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Certain Opinions of the Supreme People's Court Regarding Further Reinforcement and Advancement of the Work of People's Assessors


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Fa [2010] No. 24

Promulgating Date: 06/29/2010

Effective Date: 06/29/2010

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法发[2010]24号

颁布时间: 06/29/2010

实施时间: 06/29/2010



For the purposes of thoroughly implementing the Decisions of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Improvement of People's Assessor System (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision"), further strengthening and advancing the work of people's assessors, continuously improving the people's assessor system, bringing the important roles of the people's courts in thoroughly promoting such three key tasks as resolution of social conflicts, innovation in social administration and equitable and honest law enforcement into full play, the opinions on strengthening and advancing the work of people's assessors for a certain period in the future are hereby put forward as follows in pursuance of the spirit of the Decision and the relevant documents and by combining with the actual work of the people's assessors.


1. To continue to deepen the understanding, reinforce the overall work of people's assessors

(1) Strengthening and advancing the work of the people's assessors will be beneficial to the improvement of the socialist judicial systems and promotion of judicial democracy. Implementation of the people's assessor system is an important and direct way for the people to get involved in administering the national affairs in accordance with the law in the judicial sector. It is an important content for sound socialist, democratic and political systems, an important manifestation of the socialist judicial democracy in China as well as concrete manifestation of the people's channel of our Party in the people's judicial work. Deep understanding of the positive significance of the people's assessor system, bringing the unique strength of the majority of the people's assessors in connecting with the people, getting familiarized with the people and representing the people within the judicial trial sector, allowing ordinary citizens to assist in the administration of justice, witness the administration of justice and take charge of the administration of justice, and fully reflecting the democratic function of the administration of justice will be able to achieve a more focused access to the people's sentiment, reflection of the public opinions and pooling of the people's wisdom, and realization of the people's democracy to a larger extent.

(2) Strengthening and advancing the work of the people's assessors will be beneficial to the assurance of impartiality and integrity of the administration of justice. In involving in the trial cases, the people's assessors focus on analyzing and making judgment of the cases from aspects of social and moral standards. This shall effectively realize the complementation between the general public's thinking and the professional thinking of the judges. The people's perspective of the people's assessors and the varying professional background and specialization are beneficial to the thorough investigation of the facts of the cases, proper applicability of law and in ensuring fair verdicts. The people's assessors are equipped with the advantages of knowing the sentiment of the people and understanding the public opinions. They will also use the language that is familiar to and easily understood by the people in interpreting the law which is beneficial in persuading and convincing the parties concerned to come to mutual understanding and compromise, patch up the lawsuit and resolve the disputes. These further enhance the quality and efficiency of case handling. The people's assessors come from all walks of lives. By getting involved in the trial, they raise the transparency of the trial process and promote the openness in the administration of justice. These are beneficial to the further tightening of and bringing the roles of the collegial panel in mutual supervision and mutual restraint into full play and joint resistance against all types of illegal intervention which facilitates the independent and impartial exercise of judicial power by the people's courts in accordance with the law.

(3) Strengthening and advancing the work of the people's assessors will be beneficial in boosting the judicial authority. The implementation of the people's assessor system and the adherence to the people channel of the judicial work enable the judicial activities to move closer to the social life, move closer to the people and move closer to the needs of the times. This is an effective way for the people to experience the impartiality of the administration of justice directly and for the administration of justice to get close to the people. It is beneficial in having all facets of the society to objectively understand the real working conditions of the courts, reducing and eliminating the misunderstanding that may arise in the society towards the trying of cases in the courts and further strengthening the judicial authority of the people's courts so as to better realize the organic unification of the legal effect and the social effect of the case judgment.





2. To broaden the scope of selection and appointment, strictly apply the appointment and removal procedures

(4) All basic people's courts shall expand the number of people's assessors selected and appointed appropriately according to the number and characteristics of the cases in their own jurisdictions, population size, geographic area, ethnic status as well as factors like the needs of the people's courts at a higher level in randomly selecting the people's assessors from their own courts, based on the ratio of the number of people's assessors selected and appointed not lower than one-half of the number of judges currently appointed in their own courts, and under the premise of funding assurance and permissible condition for training, as well as promptly submit to the Standing Committee of the People's Congress at the same level for appointment.

(5) The selection and appointment of the people's assessors shall generally be conducted once every five years. The number of people's assessors may also be increased appropriately in line with the needs of the local trial work and according to the statutory procedures. Basic people's court that carries out the increase work shall promptly submit the situation of the increase work to the high people's court hierarchically for record filing.

(6) All basic people's courts shall set up the information bank for people's assessors as well as candidates, at the same time, classify them into different categories in accordance with elements such as location of the region, industry and expertise so as to adapt to the needs of the assessor work.

(7) During the selection and appointment of the people's assessors, attention shall be given by considering the composition ratio for all levels of personnel in the society, pay attention to assimilating personnel from different industries, different professions, different ages, different nationalities and different genders so as to reflect the extensiveness and representativeness in the sources.

(8) All high people's courts shall set up realistically viable exit mechanism for the people's assessors according to the actual work in their own jurisdictions. Where the assessor duties cannot be performed due to reasons such as changes in the profession or job or personal health, the people's court shall submit for a discharge from the duties of its people's assessor with the Standing Committee of the People's Congress at the same level in accordance with the statutory procedures.

(9) Where a people's assessor refuses to participate in trial cases for more than three times without proper reason within three-year period, it shall be deemed as resignation. The people's court shall process the relevant formalities in accordance with the procedures.








3. To perform the duties and responsibilities in accordance with law, realistically protect the rights

(10) Where according to the legal provisions, the people's assessors should participate in the trial of a case, the people's court must arrange for the people's assessors and the judge to jointly form a collegial panel in conducting the trial. The parties concerned may not refuse without statutory grounds.

(11) Where the defendant of a criminal case of first instance, the plaintiff or the defendant of a civil and commercial case and the plaintiff of an administrative case apply for the people assessors to join in the collegial panel in the trial, the people's court shall arrange for the people assessors and the judge to jointly form a collegial panel to conduct the trial.

Where the people's court obtains the consent of the parties concerned as provided in the preceding paragraph to form a collegial panel made up of people's assessors and the judge jointly for the trial of a case, it shall be deemed as an application.

(12) Where one party applies for the application of assessors and the other party does not agree, the people's court shall not arrange for the people's assessors to join the collegial panel in the trial. However, a case where assessors shall be applicable as provided by law shall be excluded.

(13) The people's court shall provide working convenience and conditions for the people's assessors in examining the case file and participating in the trial activities. People's assessors who receive notice shall complete the examination work before the court session for the case commences.

(14) The chief judge shall guide and ensure the people's assessors exercise the rights according to the law. During the hearing of the case, upon consent by the chief judge, the people's assessors may get involved in the joint investigation of the case, directly raise question during the hearing in court or carry out mediation of the case independently, etc.

(15) The collegial panel shall ensure the rights of the people's assessors in expressing autonomous and independent opinions in the course of the deliberation of the case. The chief judge and other members of the collegial panel may not exert undue influence or interference.

(16) Where there are differences in the opinions of the people's assessors and other members of the collegial panel, their opinions shall be entered into the records. Where necessary, the people's assessors may request the collegial panel to file the case with the court president for decision on whether to file it with the judicial committee for discussion and decision. However, the reason shall be explained. The request and reasons put forward by the people's assessors shall be entered into the deliberation records.

(17) The people's assessors have been invited to attend and participate in the discussion of the case with the judicial committee, other than not being able to exercise the right to vote, they may express their opinions with the judicial committee.











4. To improve the random selection mechanism, standardize the working procedures for assessors

(18) All basic people's courts shall further improve the operating system and assurance mechanism for the random selection of people's assessors to participate in the hearing of the case in accordance with the working objectives of scientific, standardized and convenient operation so as to ensure that the principles of extensiveness and mass in the Decision related to the people's assessor work can be implemented.

(19) The people's assessors to be participated in the hearing of case shall be determined through adopting the random selection method. The people's court shall adopt an appropriate method before the court session to randomly select and determine the people's assessors from the list of people's assessors. Where the case hearing has a need, it can be randomly selected from the range of people's assessors of the relevant types such as region, industry or profession.

(20) Where the trial of a case by the intermediate people's court or the high people's court requires by law the involvement of people's assessors in the trial by collegial panel, these shall be randomly selected and determined from the list of people's assessors of the basic people's court at the prefecture-level city where it is located at within its jurisdiction.

(21) Where the trial of a case by the maritime court, forestry court, railway court, reclamation court, oil field court, mining court or development area court requires by law the involvement of people's assessors in the trial by collegial panel, these shall be randomly selected and determined from the list of people's assessors of the basic people's court at the prefecture-level city where it is located at and under its administration or within the jurisdiction of the case.

(22) Where a people's assessor also takes up the role of a people's mediator, he/she may not get involved in the case which has earlier been mediated by him/her.

(23) In involving in the trial activities, the people's assessor shall comply with all types of provisions and requirements of the judicial discipline and etiquette.

(24) The recusal of people's assessors shall be executed in reference to the law and regulations related to the recusal of judge.









5. To earnestly strengthen the work on training, overall enhance the capability of the assessors

(25) All high people's courts shall promptly submit the overall plan and execution opinions on the training work for people's assessors of their own jurisdiction, at the same time, report them to the Supreme People's Court for record filing.

(26) Upon appointment, the people's assessor shall, in line with the provisions, receive pre-job training before getting involved in the trial of cases at the people's court according to the law. The content, format and method of pre-job training shall be designed and arranged according to the actual needs of the people's assessor involving in the trial activities. Pre-job training shall be undertaken primarily by all high people's courts or the intermediate people's courts authorized by them.

(27) The content of pre-job training comprises of socialist concept of rule of law, professional ethic of the judge, judicial system in China, trial discipline, judicial etiquette, provision for corruption-free government, as well as basic knowledge of law, basic rules of trial work, etc. The people's court may also incorporate the case characteristics of its own area and the types and arrange for the training content.

(28) The people's court shall carry out training on political theory and newly promulgated law and regulations, and judicial interpretation in a planned and organized manner for people's assessors during their tenure according to the needs of the trial work. The daily office training shall be undertaken primarily by the basic people's court at the domicile of the people's assessors.

(29) The format and method of office training shall be determined based on the characteristics and the actual situation of the people's assessor. Besides adopting centralized training through teaching, methods such as targeted observation at court hearing, case study teaching, simulated demonstration, electronic teaching, road show teaching, etc., may also be adopted as well as organize special-topic discussion for people's assessors on hot, difficult and key cases. The office training may not be less than 20 credit hours.







6. To tighten the administration and appraisal, implement funding assurance

(30) The people's courts at all levels shall set up people's assessor management office according to the operating needs and actual conditions. It shall take charge of formulating and implementing all types of administration system and concrete measures for people's assessor work.

(31) The basic people's court shall carry out dynamic appraisal of people's assessors, set up sound appraisal and administration systems, set up performance files for assessor work by focusing on the appraisal of details such as the number of cases, the court attendance, assessor capacity, trial discipline, style of trial, etc. The integrity and self-discipline of people's assessors and the situation of an impartial administration of justice shall be included in the work scope for corruption-free supervision by the basic people's court.

(32) Before the end of each year, the basic people's court at the domicile of the people's assessor shall notify the people's assessor himself/herself of the appraisal results in writing as well as the entity to which he/she belongs (or the location of the household register or the basic level organization at the regular place of residence), at the same time, submit the relevant appraisal status to the local committee of internal and judicial affairs of People's Congress and the judicial administrative organ at the same level.

(33) The people's assessor enjoys the same right as the judge involving in the collegial panel. At the same time, he/she shall also fulfill the same obligations. During the period in which the people's assessor performs his/her duties, where abuse of power and misconduct in office, and playing favoritism and committing irregularities arise, the people's court shall carry out criticism and education depending on the circumstance. Where the circumstance is serious, remove the duty of a people's assessor according to the statutory procedures and recommend the entity or the basic level organization to which he/she belongs to deal with it. Where it constitutes a crime, he/she shall be investigated for criminal liability according to law.

(34) The essential expenses disbursed as a result of the people's assessor involving in the trial activities shall be included in the scope of funding and expenditure for case handling (business) for the people's court. The people's courts at all levels shall actively study and implement the contents of the existing policies and provisions jointly with the relevant departments at the same level such as the finance department, expand the contribution of funds and standardize the scope of use.

(35) All high people's courts shall study and determine the subsidy criteria and subsidy method for the people's assessors involving in the trial activities within its own jurisdiction.

(36) The people's assessors involving in intermediate people's court, high people's court as well as other court trial activities shall be granted subsidy by the relevant court according to the provisions.









7. To strengthen the organizational leadership, ensure the implementation of the system

(37) The people's courts at all levels shall list the people's assessor work as an important agenda, actively create the conducive conditions, adopt practical and effective measures and ensure the relevant provisions of the Decision and Supreme People's Court are put in place. The people's courts at all levels shall promote actively and steadily the implementation of people's assessor system under the leadership from the Party, supervision from the People's Congress and support from the government, take active initiative in reporting major issues and the progress to the Party committee and People's Congress, strengthen the communication and coordination with the judicial administrative organ and the finance department.

(38) The people's court at a higher level shall proactively step out to assist the people's court at a lower level in doing more work, coordinating and supervising the relevant departments in earnestly resolving all types of difficulties and issues encountered in the course of people's assessor work.

(39) The people's court at all levels shall step up the publicity work on the people's assessor system, adopt practical and effective measures, extensively use the newspapers, broadcast, television, network and various types of media to fully manifest the guiding role of public opinions, aggressively publicize the important significance of the people's assessor system, summarize and publicize the experience and practices of the excellent people's assessors; improve the publicity approach, pay attention in publicizing typical cases of people's assessors and the significant effect, strive for full recognition of the people's assessor work from all facets of the society, actively create the desirable atmosphere of supporting the people's assessors in performing the trial duty according to the law and paying attention to the trial work of the courts throughout the entire society.






中英双语-最高人民法院关于进一步加强和推进人民陪审工作的若干意见(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-27 12:14:40