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Announcement of the Ministry of Finance Regarding Launching a Pilot Program about Departure Tax Refund Policy for Overseas Visitors' Shopping in Hainan



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Ministry of Finance Announcement [2010] No. 88

Promulgating Date: 12/21/2010

Effective Date: 01/01/2011

颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财政部公告2010年第88号

颁布时间: 12/21/2010

实施时间: 01/01/2011


In order to build Hainan into an international tourism island, the State Council has decided to launch a pilot program about departure tax refund policy for overseas visitors' shopping in Hainan (hereinafter referred to departure tax refund policy). Departure tax refund policy refers to a policy in which a tax refund article purchased by an overseas visitor at a designated tax-refund store and carried along upon departure is being handled for tax refund according to the provisions. The business and commerce department of the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs and the State Administration of Taxation are hereby making announcement in respect of the relevant matters pertaining to the work on the pilot program as follows:


1. Basic process and the applicable conditions for departure tax refund policy

(1) Basic process of departure tax refund policy. The basic process of departure tax refund policy comprises of four segments, namely application for tax refund on shopping, customs verification and confirmation, tax refund by agency and centralized settlement of tax refund.

(2) Applicable conditions for departure tax refund policy. Overseas visitors who intend to obtain tax refund shall meet the following conditions at the same time:

(a) Purchasing tax refund article, at designated tax refund store, in the shopping amount of the threshold for refund, and has obtained tax refund voucher such as an application form for departure tax refund on overseas visitor's shopping according to the provisions;

(b) In going through the departure formalities at the departure port, the tax refund article has not been used or consumed before departure; 

(c) The departure day is not more than 90 days from the day on which the tax refund article is purchased; 

(d) The tax refund article purchased is being carried by the overseas visitor himself upon departure; 

(e) The tax refund article purchased has been inspected by the customs and the application form for departure tax refund on overseas visitor's shopping has been signed; and

(f) The tax refund is made at the designated tax refund agency.










2. Overseas visitor, departure port, designated tax refund store and tax refund article 

(1) Overseas visitor. Overseas visitors refer to foreigners and compatriot from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan who have been residing in China for a period not exceeding 183 days consecutively.

(2) Departure port. Departure port shall temporarily be the airport port which has officially been opened for pilot site. 

(3) Designated tax refund stores. Designated tax refund stores refer to stores accredited by the relevant department to sell tax refund articles to the overseas visitors according to the provisions. 

(4) Tax refund articles. Tax refund articles refer to personal items which are permitted by the state to be brought out of the country and enjoy tax refund policy. However, food, beverages, fruits, tobacco, liquor, automobile and motor cycles are not included. Refer to the Annex for detailed list of tax refund articles.






3. Tax category for tax refund, tax refund rate, refundable tax amount and refund threshold 

(1) Tax category for tax refund, tax refund rate and computation of refundable tax amount. The tax category of departure tax refund is value-added tax. The tax refund rate shall uniformly be 11%. Formula for computing refundable tax amount: 

Refundable tax amount = Amount in ordinary sales invoice (included value-added tax) x tax refund rate

(2) Refund threshold. Refund threshold refers to the minimum shopping amount of tax refund articles which enjoy tax refund purchased at a same designated tax refund store on the same day by the same overseas visitor. The refund threshold shall tentatively be RMB 800.





4. Tax refund agency, tax refund method and choice of currency

(1) Tax refund agency. Tax refund agency refers to the agency accredited by the relevant department to handle tax refund for overseas visitors according to the provisions. 

(2) Tax refund method and choice of currency. In going through the tax refund, the overseas visitors may choose the tax refund method and currency on their own accord according to the provisions of this Announcement. Tax refund method comprises of two methods, namely tax refund in cash and tax refund through bank transfer. Tax refund currency includes RMB or main foreign currencies which are freely circulated.

The measures for the administration of pilot program for departure tax refund policy shall be separately announced by the State Administration of Taxation jointly with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs upon consultation with the People's Government of Hainan province.

This Announcement shall become effective on January 1, 2011.

Announcement is hereby given.

Annex: List of tax refund articles(Omitted)

Ministry of Finance

December 21, 2010










中英双语-财政部关于在海南开展境外旅客购物离境退税政策试点有关问题的通知(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-09 14:31:31