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Measures for the Administration of Audit on Directors and Senior Management Personnel of Insurance Companies


Chapter 1: General Provisions


Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant provisions for the purposes of strengthening the supervision and administration of directors and senior management personnel of insurance companies, encouraging insurance companies to establish and improve the risk prevention mechanism, and standardizing the audit-related work.


Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, "audit on directors and senior management personnel" shall mean the audit on directors and senior management personnel of insurance companies for the purposes of examining their business management activities during their tenure and evaluating in an objective manner the liabilities they shall bear according to their functions and duties. The audit shall include in-office audits, departure audits, and special audits.

"In-office audits" shall refer to the periodic audits on current directors and senior management personnel performed at prescribed intervals.

"Departure audits" shall refer to the audits on the performance of directors or senior management personnel during their term of office while such directors or senior management personnel will leave office due to reasons such as expiry of term of office, transfer of position, resignation, removal from office, dismissal, or retirement.

"Special audits" shall mean the specific audits on any director or senior management personnel who are likely to be held accountable for the company's involvement in any major irregular act, abnormal financial standing or other irregularities.





Article 3 The audit on directors and senior management personnel of insurance companies shall apply to the following persons:

(1) Chairman of the board of directors and other managing directors;

(2) Members of the management of the headquarters of the company;

(3) General managers, deputy general managers, and assistants to general managers of provincial branches;

(4) General managers of branches or central sub-branches; and

(5) Other persons that hold equivalent positions to the aforesaid persons.

Insurance companies are encouraged to audit in accordance with provisions of these Measures, senior management personnel not covered in the above items or management personnel holding key posts.








Article 4 The audit on directors and senior management personnel of insurance companies shall mainly include the audit on the performance of the personnel involved on their responsibilities related to the following matters during a specific term and within their respective scope of powers and functions:

(1) Authenticity of the business operation achievements;

(2) Business operation activity compliance; and

(3) Effectiveness of internal control.

In addition to the abovementioned audit contents, insurance companies are encouraged to simultaneously evaluate the personnel involved from the aspects of scientific decision-making and business operation performance.






Article 5 An insurance company shall, in accordance with the requirements of these Measures, formulate detailed implementing rules for the audit on its directors and senior management personnel, strengthen the planning for audit on directors and senior management personnel, allocate auditing resources in a reasonable manner, and avoid repetitive audits and omissions in audits. 

Insurance companies shall improve the authoritativeness of the audits by linking the auditing results to the performance review, appointment, reward and punishment of directors and senior management personnel.



Chapter 2: Organization and Implementation of Audits


Article 6 To audit its chairman of the board of directors, general manager, and person in charge of audit, an insurance company shall engage an external audit agency to perform the audit. The audit department of an insurance group company may organize and conduct the audits on the chairman of the board of directors and general managers of its subsidiaries and insurance asset management companies subordinate thereto.

Audits on other senior management personnel shall be organized and performed by the internal audit department of the insurance company or an external audit agency.

An insurance company that has not implemented the system of centralized audit shall determine the specific audit agency and the relevant personnel according to the principle that "persons are to be audited by the department at the next higher level".




Article 7 An external audit agency to perform the audit on directors and senior management personnel of an insurance company shall be selected and engaged by the board of directors of the insurance company. The audit committee of the board of directors shall issue written opinions regarding the independence of the external audit agency.


Article 8 An external agency to perform the audit on directors and senior management personnel of an insurance company shall satisfy the following conditions:

(1) Having an adequate number of professionals who have expertise in the insurance business, are familiar with insurance regulatory provisions, and are competent in regarding the auditing;

(2) Having no interest relationship with the personnel subject to the audit;

(3) Having a good reputation and no record of receiving penalties for its business practice during the preceding three years; and

(4) Other conditions prescribed by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission.






Article 9 An insurance company shall formulate an annual plan for the audit on its directors and senior management personnel during their term of office. Such audit shall be conducted at least once every three years with regard to senior management personnel during their term of office.

A departure audit shall be conducted according to the actual situation and, in principle, the audit shall be conducted before the person leaves office. If there are justifiable reasons for not performing the departure audit before the person concerned leaves office, the audit shall be completed within three months after the departure of the personnel concerned and the auditor's report shall be simultaneously issued. If the departure audit is to be performed by an external audit agency engaged by the insurance company, the aforesaid time limit may be extended to an appropriate extent, not to exceed six months. 

With regard to a special audit, the company may determine the time of audit and time limit according to the actual situations.




Article 10 In the event that a director or senior management personnel of an insurance company involves circumstances where a departure audit is deemed necessary while it is within three months upon the completion of the on-site examination part of the in-office audit, it no longer requires a separate departure audit.

During an audit on a director or senior management personnel of an insurance company, where certain items have already been audited in other audits, the auditing conclusions thereof may in principle be used as a reference. Such items do not need to be audited again, unless there are clues showing that the said other audits might be erroneous.



Chapter 3: Auditor's Reports


Article 11 Upon completion of an audit, the audit agency shall issue an auditor's report on the concerned director or senior management personnel. The auditor's report shall include the following:

(1) Audit basis, personnel subject to the audit and the scope of their duties and responsibilities, and the auditors;

(2) Scope, content, and method of the audit; and

(3) Auditing result, which mainly refers to the problems identified during the audit and the determination of liabilities. 

Before an audit agency issues an auditor's report, it shall seek opinions from the personnel subject to the audit. The feedback opinions of the said personnel shall constitute the attachment to the auditor's report.

The audit agency shall be responsible for the authenticity, lawfulness, and objectivity of the auditor's report.







Article 12 The auditor's report on the directors and senior management personnel of an insurance company shall distinguish between direct liabilities and leadership liabilities of the persons subject to the audit.

Direct liabilities shall refer to the liabilities that shall be borne by a person subject to the audit for any of the following acts occurring within his scope of powers:

(1) Directly committing any act violating the laws, regulations, or regulatory provisions of the State, or the internal management rules of the insurance company;

(2) Forcing, instructing, inciting, or indulging his subordinates to commit the aforesaid acts or covering up such acts for them;

(3) Neglecting his duties; and

(4) Other direct illegal or irregular acts.

Leadership liabilities shall refer to the management liabilities other than direct liabilities to be borne by the person subject to the audit within his scope of powers.








Article 13The auditor's report on the chairman of the board of directors or a member of the management of the headquarters of a company shall be submitted to the board of directors according to the prescribed procedures and time limit, and meanwhile, to the board of supervisors. An auditor's report shall be reported to the China Insurance Regulatory Commission within 20 days after being deliberated by the board of directors.

The auditor's report on other senior management personnel shall be reported to the local insurance regulatory bureau according to the procedures and time limit prescribed in the Notice of China Insurance Regulatory Commission on the Issues Concerning Submission of Internal Audit Reports of Insurance Companies' Branches to the China Insurance Regulatory Commission's Dispatched Offices (Bao Jian Fa [2008] No. 56).



Article 14 An insurance company shall include the auditor's reports in the personnel records of the directors and management personnel subject to the audit, and such auditor's reports shall serve as an important basis for the performance review, appointment, reward and punishment.

With regard to the problems identified during the audit, the insurance company concerned shall subject the relevant responsible persons to liabilities pursuant to the specified procedures, and organize rectifications in a timely manner.



Article 15 The China Insurance Regulatory Commission and its local offices shall archive the auditor's reports on the directors and senior management personnel of insurance companies into the senior management personnel information system. 

In the process of the examination of the eligibility of a director or senior management personnel of an insurance company, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission or any of its local offices may require the insurance company with which the person concerned previously worked, to submit the last departure report on him, and may also take reference to the audit conclusions in the auditor's reports during his previous terms of office.



Chapter 4: Legal Liabilities

第四章 法律责任

Article 16 An insurance company, an external audit agency, or the relevant personnel shall not commit any of the following acts during the audit on any director or senior management personnel:

(1) The insurance company fails to audit its directors or senior management personnel or fails to submit the auditor's report to the China Insurance Regulatory Commission or the relevant local office in accordance with the scope, time limit, and requirements specified in these Measures;

(2) The auditor's report and relevant materials submitted by the insurance companies to the China Insurance Regulatory Commission or its local offices contain false statements, or intentionally omit or conceal the problems that have been identified in the audit;

(3) When the China Insurance Regulatory Commission or its local office examines the eligibility of a senior executive and requires the insurance company with which he previously worked to submit the departure auditor's report on him, while the said insurance company fails to do so within the specified time limit or has submitted a false report;

(4) During the audit, the auditors' intentional or material negligence results in the failure to identify the major liabilities of the personnel subject to the audit, or the auditors intentionally conceal the problems they have discovered; or

(5) The personnel subject to the audit or the insurance institution with which the concerned personnel works rejects or interferes with the audit, or transfers, conceals, forges, or destroys materials or certification materials required for the audit, or retaliates or takes revenge against the auditors, informants, witnesses, or the material providers.

Where an insurance company or the relevant person has committed any of the aforesaid acts, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission or its local offices shall impose penalties in accordance with Articles 171 and 173 of the Insurance Law and other regulatory provisions.

Where an external audit agency falls under the circumstance prescribed in Item (4) of the preceding paragraph, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission and its local office may notify the competent department of such external audit agency of its illegal or irregular acts, announce the name of the audit agency within the industry, forbid insurance companies to engage the said audit agency to do any audit-related work.









Article 17 With regard to any problem revealed in the auditor's report, or where it is believed that an auditor's report submitted by an insurance company fails to truthfully reflect the problems of the personnel subject to the audit, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission or its local office may look into the relevant problems in the following ways:

(1) Requiring the audit agency to make explanations;

(2) Hearing the statements from the personnel subject to the audit;

(3) Entrusting a verification audit to an external audit agency with the audit-related expenses borne by the insurance company concerned; and

(4) Initiating a case for investigation.






Article 18 With regard to violations of regulatory provisions revealed in the auditor's report, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission and its local offices may, after investigation and evidence collection, adopt the following ways in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law on Administrative Penalty:

(1) Where the irregular act is minor, which has not resulted in any damage, no penalty shall be imposed;

(2) Where the insurance company has made rectifications in a timely manner and has properly handled the case, takes the initiative to eliminate or mitigate the damaging consequences of the irregular acts, a lighter or mitigated penalty may be imposed;

(3) If the party has performed meritorious deeds when working in coordination with the regulatory authority to investigate the irregular acts, a lighter or mitigated penalty may be imposed; and

(4) Where the party fails to pursue the liabilities or fails to diligently organize rectifications with regard to any issue discovered during the audit, a heavier penalty may be imposed in accordance with the law.






Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions


Article 19 These Measures shall apply to insurance group companies and insurance asset management companies.

These Measures shall also apply to branches of foreign insurance companies, except for the provisions regarding the board of directors or the chairman of the board of directors.



Article 20 These Measures shall become effective from January 1, 2011.



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发布于 2020-11-04 22:46:26