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Codes of Conduct for Judges


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Fa [2010] No. 54

Promulgating Date: 12/06/2010

Effective Date: 12/06/2010

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法发[2010]54号

颁布时间: 12/06/2010

实施时间: 12/06/2010



(Promulgated by the Supreme People's Court on November 4, 2005 for trial implementation. Promulgated and officially implemented on December 6, 2010 after revision)

These codes have been formulated pursuant to the Judges Law of the People's Republic of China and the Civil Servant Law of the Republic of China for the purposes of further promoting the judicial core value of "impartiality, integrity and serving the people", standardizing the basic conduct of judges and establishing good image of the judicial profession.

1. General Provisions




   Article 1   Loyalty and steadfastness. Insist on the surpreme position of the Party's cause, the interests of the people, and the constitutional laws. Maintain consistency of thoughts and actions with those of the Party Central Committee. The words and behaviourss shall not be in contravention with the basic policies of the Party and the State as well as the socialist legal system.

     第一条 忠诚坚定。坚持党的事业至上、人民利益至上、宪法法律至上,在思想上和行动上与党中央保持一致,不得有违背党和国家基本政策以及社会主义司法制度的言行。

   Article 2   Judicial justice. Insist on taking the facts as the basis and using law as the criterion. Treat all parties fairly. Ensure justice in criteria and results, in procedures and in images. Strive to realize organic integration of legal effect and social effect of case handling. Do not abuse the power and abuse the law in making judgment.

     第二条 公正司法。坚持以事实为根据、以法律为准绳,平等对待各方当事人,确保实体公正、程序公正和形象公正,努力实现办案法律效果和社会效果的有机统一,不得滥用职权、枉法裁判。

   Article 3   Efficient handling of cases. Establish awareness of efficiency. Scientifically and rationally organize the work. Perform duties within the statutory time limit. Strive to enhance the efficiency in handling cases. Do not cause undue delay, make a bungle and waste the judicial resources.

     第三条 高效办案。树立效率意识,科学合理安排工作,在法定期限内及时履行职责,努力提高办案效率,不得无故拖延、贻误工作、浪费司法资源。

   Article 4   Honest and upright. Comply with the provisions for incorrupt government. Do not exploit the power and status of a judge to seek improper gain. Do not make recommendation of attorneys, defense counsels and intermediary agencies to the parties. Do not introduce case sources to the lawyers and other personnel or offer other inappropriate assistance.

     第四条 清正廉洁。遵守各项廉政规定,不得利用法官职务和身份谋取不正当利益,不得为当事人介绍代理人、辩护人以及中介机构,不得为律师、其他人员介绍案源或者给予其他不当协助。

   Article 5   Serving the people wholeheartedly. Implement the provisions and requirements of upholding justice for the people. Learn what the people say, what the people feel and what the people think. Adhere to active judicial enforcement. Establish service awareness. Make proper proceeding guidance, risk warning, legal interpretation and other services for the convenience of the people. Avoid undesirable work style such as being indifferent and tyrannizing.

     第五条 一心为民。落实司法为民的各项规定和要求,做到听民声、察民情、知民意,坚持能动司法,树立服务意识,做好诉讼指导、风险提示、法律释明等便民服务,避免“冷硬横推”等不良作风。

   Article 6   Observe the discipline strictly. Observe the disciplines and regulations. Do not divulge the secret of the State, trade secret, personal privacy obtained in the course of the trial work. Do not interfere, intervene and influence the cases currently being tried by other people. Do not freely make comments that is damaging to the solemnity and authority of judgments that has come into force.

     第六条 严守纪律。遵守各项纪律规定,不得泄露在审判工作中获取的国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私等,不得过问、干预和影响他人正在审理的案件,不得随意发表有损生效裁判严肃性和权威性的言论。

   Article 7   Dedication and devotion to work. Be passionate about the people's judicial career. Strengthen the sense of mission and sense of honor for the profession. Enhance professional learning. Enhance judicial competence. Fulfill one's duties. Contribute selflessly. Do not become sluggish and neglect one's duties.

     第七条 敬业奉献。热爱人民司法事业,增强职业使命感和荣誉感,加强业务学习,提高司法能力,恪尽职守,任劳任怨,无私奉献,不得麻痹懈怠、玩忽职守。

   Article 8   Enhance self cultivation. Insist on learning and keep improving oneself. Observe the judicial etiquette. Implement the dress code. Speak in civilized manner and behave in decent manner. Do not wear heavy makeup and put on accessories which are incompatible with the status of judge. Do not participate in activities which are damaging to the image of judicial profession.

     第八条 加强修养。坚持学习,不断提高自身素质;遵守司法礼仪,执行着装规定,言语文明,举止得体,不得浓妆艳抹,不得佩带与法官身份不相称的饰物,不得参加有损司法职业形象的活动。

2. Case Filing


   Article 9   Basic requirements.

(1) Protect the parties in exercising the right to taking legal action lawfully, particularly the needs of groups such as women, children, elderly people and handicapped people in taking legal action.

(2) Facilitate the people in taking legal action. Reduce litigation troubles for the parties; and

(3) Ensure quality of case filing. Enhance the efficiency in case filing.

     第九条 基本要求




   Article 10   If a party institutes a legal proceeding at the court,

(1) Strengthen the guidance on legal proceeding. Provide guidance materials for legal proceeding;

(2) Where conditions for instituting a legal proceeding are met, case shall be filed within the statutory period;

(3) Where conditions for instituting a legal proceeding are not met, the case shall not be accepted and the party shall be notified of the reasons. Where the party insists on instituting a legal proceeding, it shall be ruled as not accepted;

(4) Where the case has been filed, the party may not be coerced to withdraw the legal proceeding;

(5) Where the party voluntarily gives up the legal proceeding, unless otherwise provided by law, it shall be permitted.

     第十条 当事人来法院起诉






   Article 11   If a party institutes a legal proceeding orally,

(1) Inform the party that a written complaint must be submitted;

(2) Where the party is unable to write the complaint and has difficulty in entrusting another person to write on his behalf, he may be requested to state the claim clearly, provide the information of the case and the method of contact accurately, which shall be transcribed in record and read out to such party. Upon confirmation that it is error free, the record shall be handed to the party for signature or put on his fingerprint.

     第十一条 当事人口头起诉



   Article 12   If a party requests for a visit to file a case or file a case remotely

(1) Where the party is unable to institute a legal proceeding at the court and not able to entrust an attorney due to reasons such as restricted mobility as a result of physical handicap or serious disease causing him to be bedridden, depending on the actual circumstance, the materials for legal proceeding may be accepted by making a visit;

(2) Where the location of the party is a long distance away from the case accepting court and the facts are clear, the legal relationship is explicit and it is not controversial, the materials for legal proceeding may be received through internet or by post.

(3) Where the party does not meet the aforesaid conditions, he shall be informed to institute the legal proceeding at the court.

     第十二条 当事人要求上门立案或者远程立案




   Article 13   If a party institutes a legal proceeding at the People's Court

Where the People's Court has the jurisdiction to accept, it shall accept the materials for the suit and may not demand the party to file the legal proceeding at the case filing chamber of the grass-root People's Court.

     第十三条 当事人到人民法庭起诉


   Article 14   If the case is not within the duty of this court or under the jurisdiction of this court

(1) Inform the party of the reasons that the court is not in charge of the case or this court has no jurisdiction;

(2) Specify the competent authority or the court with jurisdiction based on the actual situation of the case;

(3) Where the party insists on instituting the legal proceeding, the case shall be ruled to be not accepted, and shall not be accepted in violation of the provisions of jurisdiction.

     第十四条 案件不属于法院主管或者本院管辖




   Article 15   If a private litigation is filed where public prosecution shall be instituted according to law,

(1) It shall be transferred to the competent organ to handle after acceptance and the party shall be informed;

(2) Where the situation is urgent, urgent measures shall be adopted first, followed by transferring it to the competent organ and informing the party.

     第十五条 依法应当公诉的案件提起自诉



   Article 16   If the content and form of the complaint do not meet the regulations

(1) Inform the party to make correction according to the relevant regulations. The demand shall be clearly explained in one occasion;

(2) The case filing may not be rejected due to defect other than those essentials required for instituting a legal proceeding.

     第十六条 诉状内容和形式不符合规定



   Article 17   If the evidences in the legal proceeding materials are not sufficient,

In principle, a case filing may not be rejected by the reason of insufficient evidence in supporting the claim.

     第十七条 起诉材料中证据不足


   Article 18   Where difficult or complicated situation is encountered and it is unable to decide on the spot whether to file a case

(1) Accept the materials and issue receipt, and inform the party to wait for the outcome of review;

(2) Promptly review and notify the party of the outcome within the statutory time limit.

     第十八条 遇到疑难复杂情况,不能当场决定是否立案



   Article 19   If a dispute involving a group is found and the conflict is easily intensified,

Report to the leaders promptly and contact the relevant department. Actively carry out the work on persuasion and prevent the conflict from being intensified.

     第十九条 发现涉及群体的、矛盾易激化的纠纷


   Article 20   After the case has been filed, if the party makes enquiry about issues such as whether the evidence is effective or whether the lawsuit can be won,

(1) Do not offer tendentious opinions;

(2) Inform the party that this type of issue can only be ascertained upon trial and ask the party to believe that the court will be impartial in the judgment.

     第二十条 当事人在立案后询问证据是否有效、能否胜诉等实体问题



   Article 21   After the case has been filed, if the party makes enquiry about the handling procedures or the time required for the case,

Inform the party of the handling procedures and the statutory time limit required for the case. Reply may not be refused by the reason that it is not related to the case filing work.

     第二十一条 当事人在立案后询问案件处理流程或时间


   Article 22   If the party makes advance payment of legal proceeding fee,

(1) Determine the amount strictly according to the provisions. Do not collect additional amount or give discount at will;

(2) Where it is required to pay the fee at a designated bank, the party shall be informed in a timely manner of the account number and the location;

(3) Where the People's Court is required to collect it by itself, it shall issue receipt according to the provisions.

     第二十二条 当事人预交诉讼费




   Article 23   If the party has not paid the legal proceeding fee on time,

(1) Where a party is eligible for judicial assistance, inform the party that he may apply to defer payment or have the legal proceeding fee reduced or waived;

(2) Where a party is not eligible for judicial assistance, the party may be notified through written form to pay the fee within a stipulated time limit and informed that non-payment of overdue legal proceeding fee without proper justification shall be handled as a withdrawal of legal proceeding.

     第二十三条 当事人未及时交纳诉讼费



   Article 24   If the party applies for property preservation and evidence preservation measures prior to the legal proceeding,

(1) Examine the conditions and reasons for application strictly and make a decision timely according to law;

(2) Enforce timely according to law any decision to adopt preservation and other measures. Where the conditions for application are not met, explain the reasons patiently;

(3) Do not abuse the pre-proceeding measures for property preservation and evidence preservation.

     第二十四条 当事人申请诉前财产保全、证据保全等措施




   Article 25   If an expert testimony is entrusted by the party or by the court upon the application of the party,

(1) Where the expert testimony is entrusted upon mutual consent of the parties, the expert testimony shall be examined carefully and the testimony made through lawful procedure and with impartial conclusion shall be accepted. In respect of opinion of testimony which does not meet the requirements, re-appraisal may be required and reasons shall be explained.

(2) Where the expert testimony is entrusted by the court upon the application of the parties, a decision on whether to permit such entrustment shall be made timely and reply shall be given to the party. Where the expert testimony is allowed to be carried out, a testimony organization shall be entrusted to carry out the testimony timely according to provisions.

     第二十五条 当事人自行委托或者申请法院委托司法鉴定



3. Court Trial


   Article 26   Basic requirements:

(1) Words and behaviors at court trial shall be regulated according to the standards. Establish good image.

(2) Strengthen the capacity of controlling the court trial. Ensure quality of the trial.

(3) Follow the court trial procedures strictly. Protect the rights of the parties in legal proceeding impartially.

(4) Maintain the order of court trial. Ensure the trial is carried out smoothly.

     第二十六条 基本要求





   Article 27   Preparation before the court session:

(1) Notify all parties to the legal proceeding of the time and location of the court session within the statutory period.

(2) For open trial, an announcement shall be made timely within the statutory period.

(3) Where the party applies for non-public trial, it shall be examined timely. Where the conditions are met, it shall be permitted. Where the conditions are not met, the case shall be tried openly and reasons shall be given.

(4) Where exchange of evidence is required to be carried out before the court session, reminder shall be given timely and initiative shall be taken to notify the time limit for the evidence production.

(5) Where the party applies to the court to obtain evidence, if it is truly the evidence which the party is unable to collect, the evidence shall be obtained and collected promptly without delay. Where it is unable to obtain the evidence, initiative shall be taken to inform of the reason. Where the evidence is obtainable by the party, the party shall be informed to collect it on his own accord.

(6) Conscientiously comply with the legal provisions and relevant systems on withdrawal. Where the application for withdrawal submitted by the party is refused, the party shall be given the reasons.

(7) For a case under trial where the parties are extremely emotional and the conflict is easily intensified, preparation for response plan shall be done properly before the court session to prevent occurrence of serious accident.

     第二十七条 开庭前的准备








   Article 28   If the time of court session originally determined needs to be changed,

(1) Time of court session may not be changed without reasons;

(2) Where it has to be extended due to special circumstance, the parties and other people attending the legal proceeding shall be notified immediately; and

(3) Where notification cannot be made, personnel shall be arranged to give explanation to the parties and other people iattending the legal proceeding at the time and location of the court trial originally determined.

     第二十八条 原定开庭时间需要更改




   Article 29   Matters of attention during the hearing:

(1) Appear in court punctually. Do not be late. Do not leave early. Do not be absent.

(2) Before entering the court, the judge uniform or robe must be put on properly and stay clean and decent. Casual attire is strictly prohibited. The attire of the members of the collegial panel shall be uniform.

(3) Where passageway for judges has been set up, the passageway for judges shall be used.

(4) Generally, enter the court after the parties, attorneys, defense counsels and public prosecutors have entered the court, except where the aforesaid personnel are late or refuse to appear in court.

(5) Do not freely greet the parties to the legal proceeding. Do not engage in particularly intimate speech or behavior with one party.

(6) Appearance in court after consuming liquor is strictly prohibited.

     第二十九条 出庭时注意事项







   Article 30   Words and behaviors during court trial:

(1) Sitting posture shall be upright. Eradicate all types of indecent gestures.

(2) Concentrate and focus on the court trial. Do not engage in matters unrelated to the trial activities.

(3) Do not smoke, chat or doze off at the judgment seat. Do not pick up telephone call. Do not leave the judgment seat at will.

(4) Treat personnel related to the trial activities equally. Do not display intimacy with any party to the legal proceeding.

(5) Politely signal to the party and other people involving in the legal proceeding to speak.

(6) Do not ask question using tendentious language. Do not quarrel with the parties and other people involving in the legal proceeding.

(7) Use of judge gavel shall be done strictly according to the provisions. The striking the gavel shall be done to the extent that it can be heard at the observer area.

     第三十条 庭审中的言行








   Article 31   Allocation and control of time for the statement and argument by each party to the legal proceeding:

(1) Allocate the time of statement and argument during the trial fairly and reasonably to the parties to the legal proceeding according to the details of the case and the trial need.

(2) Do not randomly interrupt the statements of the parties, attorney and defense counsel.

(3) Where the parties, the attorneys or the defense counsels express their opinions repeatedly and unrelated to the case, appropriate reminder shall be given to stop it. Do not criticize using blunt words.

     第三十一条 对诉讼各方陈述、辩论时间的分配与控制




   Article 32   If the party uses dialect or the language of ethnic minority,

(1) Where a party to the legal proceeding can only speak dialect, it shall be allowed. Where the other party indicates that such dialect is not understandable, restatement in Mandarin may be carried out by a person who understands the dialect. The restatement shall be accurate and without error.

(2) Where statement is made in the language of an ethnic minority, and the other party indicates that such language is not understandable, interpretation shall be provided for him.

     第三十二条 当事人使用方言或者少数民族语言



   Article 33   If the party is extremely emotional, shouting that he is innocent or crying out his grievance in court,

(1) Reiterate that the party must observe the court discipline and that the court will grant him time of statement according to law.

(2) Where the party refuses to follow the instruction, he shall be stopped promptly.

(3) Where persuasion is ineffective, appropriate disposition shall be made according to the relevant provisions.

     第三十三条 当事人情绪激动,在法庭上喊冤或者鸣不平




   Article 34   If the parties to the legal proceeding are having dispute or carry out personal attack,

(1) Promptly stop it, at the same time, criticize and educate each party. Do not play favoritism to one party.

(2) Warn each party that they must focus on the case and make statement in an orderly manner.

(3) Where persuasion is ineffective, appropriate disposition shall be made according to the relevant provisions.

     第三十四条 诉讼各方发生争执或者进行人身攻击




   Article 35   When the parties sign on the trial transcript,

(1) Inform the parties of the legal effect of trial transcript. Hand the trial transcript to them for reading. Where the party has no reading capacity, it shall be read out to him. Upon confirmation that it is error free, it shall be signed and put on fingerprint.

(2) Where the party indicates that there is omission or mistake in the transcript, upon verification, it shall be corrected on the spot and the party shall be asked to sign and put on his fingerprint on the place of the correction. Where there is no omission or mistake and shall not be corrected, his application shall be placed on record.

(3) The party shall not be asked to sign and put on his fingerprint on the transcript without reading it out to him for verification.

(4) Where the party gives up his right to read and verify the transcript, he shall be asked to sign or put on his fingerprint on the transcript. Where the party neither reads nor signs or puts on his fingerprint on the transcript, this shall be placed on record.

     第三十五条 当事人在庭审笔录上签字





   Article 36   Matters of attention in pronouncing judgment:

(1) In pronouncing judgment, it shall be carried out openly without exception.

(2) In pronouncing judgment, the members of the collegial panel or the sole judge shall stand up. The voice in reading out the judgment shall be loud, clear, accurate and without error.

(3) In pronouncing judgment in the court, the matter under judgment shall be pronounced and the justification for judgment shall be briefly explained as well as the statutory period for the service of judgment shall be informed.

(4) Where the judgment is pronounced at another specified time, the service of judgment shall be made immediately after the pronouncement of judgment.

(5) After pronouncement of judgment, where the parties to the legal proceeding make no praise or make criticism, or the parties raise doubts, explanation shall be given patiently.

     第三十六条 宣判时注意事项






   Article 37   If the case cannot be closed within the time limit of the trial term,

(1) Where the trial term needs to be extended, the review and approval formalities shall be gone through according to the provisions.

(2) The parties as well as other people involving in the legal proceeding shall be informed timely of the reasons for not being able to close the trial within a reasonable period prior to the expiry of the trial term or the change of proceeding.

     第三十七条 案件不能在审限内结案



   Article 38   If the People's Procuratorate files a protest against the judgment

(1) File a case according to law and carry out trial in accordance with the relevant provisions.

(2) Provide the necessary conditions and convenience to the procurator and the defense counsel as well as litigation attorney such as inspecting the files and copying the materials.

     第三十八条 人民检察院提起抗诉



4. Mediation of Legal Proceeding


   Article 39   Basic requirements:

(1) Establish the concept of mediation. Strengthen the awareness of mediation. Adhere to "giving priority to mediation, combining mediation and judgment". Bring the role of mediation in dispute resolution into full play.

(2) Effectively adhere to the principles of legitimacy and voluntariness. Prevent improper mediation and unilaterally pursuit of mediation rate.

(3) Pay attention to the mode and the method. Strengthen the capability in mediation and strive to realize the resolution of dispute at the closing of case.

     第三十九条 基本要求




   Article 40   With respect to the contact with the parties in the course of mediation

(1) Inquire about the willingness of the parties.

(2) The mediation work may be separately conducted with each of the parties according to the specific circumstances of the case.

(3) When contacting one party, fairness shall be maintained to avoid reasonable doubt being generated from the other party with regard to the neutrality of the judge.

     第四十条 在调解过程中与当事人接触




   Article 41   If only the attorney of the party is involved in the mediation,

(1) Conscientiously review whether the attorney has special authorization. Where there is special authorization, he may directly get involved in the mediation.

(2) Where there is no special authorization, and the attorney may participate in mediation and may reach mediation agreement, the agreement shall be signed or sealed by the party, or the party may retroactively process the formality of ratification of special authorization. Where necessary, the party may be asked to personally get involved in the mediation.

     第四十一条 只有当事人的代理人参加调解



   Article 42   If one party indicates unwillingness to carry out mediation,

(1) Where mediation is possible, various ways may be adopted to actively guide the mediation.

(2) Where the party insists on accepting no mediation, he shall not be forced into mediation.

     第四十二条 一方当事人表示不愿意调解



   Article 43   If the mediation agreement harms the interest of others,

(1) Inform the party involved in the mediation to revise the provisions which involved the rights and obligations of others.

(2) Where the mediation agreement is found to damage the interests of others, the said mediation agreement shall not be confirmed as being effective.

     第四十三条 调解协议损害他人利益



   Article 44   If the party demands for taking a stand on the issue of liability in the course of mediation,

A stand shall be taken based on facts of the case, legal provisions as well as the actual needs of mediation. Pay attention to the mode and the method. Strive to facilitate in the conclusion of mediation agreement by the parties.

     第四十四条 调解过程中当事人要求对责任问题表态


   Article 45   If the parties have differences over the mediation plan,

(1) Continue to carry out the coordination work well. Narrow the differences between the parties as far as possible so that the parties may make a choice again and strive to close the case through mediation.

(2) Where the differences are relatively big and mediation is in fact difficult, judgment shall be made timely according to law.

     第四十五条 当事人对调解方案有分歧



5. Production of Instruments


   Article 46   Basic requirements

(1) Comply with the format and standards strictly. Enhance the capability in producing judgment document. Ensure the quality of judgment document. Maintain the solemnity and authority of judgment document.

(2) Judgment document for cases under general procedure shall have comprehensive content, thorough reasoning, rigorous logics, and use standard wording and concise language.

(3) Judgment document for cases under summary procedures shall be concise, accurate and standardized.

(4) Judgment document for cases where collegial panel is formed for the trial shall reflect the views of the majority.

     第四十六条 基本要求





   Article 47   Accountability for the quality of judgment document

(1) The judge in charge of the case or the sole judge shall have the primary responsibility for the quality of judgment document. The members of the collegial panel shall have the secondary responsibility for the judgment document.

(2) The judge responsible for review, approval and issue of judgment document shall be examined strictly and checked carefully.

     第四十七条 裁判文书质量责任的承担



   Article 48   Statement of the trial procedures and full process of trial

(1) Accurately state the name of the parties, cause of the case, time of case filing, time of court trial, and appearance in court by people involving in the legal proceeding.

(2) Where summary procedures are changed to general procedures, the time and reasons for the change in procedures shall be stated.

(3) In case of addition of new parties or change of the parties, the time and reasons for the addition and change shall be stated.

(4) Certain important matters such as the process of the objection to trial jurisdiction, commissioning of expert testimony, evaluation, audit and extension of trial shall be accounted for accurately.

     第四十八条 对审判程序及审判全过程的叙述





   Article 49   Summary of the complaint and the defense of the respective parties to the legal proceeding

(1) Summarize briefly and accurately the claims and defense of the respective parties to the legal proceeding.

(2) The length shall be fairly and rationally allocated.

     第四十九条 对诉讼各方诉状、答辩状的归纳



   Article 50   An account of the process of cross-examining and the focus of controversy

(1) Briefly describe the exchange of evidence before the court session and the process of cross-examining between the parties during the cross-examination phase of the trial.

(2) Accurately summarize the focus of controversy for the parties.

(3) Where the facts and legal relationship of the case are relatively complex, these shall be accounted for in paragraphs and sections on the basis of accurately summarizing the focus of controversy.

     第五十条 对当事人质证过程和争议焦点的叙述




   Article 51   Account of the part on finding of facts in the judgment document of cases with general procedures

(1) Objective representation, rigorous logics, precise wording, avoiding the use of vocabulary which are obviously commendatory or derogatory.

(2) Accurately analyze and explain the reasons for why the evidences submitted by the parties are accepted or refused, as well as the facts that the accepted evidences support.

(3) Rational explanation shall be carried out on issues such as burden of proof, probative force of evidence as well as the criteria of proof.

     第五十一条 普通程序案件的裁判文书对事实认定部分的叙述




   Article 52   Determination and analysis and argumentation of the trial outcome of cases under general procedures

(1) Accurate, objective and concise reasoning shall be carried out. Elaborate on the reasons as to whether to adopt the opinion of response, opinion of defense, and the opinion of the attorney, etc.

(2) In the trial of a criminal case, the verdict of guilty or not guilty shall be made according to the relevant provisions of the law and judicial interpretation and by incorporating specific facts of the case. Where it is confirmed to be guilty, analysis and ascertainment of the statutory and discretionary circumstances for heavier, lighter, reduced or remitted punishment shall be carried out.

(3) In the trial of a civil case, the legal relationship of the case shall be clarified, and the relationship of rights and obligation among the parties, the responsibility as well as the degree of the responsiblities to be borne by the parties shall be summarized and judged in details according to the relevant provisions of law, regulations and judicial interpretation and by incorporating specific circumstances of the case,

(4) In the trial of an administrative case, carry out analysis and argumentation on whether the specific administrative conduct carried out by the administrative organ and its personnel is legitimate, whether the legitimate rights and interest of the plaintiff have been infringed upon, and whether causality exists with the specific administration conduct of the respondent according to the relevant provisions of law, regulations and judicial interpretation and by incorporating the facts of the case.

     第五十二条 对普通程序案件定性及审理结果的分析论证





   Article 53   Citation of articles of law

(1) In the section of argumentation for judgment section, the original texts of the law shall be cited. The exact articles, paragraphs and items of the law must be cited.

(2) Where the argumentation involves several controversial issues, every argument shall have a citation.

(3) In the final citation of the legal basis in the argumentation section of the main judgment text, only serial number of the legal articles will be cited.

     第五十三条 法律条文的引用




   Article 54   Errors in words after the pronouncement or service of judgment document

(1) In respect of general text typo or grammatically wrong sentence, explanation shall be given to the parties promptly and the judgment document shall be taken back. Correction shall be made and the correction seal shall be affixed or the judgment document shall be reproduced.

(2) In respect of important text error or grammatically wrong sentence, where it can be taken back immediately, take it back on the spot promptly and reproduce a new one. Where it cannot be taken back immediately, a ruling shall be made to correct it.

     第五十四条 裁判文书宣告或者送达后发现文字差错



6. Enforcement


   Article 55   Basic requirements

(1) Timely and effective enforcement according to law. Ensure the solemnity and authority of the effective legal instrument and maintain the legitimate rights and interests of the parties.

(2) Insist on enforcing the judgment in a civilized manner. Adopt enforcement measures strictly according to law. Insist on the avoidance of omission of act and random act.

(3) Pay attention to the methodology. Focus on the legal effect and social effect of execution.

     第五十五条 基本要求




   Article 56   Person subject to enforcement requests the enforcement officer to negotiate the enforcement with his attorney based on special authorization

(1) Deciding whether to contact the attorney of the person subject to enforcement, by considering whether such act will help the enforcement.

(2) Where it is in fact necessary to contact the person subject to c himself, the person subject to enforcement shall be informed of his obligation to cooperate with the enforcement work of the court and shall not give excuse not to do it.

     第五十六条 被执行人以特别授权为由要求执行人员找其代理人协商执行事宜



   Article 57   Enforcement applicant making telephone call or paying visit in order to inquire about the enforcement of the case

(1) Conscientiously make the record and explain the progress of enforcement timely.

(2) Where the enforcement applicant requests to read through the relevant case materials, it shall be permitted except where the law provides that it shall be kept confidential.

     第五十七条 申请执行人来电或者来访查询案件执行情况



   Article 58   The party concerned requests for the return of original material

The original document shall be returned after the duplicate copy submitted by the party has been checked. It shall be archived for record after the said party signs or affixes the seal.

     第五十八条 有关当事人要求退还材料原件


   Article 59   Search for property subject to enforcement

(1) Where the enforcement applicant provides clue to the court on property subject to enforcement, investigation shall be conducted promptly. The corresponding enforcement measures shall be taken according to law and the enforcement applicant shall be informed of the relevant situation.

(2) An active search for the property of the person subject to enforcement shall be conducted to the extent within the authority of office. The corresponding enforcement measures shall be adopted promptly accordingly to law.

     第五十九条 被执行财产的查找



   Article 60   The party subject to the enforcement requests for reconciliation

(1) The request for reconciliation shall be communicated to the other party promptly and the difficulty and risk of the enforcement shall be explained objectively through appropriate manner so as to facilitate the parties in reaching reconciliation.

(2) Where the party refuses to make settlement, the enforcement shall be carried on according to law.

(3) Where the enforcement applicant and the person subject to enforcement reaches reconciliation, a written reconciliation agreement shall be produced and archived or the content of reconciliation agreement reached orally shall be recorded in the transcript which shall be signed or affixed with seal by both parties.

     第六十条 执行当事人请求和解




   Article 61   Deferment, termination or conclusion of enforcement

(1) The measures for deferment, termination or conclusion of enforcement shall be adopted strictly according to the statutory conditions and procedures.

(2) Inform the enforcement applicant of the facts and the relevant provisions of law on which the deferment, termination or conclusion of enforcement are based and patiently provide the proper explanation.

(3) Inform the enforcement applicant of the conditions and procedures for resuming the enforcement after the deferment, termination or conclusion of enforcement.

(4) Where the deferment, termination or conclusion of enforcement is in fact a mistake, it shall be corrected promptly according to law.

     第六十一条 执行中的暂缓、中止、终结





   Article 62   The enforcement applicant raises objection to the jurisdiction of enforcement of the entrusted court

(1) Review whether the case meets the conditions of enforcement by entrustment. Where the conditions are not met, report to the leadership timely and adopt appropriate method to make correction.

(2) Where the conditions of enforcement by entrustment are met, inform the enforcement applicant the basis for the entrusted court to accept the enforcement and execute it according to law.

     第六十二条 被执行人对受委托法院执行管辖提出异议



   Article 63   If a third party raises objection to the enforcement

(1) Demand the third party to provide the relevant evidence materials relevant to the objection and carry out investigation timely.

(2) Depending on the specific circumstance, restrictive measures on the property subject to enforcement may be adopted and disposal may be suspended.

(3) Where the objection is confirmed, adopt appropriate approach to make correction. Where the objection is not confirmed, it shall be rejected according to law.

     第六十三条 案外人对执行提出异议




   Article 64   Adopting measures of sealing up, seizure, freezing, auction, selling off, etc of the property of the person subject to enforcement.

(1) Go through the formality strictly according to the provisions. The property of the person subject to enforcement shall not be sealed up, seized or frozen in excess of the limit or the amount.

(2) Conscientiously produce a list of properties against which measures have been taken. Record the type and quantity properly and have it signed or affixed with seal by the party as confirmation.

(3) Commission according to law the appraisal or the auction organization strictly according to the relevant provisions of auction and sell-off. Do not impair the legitimate rights and interest of the party.

     第六十四条 对被执行人财产采取查封、扣押、冻结、拍卖、变卖等措施




   Article 65   Collection of enforcement fund

(1) The enforcement fund shall be transferred directly into the special account for enforcement fund.

(2) Where the person subject to enforcement make payment in cash or bill on spot, the cash or bill shall be handed to the finance department of the court jointly with the person subject to enforcement and receipt shall be issued to the person subject to enforcement timely.

(3) For enforcement conducted at another location, through search and seizure, and for subject matter of small amount or in urgent situation, where the enforcement officer is required to collect cash or bill directly, the payer shall be issued a receipt immediately and the cash or bill handed over to the finance department of the court timely.

(4) Collection of fee from the enforcement applicant and person subject to enforcement in violation of regulations is strictly prohibited.

     第六十五条 执行款的收取





   Article 66   Transfer of enforcement fund

(1) The settlement for the enforcement fee and enforcement fund shall be processed within the stipulated period and the enforcement applicant shall be informed to go through the formality for receiving the fund.

(2) Where extension of time is required for the transfer, the reasons shall be explained in writing before the expiry of the time limit and submitted to the relevant leadership for review and approval.

(3) Where the enforcement applicant entrusts or appoints another person to collect the fund on his behalf, the entrustment formality shall be examined to determine whether it is complete and effective, at the same time, the payee shall be asked to issue legitimate and valid receipt.

     第六十六条 执行款的划付




   Article 67   Person subject to enforcement refuse to perform its obliagation due to substantive or procedural error in the legal document in force

(1) Where the legal document in force indeed has error, the party shall be informed that re-trial or correction by the relevant court may be applied for according to the trial supervision procedure according to law, at the same time, report the same to the leadership timely.

(2) Where the legal document in force does not have error, the explanation shall be given timely and the enforcement shall be carried on.

     第六十七条 被执行人以生效法律文书在实体或者程序上存在错误而不履行



   Article 68   Relevant department and personnel do not assist in enforcement

(1) They shall be informed of the relevant provisions of law and proper persuasion and education work shall be done.

(2) if they still refuse to assist, relevant mandatory measures shall be adopted according to law.

     第六十八条 有关部门和人员不协助执行



7. Handling of Petition Letter involving the Legal Proceeding


   Article 69   Basic requirements

(1) Pay high attention to and conscientiously manage the work on petition letter involving the legal proceeding. Effectively protect the legitimate rights and interest of the person giving petition letter.

(2) Promptly handle the matter stated in the petition letter. Strive to entertain each visitor, deal with each incoming letter and reply to each complaint.

(3) Entertain the visitors in a civilized manner according to law. Maintain good image of the People's Court.

     第六十九条 基本要求




   Article 70   Handling of incoming letters

(1) Read timely and register according to the provisions. Do not detain the letter without permission or delay in handling.

(2) Where it requires a reply or return of relevant materials, timely reply and return shall be made.

(3) Where it is required to be transferred to the relevant department and the court at lower level to handle, it shall be transferred timely for handling.

     第七十条 对来信的处理




   Article 71   Reception of visitors

(1) Entertain the visitors timely and learn the view of the visitor patiently and record it properly.

(2) Where answer can be provided on the spot, a reply shall be given immediately. Where answer cannot be provided on the spot, collect the materials and inform the visitor to wait for the outcome according to the agreed time limit.

     第七十一条 对来访的接待



   Article 72   The visitor is elderly, sick, disabled or pregnant

(1) Receive in priority.

(2) Where the visitor is applying for assistance, assistance may be rendered in contacting the social assistance station depending on the situation.

(3) Where an accident takes place while receiving the visitor, appropriate first-aid measures shall be adopted immediately.

     第七十二条 来访人系老弱病残孕者




   Article 73   Group visit

(1) Report to the leadership. Arrange to entertain timely and contact the relevant department to handle jointly.

(2) Depending on the situation, inform that 1 to 5 representatives to be assigned to explain the purpose and reason for the visit.

(3) Stabilize the emotion of the visitor and carry out proper persuasion work.

     第七十三条 集体来访




   Article 74   Petition matter does not fall under the scope of the court's jurisdiction

Inform that the court has no authority to handle and explain the reason. Specify the organ that has the authority to handle based on the content of the petition matter.

     第七十四条 信访事项不属于法院职权范围


   Article 75   The petition matter involves the State's secret, trade secret or personal privacy

(1) Safekeeping of the materials involving secret and personal privacy.

(2) Conscientiously abide by the relevant provisions. Do not divulge or use the state secret, trade secret or personal privacy obtained in the course of petition work.

     第七十五条 信访事项涉及国家秘密、商业秘密或者个人隐私



   Article 76   The petitioner reports on issues such as unfair court judgment, poor enforcement, trial style, etc pertaining to the court

(1) Earnestly record what the petitioner reports.

(2) Where there is refusal to accept the court judgment, inform that appeal, complaint or application for retrial may be made according to law.

(3) Where other issue is reported, transfer the materials timely to the relevant department of the court for handling.

     第七十六条 信访人反映辖区法院裁判不公、执行不力、审判作风等问题




   Article 77   The petitioner repeatedly sends letters or makes a visit to press for the outcome of handling.

(1) Inform the stipulated time frame and advise him to wait for the outcome patiently.

(2) Where the situation is urgent, inform the person or the department in charge of such matter timely.

(3) Where the time limit expires, inform the reason for exceeding the time limit.

     第七十七条 信访人反复来信来访催促办理结果




   Article 78   The petitioner is not satisfied with the outcome and asks for re-disposal

(1) Where disposal is improper, report to the leadership timely and carry out correction according to the provisions.

(2) Where disposal is proper, relevant explanation shall be given and the procedure and basis shall be explained in details.

     第七十八条 信访人对处理结果不满,要求重新处理



   Article 79   The petitioner indicates that he will stay in court or adopt other extreme approach if the issue is not resolved

(1) Carry out persuasion and education timely. Avoid using improper words or deeds that irritate the visitor.

(2) Report to the leadership immediately. Actively adopt appropriate measures and prevent accident from happening.

     第七十九条 来访人表示不解决问题就要滞留法院或者采取其他极端方式



8. Activities outside the work


   Article 80   Basic requirements

(1) Abide by the social ethics. Observe discipline and abide by the law.

(2) Strengthen self-cultivation. Observe strict self-discipline.

(3) Constrain words and deeds outside work. Do not addict in undesirable hobbies and behaviors incompatible with the image of judge, and which may affect the impartial performance of duties. Conscientiously safeguard the image of judge.

     第八十条 基本要求




   Article 81   Invitation to participate in activities in symposium and seminars

(1) Invitations from organs, enterprises and public institutions, law firms, and intermediaries which are interested parties in the cases shall be declined.

(2) In respect of invitations from Party, government, military organs, academic groups, community organizations which are not interested parties in the cases, participation is allowed after approval is granted upon referral to the organization.

     第八十一条 受邀请参加座谈、研讨活动



   Article 82   Invitation to join various social organizations or social activities

(1) Where it is required to join the social organization registered with the civil affair departments at various levels, it shall be reported to the court where the judge works for review and approval according to the administrative power and duties of the judge.

(2) Do not join profit-making social organizations.

(3) Do not accept invitation to meals, gifts and cash gift which are in violation of the requirement of honesty and integrity.

     第八十二条 受邀请参加各类社团组织或者联谊活动




   Article 83   Engaging in activities such as writing and teaching.

(1) subject to not affecting the trial work, spare time may be utilized in engaging in activities such as writing, teaching, etc.

(2) In the course of writing and teaching, avoid making commentary on specific cases and parties concerned. Do not divulge or use the State's secret, trade secret and personal privacy as well as other non-public information obtained from the work.

(3) In respect of legitimate compensation received from participating in the activities outside the judicial duties, it shall be subject to tax according to law.

     第八十三条 从事写作、授课等活动




   Article 84   Accepting interviews related to court work of the news media

(1) Accepting interviews of news media must be arranged or approved by the organization.

(2) During the interview, comments which are detrimental to the judicial justice shall not be made. Commentary on cases currently under trial and the parties concerned shall not be made. The State's secret, trade secret and personal privacy as well as other non-public information obtained in the course of work shall not be divulged.

     第八十四条 接受新闻媒体与法院工作有关的采访



   Article 85   Conflicts between the judge, his relatives or friends and other people

(1) Stay calm and restrained. Resolve it through proper and legitimate means.

(2) Do not exploit the status of judge to seek special favor. Do not obstruct the resolution of issue by the relevant department.

     第八十五条 本人或者亲友与他人发生矛盾



   Article 86   The judge and family members encounter dispute which requires to be resolved through legal proceeding

(1) In respect of his own case or a case he is involved as the attorney for an immediate family member, the involvement in the legal proceeding shall be on an equal basis according to the relevant legal provisions.

(2) In the course of the legal proceeding, do not seek special favor in the capacity of a judge and do not exploit his power to collect the evidence required.

(3) In respect of other legal proceeding case of other non-immediate family member, the family member shall, in general, engage the attorney for legal proceeding on his own accord. It is not appropriate for the judge himself to be the attorney for the legal proceeding and get involved in the legal proceeding.

     第八十六条 本人及家庭成员遇到纠纷需通过诉讼方式解决




   Article 87   Matters of attention for social activities

(1) Conscientiously safeguard the image of a judge when participating in social activities.

(2) Going to commercial entertainment places by taking police car or in work uniform is strictly prohibited.

     第八十七条 出入社交场所注意事项



   Article 88   Invitation by family member or friend to take part in feudal and superstitious activities

(1) Do not participate in cult organization or involve in feudal and superstitious activities.

(2) Advocate science to the family members and friends. Guide them into belief in science and opposition to feudalism and superstition.

(3) Where feudal or superstitious activity has been used to violate law and commit crime, it shall be reported to the relevant organization and public security department immediately.

     第八十八条 家人或者朋友约请参与封建迷信活动




   Article 89   Going Abroad privately for visiting relatives or travelling

(1) Truthfully declare to the organization the country or region to which one will go to and the time of return. The travel should obtain the prior consent from the organization.

(2) Return to work punctually.

(3) Abide by the local law. Observe the local customs and tradition, and the religious practice.

(4) Pay attention to personal image and safeguard the dignity of the country.

     第八十九条 因私出国(境)探亲、旅游





9. Supervision and Disciplinary Action


   Article 90   People's Court at all levels shall require and supervise their own judges strictly in complying with these Codes of Conduct. The political departments and disciplinary and supervisory departments of the courts at all levels shall take direct responsibility.

     第九十条 各级人民法院要严格要求并督促本院法官遵守本规范,具体由各级法院的政治部门和纪检监察部门负责。

   Article 91   The People's Court at higher level shall guide and supervise the People's Court at lower level in implementation of these Codes of Conduct. The Supreme People's Court shall guide and supervise the local People's Courts at all levels in the implementation of these Codes of Conduct.

     第九十一条 上级人民法院指导、监督下级人民法院对本规范的贯彻执行,最高人民法院指导和监督地方各级人民法院对本规范的贯彻执行。

   Article 92   The local People's Courts at all levels shall incorporate the practice of their own courts, study and formulate the specific detailed rules on implementation or measures on implementation, and effectively strengthen the training and the assessment on these Codes of Conduct.

     第九十二条 地方各级人民法院应当结合本院实际,研究制定具体的实施细则或实施办法,切实加强本规范的培训与考核。

   Article 93   The People's Court at all levels and all the judges shall conscientiously comply and execute these Codes of Conduct. In respect of personnel in violation of these Codes of Conduct, where the circumstance is relatively mild and there is no harmful consequence, admonition and education through criticism shall be carried out. Where it constitutes violation of discipline, it shall be dealt with according to the relevant provisions of disciplinary sanction of the People's Court. Where it constitutes violation of law, it shall be dealt with sternly according to the provisions of the law.

     第九十三条 各级人民法院广大法官要自觉遵守和执行本规范,对违反本规范的人员,情节较轻且没有危害后果的,进行诫勉谈话和批评教育;构成违纪的,根据人民法院有关纪律处分的规定进行处理;构成违法的,根据法律规定严肃处理。

10. Supplementary Provisions


   Article 94   The people's jury as well as other working staff of the People's Court shall use these Codes of Conduct as reference in implementation. Retired judges shall refer to the relevant requirements on restriction of words and deeds in these Codes of Conduct.

     第九十四条 人民陪审员以及人民法院其他工作人员参照本规范执行,法官退休后应当参照本规范有关要求约束言行。

   Article 95   The Supreme People's Court shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Codes of Conduct.

     第九十五条 本规范由最高人民法院负责解释。

   Article 96   These Codes of Conduct shall take effect on the day it is promulgated. The Codes of Conduct for Judges (Trial) promulgated by the Supreme People's Court on November 4, 2005 shall be abolished concurrently.

     第九十六条 本规范自发布之日起施行,最高人民法院2005年11月4日发布的《法官行为规范(试行)》同时废止。


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发布于 2020-10-27 11:04:13