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Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Further Improving the Examination and Verification and Cashing of Subsidy Funds under the Program of Household Electrical Appliance Going to the Countryside



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Jian [2009] No. 458

Promulgating Date: 08/14/2009

Effective Date:08/14/2009


颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财建[2009]458号

颁布时间: 08/14/2009




Finance departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities separately designated under the State plan, and the Finance Bureau of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,

The program of "household electrical appliances going to the countryside" is an important move of the State Council to cope with the current global financial crisis and stimulate domestic demand by driving consumption. It is also an important policy to support agriculture and benefit farmers. With a view to thoroughly implementing the policy, the Ministry of Finance printed and distributed, in conjunction with the Ministry of Commerce and other departments, the Detailed Operational Rules for the Program of Household Electrical Appliances Going to the Countryside (Cai Jian [2009] No. 155) in April 2009 to provide for the formalities and measures for the pilot implementation of the practice of sales outlets in certain regions examining or making applications for subsidy funds on behalf of farmers. All regions are also required to actively explore convenient and safe processes and measures. Practice has proved that the pilot measures have provided convenience for farmers, shortened the time needed for examination and verification, and cashing, and remarkably raised the efficiency of the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside. The pilot measures are not only widely welcomed by farmers but also fully acknowledged by relevant sections of the society. In order to summarize and promote the experience and measures of the pilot project, further simplify and optimize the workflow of examination and verification, and cashing, enhance fund management, and fully exert the effect of the policy of household electrical appliances going to the countryside, relevant issues are herby notified as follows: 



1. As of the date hereof, all regions shall improve the measures for examination and verification, and cashing of the subsidy funds for household electrical appliances going to the countryside in light of actual local situations. Pilot regions shall further improve the methods of examination and verification, and cashing while non-pilot regions shall lose no time to adjust and improve the measures for examination and verification, and cashing. Specific implementing methods and workflows shall include:


(1) application by farmers, and examination and verification, and cashing by township finance offices.

(a) a farmer shall purchase products under the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside at a designated sales outlet with his/her ID card and household register.

(b) the sales outlet shall issue invoices to the purchaser on the spot after sales of the products under the program of household electrical appliance going to the countryside;

(c) after purchase of products under the program of household electrical appliance going to the countryside, the farmer may immediately apply for subsidies to a designated township finance office with the product identification cards, purchase invoices his/her ID card, household register and deposit passbook (the deposit passbook designated for direct grain subsidy, or, where inapplicable, other deposit passbook, hereinafter the same). 

(d) the township finance office shall examine and verify relevant certificates and purchase materials of the farmer on the spot, and enter the following information into the management system of information concerning the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside: number of the product identification card, serial number of the invoice, name and ID card number of the purchaser, number of the household register, name of the head of the household, number of deposit passbook, as well as the address and contact information of the purchaser. The name of the account holder of deposit passbook entered into the system shall be identical with the name of the purchaser or head of the household. The identity of the farmer shall also be reviewed. Upon examination and verification, relevant certificates shall be returned to the farmer on the spot. Where the conditions on subsidy collection are not satisfied, the farmer shall be notified and provided with explanations on the spot. Where the said conditions are satisfied, the original of the product identification card and photocopies of the invoice shall be kept for future reference, and the designated financial institution shall be notified to cash the subsidy funds.

A township finance office that is unable to enter the information into the special computer system on the spot shall fill out the information in paper forms and then input the same into the information system.

(e) upon receipt of the cashing notice issued by the township finance office, the designated financial institution shall promptly deposit the subsidy funds into the deposit account of the purchaser, feed back information on cashing to the township finance office and make regular settlement therewith. The township finance office shall notify the purchaser promptly.

(f) the township finance office shall examine and verify documents as soon as the same are received, and the financial institution shall cash subsidy funds as soon as the cashing notices are received. The funds shall be cashed and transferred into the deposit account of the purchaser in no more than three (3) working days after application by the farmer concerned.

(2) application by farmers, and examination and verification, and cashing by financial institutions

(a) a farmer shall purchase products under the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside at a designated sales outlet with his/her ID card, household register and deposit passbook.

(b) the sales outlet shall examine and verify relevant certificates of the purchaser, sell products under the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside, issue invoices to the purchaser buyer on the spot, and input relevant information as stipulated in Item (4) of Paragraph 1 of Article 1 herein. A sales outlet unable to input information into the special computer system on the spot shall fill out relevant information in paper forms in duplicate, one of which shall be submitted to the financial institution by the farmer and the other be kept by the sales outlet. The sales outlet shall input the information into the special computer system within three (3) working days as of the date of purchase by the farmer.

(c) after purchase of products under the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside, the farmer may immediately apply for subsidy funds to a designated financial institution with the product identification cards, invoices, his/her ID card, household register and deposit passbook. Where the sales outlet fills out paper forms, the farmer shall bring the same to apply for subsidy funds with the financial institution. 

(d) the financial institution shall examine the documents as soon as they are received, including examining and verifying relevant certificates and purchase materials of the farmer, verifying the accuracy against information in the application form of the sales outlet, and checking the identification information of the farmer. Where the conditions on subsidy collection are not satisfied, the farmer shall be notified on the spot. Where the said conditions are satisfied, subsidy funds shall be deposited into the deposit account of the purchaser on the spot. Meanwhile, the original of the product identification card, relevant photocopies and the application form of the sales outlet shall be collated for regular settlement with the designated township finance office. 

(e) upon receipt of the settlement materials submitted by the financial institution, the township finance office shall examine the contents as stipulated in Item (d) of Paragraph (2) of Article 1 herein as soon as the materials are received, review the cashing of the financial institution, and whereupon, settle the subsidy funds. Where the conditions on subsidy collection are not satisfied, the township finance office shall not make settlement, and any and all losses incurred shall be borne by the financial institution. Upon completion of the settlement, subsidy information shall be examined and entered into the special computer system. 

(3) application by sales outlets on behalf of farmers, and examination and verification, confirmation and cashing by township finance offices

(a) a farmer shall purchase products under the program of household electrical appliances to the countryside at a designated sales outlet with his/her ID card, household register and deposit passbook. Procedures for applying for the subsidy funds shall be completed by the sales outlet.

(b) the sales outlet shall examine and verify the identity of the farmer as stipulated in Item (d) of Paragraph (1), and input relevant information into the special computer system. After having issued the invoices, the sales outlet shall duplicate and collect the original of the product identification card, and photocopies of the invoices, ID card, household register and deposit passbook, summarize and fill out the application form of subsidy funds for household electrical appliances going to the countryside, and submit the application materials for subsidy funds to a designated township finance office. A sales outlet that sells ten (10) or more products each day shall adopt the system of summarization and application on the same day. A sales outlet that sells fewer than ten (10) products each day shall summarize and apply within three (3) working days.

(c) the township finance office shall examine application materials submitted by the sales outlet as soon as they are received, including examining and verifying relevant certificates and purchase materials of the farmer, verifying the accuracy against the information in the application form of the outlet, and checking the identify of the farmer. Where the conditions on subsidy collection are not satisfied, the sales outlet shall properly explain the reasons to the farmer. Where the said conditions are satisfied, the original of the product identification card and relevant photocopies shall be kept for future reference, and a designated financial institution shall be promptly notified to cash the subsidy funds; thereafter, the subsidy information shall be examined, verified and confirmed in the special computer system for timely summarization and statistical compilation by the information system.

(d) upon receipt of the cashing notice issued by the township finance office, the financial institution shall promptly deposit the subsidy funds into the deposit account of the purchaser, feed back the information on cashing to and make regular settlement with the township finance office. The township finance office shall notify the purchaser of the same promptly.

(4) application by sales outlets, and examination and verification, confirmation and cashing by financial institutions

(a) a farmer shall purchase products under the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside at a designated sales outlet with his/her ID card, household register and deposit passbook. Procedures for applying for the subsidy funds shall be completed by the sales outlet. 

(b) the sales outlet shall examine and verify the identity of the farmer as stipulated in Item (d) of Paragraph (1) of Article 1 herein, and input relevant information into the special computer system. After having issued the invoices, the sales outlet shall duplicate and collect the original of the product identification card, the invoices, ID card, household register and deposit passbook, fill out the application form of subsidy funds for the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside, and submit the application materials for the subsidy funds to a designated financial institution. A sales outlet that sells ten (10) or more products each day shall adopt the system of summarization and application on the same day. A sales outlet that sells fewer than ten (10) products each day shall summarize and apply within three (3) working days. 

(c) the financial institution shall examine the application materials submitted by the sales outlet as soon as they are received as stipulated in Item (d) of Paragraph (2). Where the conditions on subsidy collection are not satisfied, the sales outlet shall explain the reasons to the farmer. Where the said conditions are satisfied, the financial institution shall deposit the subsidy funds into the deposit account of the purchaser on the same day and notify the purchaser. Furthermore, the township finance office shall also collate the original of the product identification card and relevant photocopies, fill out the settlement form, and make regular settlement with a designated township finance office.

(d) upon receipt of the settlement materials submitted by the financial institution, the township finance office shall examine the contents as stipulated in Item (d) of Paragraph (2) of Article 1 herein, review the cashing work of the financial institution, and whereupon settle the subsidy funds. Where the conditions on subsidy collection are not satisfied, the township finance office shall not make settlement, and any and all losses incurred shall be borne by the financial institution. Upon completion of the settlement, subsidy information shall be examined, verified and confirmed in the special computer system. The original of the product identification card shall be kept by the township finance office. 

(5) application for and advanced payment of subsidy funds by sales outlets

(a) a farmer shall purchase products under the program of household electrical appliances to the countryside at a designated sales outlet with his/her ID card and household register. The sales outlet shall handle the application procedures for subsidy funds on behalf of the famer and directly advance the subsidy funds. 

(b) the sales outlet shall examine and verify relevant certificates of the farmer on the spot, sell the products under the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside, issue invoices to the farmer, and input relevant information into the special computer system. Relevant certificates shall be returned to the farmer on the spot after examination. Where the conditions on subsidy collection are not satisfied, the farmer shall be notified and provided with explanations on the spot. Where the said conditions are satisfied, the sales outlet shall directly advance the subsidy funds to the purchaser, duplicate and collect the original of the product identification cards, the invoices, ID card, household register and other certificates, summarize and fill out the settlement form of subsidy funds for the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside in a timely manner, and complete settlement procedures with a designated township finance office. 

(c) upon receipt of the settlement materials submitted by the sales outlet, the township finance office shall examine relevant certificates and purchase materials of the farmer, verify the identity of the farmer, review the advancing work of the sales outlet, and whereupon settle the subsidy funds. The original of the product identification card and relevant photocopies shall be kept for future reference. Where the conditions are not satisfied, the township finance office shall not make settlement, and any and all losses incurred shall be borne by the financial institution. 

Qualified fund settlement shall be appropriated by the designated financial institution to the account of the sales outlet as notified by the township finance office, after which the township finance office shall examine and verify and confirm the subsidy information in the special computer system. The financial institution shall promptly undergo account transfer procedures upon receipt of the notice, and report the information on cashing to the township finance office. 

In principle, all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) shall select one method of examination and verification, and cashing of subsidy funds from the above Paragraph (1)- Paragraph (5). Whichever method is selected, where there are difficulties in cashing by "all-purpose card" or "all-purpose deposit passbook" due to inadequate banking network and other reasons, financial departments may grant subsidies in cash directly to farmers who purchase products under the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside provided that fund safety is ensured.
































2. Enhance regulation of the subsidy funds. Finance departments at all levels shall duly perform their functions of financial regulation and administration according to the principle of scientific and meticulous financial management, increasing work efficiency, bringing convenience to farmers, serving farmers, and guaranteeing the safety of fiscal funds.

(1) finance departments at the provincial level shall timely arrange subsidy funds for the part borne by local departments in full, and appropriate the subsidy funds in advance in consideration of local policy implementation and the need for funds. The Central Finance shall conduct spot check on the arrangement and appropriation of the subsidy funds for the part borne by local departments from time to time.

(2) finance departments at the county level shall enhance the administration over the account dedicated for the subsidy funds for the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside. Furthermore, the finance departments shall establish mechanisms for the appropriation, settlement and examination of the subsidy funds of township finance offices to ensure timely and accurate grant of subsidy funds in full.

(3) finance departments at the county and township level shall release information on the subsidy in a timely manner, and conduct regular spot check, in the form of telephone follow-up and on-site inspection, on certain proportion of the farmers who have received the subsidies as indicated in the system, so as to urge timely and accurate grant of subsidy funds. Furthermore, the finance departments shall also normalize the analysis of the data of the information management system for the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside, and verify and handle abnormal data or suspected defraud for subsidies in a timely manner.

(4) finance departments at the county and township level shall, in conjunction with the member entities of the joint conferences on the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside, conduct regular spot check on sales outlets that undertake examination and verification for the farmers or advance subsidy funds, the proportion of which shall not be lower than 10%. The spot check shall include: procurement, sales and inventory of products under the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside, the authenticity of sales and invoices, and tax payment, etc.

(5) finance departments at the county and township level shall specify relevant issues such as responsibilities and rights of financial institutions that directly cash subsidy funds by concluding entrustment contracts; furthermore, a spot check mechanism shall be established to verify the authenticity of the subsidy materials summarized and cashing to farmers provided by financial institutions. 

(6) local finance departments at all levels shall, in conjunction with tax departments, enhance regulation of invoices issued by enterprises selling products under the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside, and urge the sales enterprises to issue invoices to the buying farmers in a timely manner, to ensure consistency between invoices and sales and prevent defraud for subsidies. 

(7) upon discovery of defraud for subsidy, the funds so defrauded of shall be recovered in accordance with the Detailed Operational Rules for the Program of Household Electrical Appliances going to the Countryside (Cai Jian [2009] No. 155) and relevant provisions of the State. In addition, measures such as deduction of deposit and cancellation of qualification shall be taken as punishments in a timely manner. The punishment meted out shall be announced within a certain scope. 









3. Continue exploring and improving effective methods of examination and verification, and cashing of subsidies. All regions shall, in light of local situations, actively explore and improve the methods of examination and verification, and cashing of subsidies, accelerate the cashing progress as much as possible, and increase work efficiency in accordance with the principle of ensuring the safety of fiscal funds and bringing convenience to farmers.


4. Manage well organization and coordination. Finance departments of all regions shall attach due importance to the examination and verification, and cashing of subsidy funds for the program of household electrical appliances going to the countryside, enhance the sense of services, strengthen organization and coordination, strengthen staffing, and take effective measures to ensure timely cashing. Comprehensively and efficiently implement the policy of household electrical appliances going to the countryside, and give full play to the role played by the government policy on expanding domestic demand, supporting agriculture and benefiting farmers.

Ministry of Finance

August 14, 2009







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