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Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Relevant Issues As Regards the Packaging and Transfer of Receivable Assets of Financial Asset Management Companies



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Jin [2005] NO.12

Promulgating Date:02/02/2005

Effective Date: 02/02/2005

Revision History:This document has been repealed pursuant to the Decision of the Ministry of Finance on Announcing the Catalog of Regulations and Normative Documents on Finance to be Repealed or Ineffective (Batch Ⅺ) on February 21,2011 and taken effect from promulgated February 21,2011.


颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财金[2005]12号

颁布时间: 02/02/2005


修订记录: 根据2011年2月21日发布的《财政部关于公布废止和失效的财政规章和规范性文件目录(第十一批)的决定》,此文件被宣布废止。


To China Huarong Asset Management Corporation, China Great Wall Asset Management Corporation, China Orient Asset Management Corporation, China Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd, the fiscal supervisory commissioner's offices of the Ministry of Finance in all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities separately designated in the State plan,

China Orient Asset Management Corporation had earlier reported that in the course of packaging and transferring receivable assets, some operational difficulty was encountered while seeking opinions from the fiscal supervisory commissioner's offices (hereinafter referred to as “Commissioner’s Office") where the receivables were domiciled, and has put forward relevant recommendations. Upon study, for the purposes of standardizing the disposal operations of non-performing assets of financial asset management companies (hereinafter referred to as “AMCs”), effectively preventing risks, controlling losses, while simultaneously raising the efficiency and quality of the task, the relevant requirements are hereby set forth as follows:



1. AMCs shall stringently implement the provisions of the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Printing and Distribution (Cai Jin [2004] No. 41) when packaging and transferring receivable assets, and shall examine and carry out record filing procedures on the disposal of packaged assets in accordance with the legal limits placed on the amount packaged and transferred.


2. The major content and key areas of examination as regards the packaging and transfer scheme shall include at least the following:

(1) Principle – The packaging and transfer method adopted by the AMCs shall not only favor accelerated disposal and reduce cost, but shall also conform to the principle of recovery optimization. The said method shall not be focused solely on the speed of the disposal and cost savings while neglecting losses.

(2) Package size – The size of the asset pool shall be moderate. The asset pool shall not be excessively big so as to limit the scope of investors and affect the fairness of the asset transfer, nor shall the size of the asset pool be excessively small that it fails to achieve the basic objective of packaging for disposal.

(3) Structure of the asset pool – The structure of the pool shall be scientifically arranged, ensuring that the asset quality, form, industry, and regional distribution are reasonable;

(4) Method of transfer – Which specific method has been adopted, such as a tender, an auction, invitation of offer, or a transfer agreement. Where a non-public method such as a transfer agreement is adopted, the reasons shall be clearly stated, and relevant measures to ensure that the transfer is fair and transparent shall be adopted.

(5) Transferee – Whether the transferee has been determined and the specific requirements as regards the qualifications and requirements of the transferee.

(6) Price – The basis, method and process of the pricing, as well as whether valuation was adopted and the method of valuation. Where an external valuation was adopted, the selection process of the valuation institution and the valuation conditions shall be clearly stated. Where no external valuation was adopted, the reason, as well as the scientific and rational bases for the substitute pricing method shall be clearly stated.

(7) Announcement of disposal information – What method has been adopted to announce the package transfer information, including the media planned to be selected, and the duration of the information announcement. For the purposes of ensuring that the disposal information is public and transparent, a noticeable position in a well-known media shall be selected for the placement of the announcement prior to the packaging for disposal, and the duration of the announcement shall be ensured to be at least one month.

(8) Other matters should be noticed.










3. An AMC, when seeking opinions from the Commissioner's Office where the receivable is domiciled as regards the necessity and appropriateness of packaging and transferring the receivable assets, shall provide the packaging for disposal scheme, as well as other relevant information that the Commissioner's Office deems necessary to be provided in accordance with the abovementioned requirements, and promptly answer the queries of the Commissioner's Office. The AMC shall be responsible for the authenticity and completeness of the information submitted as well as the implementation outcome of the packaging for disposal, so as to prevent packaging blindly, and using the packaging method to cover up private transactions, and to guard against moral hazard.



4. The Commissioner’s Office shall, in accordance with the abovementioned key areas of examination, conscientiously examine the relevant information of the packaging and transfer scheme submitted by the AMC, and may conduct on-site checks when necessary, and shall, under the premise of ensuring the quality of the examination, promptly issue a written opinion on the necessity and appropriateness of the packaging and transfer of the receivable assets, providing reference for the AMC at the time of disposal. In order to prevent affecting the timing and the progress of the asset disposal, the Commissioner’s Office shall cooperate actively, raising operational efficiency.


5. The opinion issued by the Commissioner’s Office shall include two categories, one suitable for adopting the packaging method for disposal, and one unsuitable for packaging for disposal. In the opinion, the Commissioner’s Office shall state the reasons for the decision as to whether packaging is suitable or unsuitable, as well as the relevant opinions and recommendations as regards the packaging scheme.


6. Prior to the Commissioner’s Office issuing the written opinion, an AMC may not carry out the asset packaging and transfer scheme for which the opinion of the Commissioner’s Office is sought in accordance with the provisions. An AMC, when submitting the asset packaging and transfer scheme to the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the provisions, shall clearly state the necessity and appropriateness thereof, and append the opinion of the Commissioner’s Office.


7. The Commissioner’s Office shall track, supervise and check the packaging and transfer of assets undertaken by an AMC to ensure that the actual disposal is carried out strictly in accordance with the scheme. Should material circumstances and issues be discovered, prompt reporting and feedback to the Ministry of Finance shall be made. All acts of disposal in violation of the provisions such as changing the scheme without authorization shall be severely dealt with in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.





中英双语-财政部关于金融资产管理公司债权资产打包转让有关问题的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2020-11-30 16:28:16