《anticipatory breach的译法及具体含义》

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在翻译实践中遇到“anticipatory breach”一词,根据《元照英美法词典》将其译为“预期违约”,但因为初次遇见,对该词的具体含义及用法并不了解,故查询了相关资料,了解了一些具体的内容,下面让我们一起来了解一下吧。
预期违约(Anticipatory breach)起源于英美法,也是英美法所独有的制度。预期违约制度自确立以来,对当今世界许多国家的合同立法及实践都产生了重大的影响。但由于我国法律一直受大陆法系的影响,故对英美法的预期违约规则涉及较少。后来虽然我国参与缔结的《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》中对预期违约进行了专门规定,但对我国民事法学研究未产生足够影响。
An anticipatory breach of contract is an action that shows one party's intention to fail to fulfill its contractual obligations to another party. An anticipatory breach ends the counterparty's responsibility to perform its duties. Demonstrating the other party's intention to breach the contract gives the counterparty grounds for beginning legal action. An anticipatory breach is also referred to as an anticipatory repudiation. An anticipatory breach occurs when a party demonstrates its intention to break a contract. However, vocal or written confirmation is not required, and failure to perform any obligation in a timely matter can result in a breach. By declaring an anticipatory breach, the counterparty may begin legal action immediately rather than waiting until the terms of a contract are actually broken. 以下为相关例句,可供参考:
Parties claiming an anticipatory breach are obliged to make every effort to mitigate their own damages if they wish to seek compensation in court. That could include halting payments to the party that committed the breach and immediately looking for ways to minimize the effects of the breach. That might mean seeking a third party who could perform the duties outlined in the original contract.
The intent to break the contract must be an absolute refusal to fulfill the terms for it to qualify as an anticipatory breach. The expected breach cannot be based solely on the assumption that the other party will not meet its obligations.
所谓明示预期违约, 一是当事人明确地、肯定地并无条件地向相对人表示其将不履行合同义务 。明示违约的构成必须具备下列要件:第一,必须发生在合同有效成立后至合同约定的履行期届满前这段时间内;第二,当事人明确肯定地做出将不履行合同义务的意思表示;第三,当事人表示的不履行必须是不履行合同的主要义务,这一行为将会导致另一方当事人订约的目的不能实现或严重损害其期待利益。第四,不履行的行为必须无正当理由。只有当事人不履行合同义务无正当理由时,才构成明示违约。  
所谓默示预期违约,是指当事人虽然没有明确声明其将不履行契约义务,但其行为及客观情况表明了他将不能到期履行义务 。即在履行期到来之前,一方当事人以自己的行为或客观事实表明其将在履行期限到来之后不履行或不能履行合同义务,对方当事人有足够的证据证明这一点,而一方当事人又不愿意提供必要的担保。默示预期违约的构成必须具备下列条件:第一,债权人有确切的证据证明债务人在履行期到来时将不履行或不能履行合同义务。第二,债务人在合理的期限内不愿提供必要的担保。  
发布于 2020-06-21 14:06:12