construct grid 构造表格 |
51: | continuous normal 正常连续 |
52: | contour polarity 轮廓极性 |
53: | contrast 对比度 |
54: | contrast stretch 对比度拉伸 |
55: | controls 控制 |
56: | convert 换算 |
57: | convex 表面弯曲 |
58: | copy 拷贝 |
59: | copy image 图像拷贝 |
60: | copy sequence 拷贝序列 |
61: | create 创建 |
62: | Customize - configure menus 定制制定-配置菜单 |
63: | DataMatrix 数据矩阵 |
64: | debug mode 调试方式 |
65: | default cases 默认案例 |
66: | define model including mask for irrelevant inconsistent or featureless areas 定义一个包含有不相关的不一致的或无特征区域的模板 |
67: | delete all 全部删除 |
68: | delete frame 删除帧 |
69: | delete special 清除特定部分 |
70: | demos 示例 |
71: | DICOM information/overlay 信息/ 图形层 |
72: | digitizer bar 采集栏 |
73: | Digitizer settings 数字化设置 |
74: | dilate 膨胀 |
75: | display measurement results and statistics 测量结果显示和统计 |
76: | distance 间距 |
77: | distortion correction based on calibration mapping 基于校准映射的畸变校正 |
78: | DLL 调用外部的 |
79: | double buffer 双缓存 |
80: | drag-and-drop images from Windows ExplorerWindows 资源管理器拖放图像 |
81: | draw selected blobs 获取选定粒子 |
82: | drawing tools 画图工具 |
83: | duplicate 复制 |
84: | duplicateselect all 复制 |
85: | Edge and Stripe/Measurement 边缘和条纹测量 |
86: | edit model 模板编辑 |
87: | edit or delete relative region 编辑或删除相关区域 |
88: | ellipses 椭圆 |
89: | elongation 拉伸 |
90: | enable digitizer camera type 设置相机类型 |
91: | erify character strings 读取和查验特征字符串 |
92: | erode 腐蚀 |
93: | error correction 错误纠正 |
94: | etc. 等等 |
95: | Euler number 欧拉数 |
96: | examine variables 变量检测 |
97: | exponential Rayleigh 指数 |
98: | export selected results 输出选择结果 |
99: | Extract band - 无符号抽取部分 |
100: | extract measurements from 测量方法提取 |
101: | ferret diameter 条带直径 |
102: | FFT 和逆 |
103: | FFT 正 |
104: | file converterActiveMIL Builder ActiveMIL Builder 文件转换器 |
105: | fill holes and separate touching blobs 缺省填充和相连粒子分离 |
106: | fill with value 用某个值填充 |
107: | filters 滤波器 |
108: | find 搜索 |
109: | find background 背景发现 |
110: | find edge and stripe 边缘和条纹的提取 |
111: | find extreme maximum 查找最大值 |
112: | first 第一帧 |
113: | fit error 错误匹配 |
114: | fit error and weight 允许的匹配错误率和加权 |
115: | fixed point divide 定点除 |
116: | float 浮点 |
117: | foreground color 前景色 |
118: | formatbar 格式栏 |
119: | forward or reverse fast Fourier transformation 变换 |
120: | Fourier transform 傅立叶变换 |
121: | freehand 手绘曲线 |
122: | from toolbar button 从工具条按钮 |
123: | Geometry 几何学 |
124: | grab type 采集类型 |
125: | graph 图形 |
126: | grayscale 灰度 |
127: | green 绿 |
128: | halt grab 停止采集 |
129: | high pass 高通 |
130: | histogram equalization 直方图均衡 |
131: | hit or miss 特定匹配操作 |
132: | horizontal edge 水平边沿 |
133: | hue 色度 |
134: | image properties 图像属性 |
135: | image size 图像大小 |
136: | import VB module 模块 |
137: | including angle and scale 包括角度和刻度 |
138: | indent 增大缩进 |
139: | ine font parameters including search constraints 交互式的定义字体参数包括搜索限制 |
140: | input channel 输入通道 |
141: | Insert condition checks 插入条件检查 |
142: | integer divide 整数除 |
143: | keep targets 保持目标 |
144: | label and zone of influence 标注和影响区域 |
145: | label blobs 粒子标注 |
146: | Laplacians 拉普拉斯 |
147: | last frame 最后一帧 |
148: | lines 线 |
149: | live preview of resulting watershed transformations with control over variation to prevent over segmentation 用基于变化上的控制实时预览分水岭转化结果阻止过分切割 |
150: | load 装载 |