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Notice on the Work of Supplementary Audit of A Shares Company


Promulgating Institution:China Securities Regulatory Commission

Document Number: Zheng Jian Fa [2001] No. 162

Promulgating Date:12/30/2001

Effective Date:12/30/2001

Revision History:

This document has been declared repealed pursuant to theNotice of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on Ceasing to Implement the Special Audit Requirements for Certain Listed Companies promulgated on March 8, 2007.

颁布机关: 中国证券监督管理委员会

文      号:证监发[2001]162号







All Companies to Make Initial Public Offering of Securities and to Be Listed, and Listed Companies to Re-raise Funds on the Securities Market after Being Listed:

In order to improve the quality of disclosure of financial information of listed companies and companies that plan to make public offering of securities and to be listed, and to protect legal rights and interests of investors, China Securities Regulatory Commission has promulgated No. 16 Rules on Compilation of Information Disclosure of Companies That Make Public Offering of Securities - Interim Rules on Supplementary Audit on A Shares Companies, which are required to be executed as of 1st January 2002. In order to do well the relevant work, we hereby notify as follows on the relevant matters:



I. As for the A Shares company that submits materials to this Commission from 1st April 2002 and applies for initial public offering of securities and being listed, supplementary audit shall be conducted on the financial report of the latest full accounting year and of the latest period in the application materials.

As for the A Shares company that submits materials to this Commission from 1st January to 31st March 2002 and applies for initial public offering of securities and being listed, no supplementary audit is required.



II. As for A Shares company that submits materials to this Commission from 1st January 2002 and applies for re-raising funds on the securities market, supplementary audit shall be conducted on its financial report of the latest full accounting year, and its financial report of the latest period shall be checked and approved by domestic and international certified public accountants' firms respectively. The company that is required, by the relevant provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission, to have its statutory interim financial report audited by a domestic certified public accountants' firm shall provide supplementary financial report of the corresponding period audited by an international certified public accounts firm.


III. As for the A Shares company that submits materials to this Commission from 1st January 2002 and applies for initial public offering of securities and being listed, or that re-raises funds on the securities market, no supplementary audit is required.


IV. This Notice shall take effect as of the issuance date.

December 30, 2001




中英双语-关于A股公司做好补充审计工作的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-11-05 22:20:31