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Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Certain Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in the Trial of Contractual Disputes Over the Leasing of Urban Housing


Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court

Document Number: Fa Shi [2009] No. 11

Promulgating Date: 07/30/2009

Effective Date: 09/01/2009

颁布机关: 最高人民法院

文    号: 法释[2009]11号

颁布时间: 07/30/2009

实施时间: 09/01/2009



(Adopted at the 1469th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on June 22, 2009)


This Interpretation has been formulated pursuant to the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, the Property Law of the People's Republic of China, the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws while taking into consideration civil trial practice, to ensure the rightful trial of contractual disputes over the leasing of urban housing and to protect in accordance with the law the legal rights and interests of the parties involved.


   Article 1 "Urban Housing" in this Interpretation refers to housing in planned areas in cities and towns.

Contractual disputes over the leasing of housing in planned areas in a townships and villages may be handled in reference to this Interpretation, unless otherwise provided by the law in which case the applicable provisions shall prevail.

This Interpretation shall not be applicable to disputes arising from the leasing of public housing, low-rent housing or affordable housing by the parties involved in accordance with national welfare policies.

     第一条 本解释所称城镇房屋,是指城市、镇规划区内的房屋。



   Article 2 If a lessor enters into a lease contract with a lessee for housing that has not been issued with the planning permit on construction works or for housing that was not built in accordance with the provisions of the planning permit on construction works, the contract shall be invalid. However, if such housing obtains the planning permit on construction works or if the construction of such housing receives the approval of the competent authorities prior to the closing of arguments in the court of first instance, the lease contract shall be deemed valid by the people's court.

     第二条 出租人就未取得建设工程规划许可证或者未按照建设工程规划许可证的规定建设的房屋,与承租人订立的租赁合同无效。但在一审法庭辩论终结前取得建设工程规划许可证或者经主管部门批准建设的,人民法院应当认定有效。

   Article 3 If a lessor enters into a lease contract with a lessee for any temporary building constructed without approval or not in compliance with the contents of the approval, the contract shall be invalid. However, if the construction of such buildings receives the approval of the competent authorities prior to the closing of arguments in the court of first instance, the lease contract shall be deemed valid by the people's court.

If the lease period of the temporary building exceeds its period of use, the exceeding period shall be invalid. However, if the competent authorities approve the extension of the period of use prior to the closing of arguments in the court of first instance, the lease period that falls within the extended period of use shall be deemed valid by the people's court.

     第三条 出租人就未经批准或者未按照批准内容建设的临时建筑,与承租人订立的租赁合同无效。但在一审法庭辩论终结前经主管部门批准建设的,人民法院应当认定有效。


   Article 4 The people's court shall not uphold any request for invalidating a housing leasing contract on the grounds that no registration and record-filing procedures are handled for the contract according to the laws and administrative regulations.

If the parties concerned agree that validity of the housing leasing contract shall be conditional on the handling of registration and record-filing procedures, such an agreement shall prevail unless either party has fulfilled his or her main obligations thereunder with acceptance from the other party.

     第四条 当事人以房屋租赁合同未按照法律、行政法规规定办理登记备案手续为由,请求确认合同无效的,人民法院不予支持。


   Article 5 For any invalid housing leasing contract, the people's court shall in general uphold any request from the parties involved for payment of occupation charges in reference to the agreed rental rates in the contract.

The people's court shall handle any request by the parties involved for compensation against loss arising from the invalidity of contract in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Contract Law and Articles 9, 13 and 14 herein.

     第五条 房屋租赁合同无效,当事人请求参照合同约定的租金标准支付房屋占有使用费的,人民法院一般应予支持。


   Article 6 If the lessor enters into more than one leasing contract for the same housing and all lessees involved claim the performance of the said contracts provided the same are all valid, the people's court shall determine the lessee for contract performance in the following order:

(1) those who are legally occupying the rented housing;

(2) those who have handled the registration and record-filing procedures;

(3) those who have concluded the contracts antecedently.

Any request by lessee(s) who fail to obtain the rental housing for contract termination or compensation shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Contract Law.

     第六条 出租人就同一房屋订立数份租赁合同,在合同均有效的情况下,承租人均主张履行合同的,人民法院按照下列顺序确定履行合同的承租人:





   Article 7 If the lessee unilaterally makes any change or extension to the main body or load-bearing structure of the housing and fails to restore the housing to its original state within a reasonable time period as specified by the lessor, the people's court shall handle any compensation or contract termination request of the lessor in accordance with Article 219 of the Contract Law.

     第七条 承租人擅自变动房屋建筑主体和承重结构或者扩建,在出租人要求的合理期限内仍不予恢复原状,出租人请求解除合同并要求赔偿损失的,人民法院依照合同法第二百一十九条的规定处理。

   Article 8 The people's court shall uphold any contract termination request of the lessee if the rental housing is not available for use due to any of the following circumstances:

(1) The rental housing is sealed up by judicial or administrative authorities in accordance with the law;

(2) There is a dispute over the ownership of the rental housing;

(3) There is violation of laws or administrative regulations in the rental housing regarding mandatory provisions on the conditions of housing use.

     第八条 因下列情形之一,导致租赁房屋无法使用,承租人请求解除合同的,人民法院应予支持:




   Article 9 For fittings or renovations undertaken by the lessee at the consent of the lessor, in the event that the leasing contract becomes invalid, such fittings or items of renovation that are not attached to the housing may be possessed by the lessor at a price equivalent if the lessor consents to making use of the same, or may be dismantled by the lessee if the lessor does not. The lessee shall be responsible for restoring the housing to its original state if such dismantling results in damages to the housing.

Fittings or items of renovation that are attached to the housing may be possessed by the lessor at a price equivalent if the lessor consents to making use of the same, or both parties shall share the loss of the present value according to their respective fault for the invalidity of the contract.

     第九条 承租人经出租人同意装饰装修,租赁合同无效时,未形成附合的装饰装修物,出租人同意利用的,可折价归出租人所有;不同意利用的,可由承租人拆除。因拆除造成房屋毁损的,承租人应当恢复原状。


   Article 10 For fittings or renovations undertaken by the lessee at the consent of the lessor, unless otherwise agreed between the parties involved, such fittings or items of renovation that are not attached to the housing may be dismantled by the lessee upon the expiry of the lease period or upon contract termination. The lessee shall be responsible for restoring the housing to its original state if such dismantling results in damages to the housing.

     第十条 承租人经出租人同意装饰装修,租赁期间届满或者合同解除时,除当事人另有约定外,未形成附合的装饰装修物,可由承租人拆除。因拆除造成房屋毁损的,承租人应当恢复原状。

   Article 11 For fittings or renovations undertaken by the lessee at the consent of the lessor, if there is no arrangement between both parties at the point of contract termination on the disposal of such fittings or items of renovation that are not attached to the housing, the people's court shall rule as follows:

(1) If the contract is terminated due to a breach by the lessor, the people's court shall uphold the request of the lessee for compensation from the lessor for residual loss on the said fittings or items of renovation for the remaining period of lease;

(2) If the contract is terminated due to a breach by the lessee, the people's court shall not uphold the request of the lessee for compensation from the lessor for residual loss on the said fittings or items of renovation for the remaining period of lease. However, if the lessor agrees to make use of the said fittings or items of renovation, he or she shall make appropriate indemnifications within the scope of the value of use;

(3) If the contract is terminated due to a breach by both parties, both parties shall bear responsibility for residual loss on the said fittings or items of renovation for the remaining period of lease according to their respective fault;

(4) If the contract is terminated due to reasons not attributable to either party, both parties shall bear responsibility for residual loss on the said fittings or items of renovation for the remaining period of lease based on the principle of fairness, unless otherwise provided by the law in which case the applicable provisions shall prevail.

     第十一条 承租人经出租人同意装饰装修,合同解除时,双方对已形成附合的装饰装修物的处理没有约定的,人民法院按照下列情形分别处理:





   Article 12 For fittings or renovations undertaken by the lessee at the consent of the lessor, if the lessee seeks compensation from the lessor for the costs of attached fittings or items of renovation upon the expiry of the lease period, such requests shall not be upheld unless otherwise agreed between both parties.

     第十二条 承租人经出租人同意装饰装修,租赁期间届满时,承租人请求出租人补偿附合装饰装修费用的,不予支持。但当事人另有约定的除外。

   Article 13 The lessee shall bear costs arising from fittings, renovations or extensions undertaken by the lessee without the consent of the lessor. The people's court shall rule in favor of the lessor if he or she requires the lessee to restore the housing to its original state or make compensation against losses incurred therefrom.

     第十三条 承租人未经出租人同意装饰装修或者扩建发生的费用,由承租人负担。出租人请求承租人恢复原状或者赔偿损失的,人民法院应予支持。

   Article 14 For extensions undertaken by the lessee at the consent of the lessor, if there is no prior agreement between both parties on the cost of extension, the people's court shall rule as follows:

(1) If the legal procedures for construction have been undertaken, the lessor shall bear the cost of extension;

(2) If the legal procedures for construction have not been undertaken, both parties shall bear the cost of extension according to their fault.

     第十四条 承租人经出租人同意扩建,但双方对扩建费用的处理没有约定的,人民法院按照下列情形分别处理:



   Article 15 If the lessee sub-leases the housing to a third party at the consent of the lessor and the sublease period exceeds the remaining lease period of the lessee, the people's court shall deem the agreement as invalid for the exceeded part, unless otherwise agreed between the lessor and lessee.

     第十五条 承租人经出租人同意将租赁房屋转租给第三人时,转租期限超过承租人剩余租赁期限的,人民法院应当认定超过部分的约定无效。但出租人与承租人另有约定的除外。

   Article 16 If the lessor is aware or should rightfully be aware of the sublease by the lessee and fails to raise any objection within six (6) months, the people's court shall not uphold the request of the lessor for terminating the contract or for invalidating the sublease contract on grounds that the lessee did not receive prior consent.

The people's court may notify the sub-lessee to participate in the legal proceedings for disputes over the lease contract.

     第十六条 出租人知道或者应当知道承租人转租,但在六个月内未提出异议,其以承租人未经同意为由请求解除合同或者认定转租合同无效的,人民法院不予支持。


   Article 17 If the lessor seeks contract termination for arrears in rent payment by the lessee, the people's court shall rule in favor of the sub-lessee if he or she seeks to pay the due rent and penalty on behalf of the lessee to contest the right of the lessor to terminate the contract.

If such rental or penalty payments made by the sub-lessee exceeds the amount of rent payable by sub-lessee, the same may be used to offset rental or the sub-lessee may seek reimbursement from the lessee.

     第十七条 因承租人拖欠租金,出租人请求解除合同时,次承租人请求代承租人支付欠付的租金和违约金以抗辩出租人合同解除权的,人民法院应予支持。但转租合同无效的除外。


   Article 18 In the case of invalidation, expiration or termination of the lease contract, if the lessor requires the sub-lessee who is obligated to vacate the housing to pay for the use of the housing after the deadline for vacation, the people's court shall rule in favor of the lessor.

     第十八条 房屋租赁合同无效、履行期限届满或者解除,出租人请求负有腾房义务的次承租人支付逾期腾房占有使用费的,人民法院应予支持。

   Article 19 If the lessee rents the housing for purposes of conducting business in the capacity of a sole proprietor or individual partnership and the lessee passes away or is declared missing or dead during the lease period, the people's court shall rule in the favor of the co-operator of the lessee's business or other partners of the lessee seeking to rent the housing according to the original lease contract.

     第十九条 承租人租赁房屋用于以个体工商户或者个人合伙方式从事经营活动,承租人在租赁期间死亡、宣告失踪或者宣告死亡,其共同经营人或者其他合伙人请求按照原租赁合同租赁该房屋的,人民法院应予支持。

   Article 20 In the event of any changes in the ownership of the housing during the lease period, the people's court shall uphold the request of the lessee for continuous performance of the original lease contract by the assignee of the housing, save and except for the occurrence of the following or unless otherwise agreed between the parties involved:

(1) The housing has been mortgaged prior to the lease and the ownership of which is changed due to the exercise of the rights of the mortgagee under the mortgage;

(2) The housing has been seized by the people's court according to the law prior to the lease.

     第二十条 租赁房屋在租赁期间发生所有权变动,承租人请求房屋受让人继续履行原租赁合同的,人民法院应予支持。但租赁房屋具有下列情形或者当事人另有约定的除外:



   Article 21 If the lessor fails to notify the lessee within a reasonable time period of the sale of the housing or if there is any other encroachment on the priority of the lessee in purchasing the housing, the people's court shall rule in favor of the lessee if he or she seeks compensation from the lessor. However, the people's court shall not uphold the request of the lessee for invalidating the housing purchase and sale contract entered into between the lessor and a third party.

     第二十一条 出租人出卖租赁房屋未在合理期限内通知承租人或者存在其他侵害承租人优先购买权情形,承租人请求出租人承担赔偿责任的,人民法院应予支持。但请求确认出租人与第三人签订的房屋买卖合同无效的,人民法院不予支持。

   Article 22 If the lessor reaches an agreement with the mortgagee for converting the housing to a price equivalent or selling of the housing for repayment of debts, he or she shall notify the lessee thereof within a reasonable time period. The people's court shall rule in favor of the lessee if he or she seeks priority in purchasing the housing on the same terms and conditions.

     第二十二条 出租人与抵押权人协议折价、变卖租赁房屋偿还债务,应当在合理期限内通知承租人。承租人请求以同等条件优先购买房屋的,人民法院应予支持。

   Article 23 If the lessor commissions an auctioneer to conduct an auction of the housing, he or she shall notify the lessee thereof five (5) days before the auction. If the lessee fails to attend the auction, he or she shall be deemed by the people's court to have waived his or her purchase priority.

     第二十三条 出租人委托拍卖人拍卖租赁房屋,应当在拍卖5日前通知承租人。承租人未参加拍卖的,人民法院应当认定承租人放弃优先购买权。

   Article 24 The people's court shall not uphold the claim of the lessee for the priority to purchase the housing if:

(1) the co-owner(s) of the housing exercises his or her purchase priority;

(2) the lessor sells the housing to immediate relatives, including his or her spouse, parent, offspring, sibling, grandparent or grandchild;

(3) the lessee fails to expressly indicate his or her intention to purchase the housing within fifteen (15) days after the lessor has fulfilled his or her notification obligations;

(4) a third party has in good faith purchased the housing and handled the registration procedures therefor.

     第二十四条 具有下列情形之一,承租人主张优先购买房屋的,人民法院不予支持:





   Article 25 Cases concluded before the implementation of this Interpretation and brought up for retrial as requested by a party concerned or according to the trial supervision procedure after the implementation of this Interpretation shall not be governed by this Interpretation.

     第二十五条 本解释施行前已经终审,本解释施行后当事人申请再审或者按照审判监督程序决定再审的案件,不适用本解释。


中英双语-英最高人民法院关于审理城镇房屋租赁合同纠纷案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-10-28 16:31:12