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Administrative Measures for the Risk Disposal Reserve Fund for Foreign Labor Services Cooperation (for Trial Implementation)



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Commerce; Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Order [2014] No.2 of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance

Promulgating Date: 07/18/2014

Effective Date: 08/17/2014

颁布机关: 商务部; 财政部

文      号: 商务部、财政部令2014年第2号

颁布时间: 07/18/2014

实施时间: 08/17/2014


Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1    These Measures are formulated pursuant to the Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Labor Services Cooperation, with a view to regulating the business activities of enterprises engaging in foreign labor services cooperation, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers dispatched to work overseas.

       第一条  为规范对外劳务合作企业的经营行为,保障外派劳务人员合法权益,根据《对外劳务合作管理条例》,制定本办法。

  Article 2    The risk disposal reserve fund for foreign labor services cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the "Reserve Fund") shall refer to the special fund that is deposited by an enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation and is used for the scope prescribed by Article 10 of the Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Labor Services Cooperation.

       第二条  对外劳务合作风险处置备用金(以下简称备用金)是指对外劳务合作企业缴存,用于《对外劳务合作管理条例》第十条所规定使用范围的专用资金。

  Article 3    The banks with which enterprises engaging in foreign labor services cooperation deposit the Reserve Fund shall be designated by the competent commerce departments responsible for the examination and approval of the business qualifications for foreign labor services cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the "Competent Commerce Department") in conjunction with the finance departments at the same level.

       第三条  对外劳务合作企业缴存备用金的银行,由负责对外劳务合作经营资格审批的商务主管部门(以下简称商务主管部门)会同同级财政部门指定。

  Article 4    Competent Commerce Departments and finance departments shall, according to the number of enterprises engaging in foreign labor services cooperation, the number of workers dispatched to work overseas and other actual situations within their respective jurisdictions, designate, based on merit, one or more banks that meet the following requirements within their respective administrative regions as the deposit banks of the Reserve Fund: such a bank shall have a favorable credit rating and excellent service levels, and shall undertake to provide relevant services in accordance with pertinent requirements.

       第四条  商务主管部门和财政部门应根据本地区对外劳务合作企业数量和外派劳务规模等实际情况,在本行政区域内择优指定一家或多家信用等级良好、服务水平优良,并承诺按照要求提供相关服务的银行作为备用金缴存银行。

  Article 5    Enterprises engaging in foreign labor services cooperation shall deposit and withdraw the Reserve Fund at designated banks.

       第五条  对外劳务合作企业应到指定银行办理备用金缴存和取款手续。

Chapter 2: Deposit of the Reserve Fund

第二章  备用金的缴存

  Article 6    An enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation shall deposit the Reserve Fund with a designated bank within five working days after the date of obtaining the business qualifications for foreign labor services cooperation and the date of registration with the relevant administration for industry and commerce.

       第六条  对外劳务合作企业应当自获得对外劳务合作经营资格并在工商行政管理部门登记之日起5个工作日内,在指定银行缴存备用金。

  Article 7    The Reserve Fund shall be payable in the amount of RMB three million, and be deposited in the form of cash or a bank guarantee letter of the equivalent amount.

       第七条  备用金缴存标准为300万元人民币,以现金或等额银行保函形式缴存。

  Article 8    An enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation that intends to deposit the Reserve Fund in cash shall open a special account and go through the deposit formalities with a designated bank by producing the duplicate of its Business License and the Business Qualification Certificate for Foreign Labor Services Cooperation. To deposit the Reserve Fund, an enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation shall sign the Agreement on the Deposit of the Risk Disposal Reserve Fund for Foreign Labor Services Cooperation (Appendix 1) with a designated bank, and submit the photocopies thereof to the relevant Competent Commerce Department for record-filing.

       第八条  对外劳务合作企业以现金形式缴存备用金的,需持《营业执照》副本和《对外劳务合作经营资格证书》到指定银行开设专门账户并办理存款手续。缴存备用金的对外劳务合作企业应与指定银行签订《对外劳务合作风险处置备用金存款协议书》(附件1),并将复印件送商务主管部门备案。

  Article 9    The principal and interest of the Reserve Fund shall belong to enterprises engaging in foreign labor services cooperation, and the latter are free to withdraw and use the interest of the Reserve Fund.

       第九条  备用金本金和利息归对外劳务合作企业所有,对外劳务合作企业可自由提取和使用备用金利息。

  Article 10    Where an enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation plans to deposit the Reserve Fund in the form of a bank guarantee letter, a designated bank shall issue an irrevocable guarantee letter in favor of the relevant Competent Commerce Department (Appendix 2) to commit to the performance of guarantee obligations in the event of any circumstances prescribed by Article 10 of the Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Labor Services Cooperation under which the Reserve Fund shall be used. The enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation shall maintain a guarantee letter valid for at least two years throughout the validity period of its business qualifications for foreign labor services cooperation. The relevant Competent Commerce Department shall remind the said enterprise to extend the validity period of the guarantee letter one month prior to the expiry thereof, and shall keep the original of the guarantee letter.

       第十条  对外劳务合作企业以银行保函形式缴存备用金的,由指定银行出具受益人为商务主管部门的不可撤销保函(附件2),保证在发生《对外劳务合作管理条例》第十条规定使用情形时履行担保责任。对外劳务合作企业应在其对外劳务合作经营资格存续期间提供有效的保函,保函有效期至少为两年。商务主管部门应在保函到期前一个月提醒对外劳务合作企业延长保函的有效期。保函正本由商务主管部门保存。

  Article 11    Competent Commerce Departments shall make public the list of enterprises engaging in foreign labor services cooperation that have deposited the Reserve Fund.

       第十一条  商务主管部门应当将缴存备用金的对外劳务合作企业名单向社会公布。

Chapter 3: Use of the Reserve Fund

第三章  备用金的使用

  Article 12    Where an enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation refuses to bear, or cannot afford, the refundable service fees previously charged from workers in violation of State provisions or the labor remunerations payable to workers pursuant to relevant agreements, after an affected worker has lodged a complaint to the relevant Competent Commerce Department and provided relevant contracts, fee-charging proofs or salary slips and other evidence, the relevant Competent Commerce Department shall notify, in writing, the enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation to refund or pay relevant expenses to the affected worker within five working days.

Where the enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation fails to refund or pay relevant expenses within the prescribed time period, the Competent Commerce Department shall make a decision on the use of the Reserve Fund, notify the said enterprise and the relevant designated bank in writing, and at the same time, issue the Withdrawal Notice of the Risk Disposal Reserve Fund for Foreign Labor Services Cooperation (Appendix 3, hereinafter referred to as the "Withdrawal Notice"). The designated bank shall, according to the written notice and the Withdrawal Notice, pay the corresponding amount of money from the Reserve Fund to the worker designated by the Competent Commerce Department in cash or by bank transfer.

       第十二条  对外劳务合作企业拒绝或无力承担违反国家规定收取应退还给劳务人员的服务费或按照约定应向劳务人员支付的劳动报酬的,在劳务人员向商务主管部门投诉并提供相关合同以及收费凭证或者工资凭条等证据后,商务主管部门应书面通知对外劳务合作企业在5个工作日内退还或支付劳务人员有关费用。


  Article 13    Where enterprises engaging in foreign labor services cooperation refuse to bear, or cannot afford, the labor remunerations payable to workers or the compensations for losses suffered by workers pursuant to the law, Competent Commerce Departments shall use the Reserve Fund by virtue of the judgments, rulings and other binding legal instruments rendered by people's courts.

       第十三条  对外劳务合作企业拒绝或无力承担依法应向劳务人员支付的劳动报酬或赔偿劳务人员的损失所需费用的,商务主管部门凭人民法院判决、裁定及其他生效法律文书使用备用金。

  Article 14    Where an enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation refuses to bear, or cannot afford, the expenses needed for sending workers home or providing workers with emergency assistance in the case of an unexpected event, the relevant Competent Commerce Department shall provide the enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation with the proofs of the expenses incurred for sending the workers home or providing the workers with emergency assistance, and notify the said enterprise in writing to pay relevant expenses within five working days.

Where the enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation fails to pay relevant expenses within the prescribed time period, the Competent Commerce Department shall make a decision on the use of the Reserve Fund, notify the said enterprise and the relevant designated bank in writing, and issue the Withdrawal Notice at the same time. The designated bank shall, according to the written notice and the Withdrawal Notice, pay the corresponding amount of money from the Reserve Fund to the personnel or entities designated by the Competent Commerce Department in cash or by bank transfer.

       第十四条  对外劳务合作企业拒绝或无力承担因发生突发事件,劳务人员回国或接受紧急救助所需费用的,商务主管部门应向对外劳务合作企业提供发生劳务人员回国或接受紧急救助所发生的费用证明,并书面通知对外劳务合作企业在5个工作日内支付有关费用。


  Article 15    A designated bank that has issued a guarantee letter shall perform the guarantee obligations within five working days upon receipt of the written notice and the Withdrawal Notice.

       第十五条  提供保函的指定银行应在收到书面通知和《取款通知书》5个工作日内,履行担保责任。

  Article 16    An enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation shall replenish the Reserve Fund to RMB three million within 20 working days from the date of use of its Reserve Fund.

       第十六条  备用金使用后,对外劳务合作企业应当自使用之日起20个工作日内将备用金补足到300万元人民币。

  Article 17    Where an enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation ceases foreign labor services cooperation business, it shall make proper arrangements for the dispatched workers who are still working abroad, and submit the arrangement plan together with the proof of deposit of the Reserve Fund or the guarantee letter valid for two years to the relevant Competent Commerce Department for record-filing.

Where no labor dispute, complaint or litigation is lodged against the enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation within two years from the date of record-filing, the Competent Commerce Department shall issue a written notice and the Withdrawal Notice based on which the relevant designated bank shall refund the deposited Reserve Fund to the said enterprise or allow the said enterprise to revoke the guarantee letter.

       第十七条  对外劳务合作企业停止开展对外劳务合作的,应当对其派出的尚在国外工作的劳务人员做出妥善安排,并将安排方案连同2年内有效的备用金缴存凭证或者保函报商务主管部门备案。


  Article 18    Designated banks shall separately provide quarterly reconciliation statements on the deposit of the Reserve Fund for enterprises engaging in foreign labor services cooperation and Competent Commerce Departments.

       第十八条  指定银行应每季度分别向对外劳务合作企业和商务主管部门提供备用金存款对账单。

  Article 19    An enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation that has objections to the decision made by the relevant Competent Commerce Department on the use of the Reserve Fund may apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit to the competent people's court pursuant to the law.

       第十九条  对外劳务合作企业对商务主管部门使用备用金的决定持有异议的,可以依法申请行政复议或者向人民法院提起行政诉讼。

Chapter 4: Management of the Reserve Fund

第四章  备用金的管理

  Article 20    The Reserve Fund shall be earmarked for dedicated purposes.

       第二十条  备用金实行专款专用。

  Article 21    Where an enterprise engaging in foreign labor services cooperation fails to deposit or replenish the Reserve Fund pursuant to the Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Labor Services Cooperation and these Measures, the relevant Competent Commerce Department shall order the said enterprise to make correction within one month from the date on which the Reserve Fund shall be deposited or replenished, and shall revoke the business qualification certificates for foreign labor services cooperation of the said enterprise if it refuses to make correction.

       第二十一条  对外劳务合作企业未依据《对外劳务合作管理条例》和本办法规定缴存或者补足备用金的,商务主管部门责令其在备用金应缴存或补足之日起一个月内改正;拒不改正的,吊销其对外劳务合作经营资格证书。

  Article 22    Competent Commerce Departments shall be responsible for the use and management of the Reserve Fund, while finance departments at the same level shall be responsible for the supervision of the Reserve Fund, and shall accept the audit by audit offices.

       第二十二条  备用金由商务主管部门负责使用、管理,同级财政部门负责监督,并接受审计部门的审计。

Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions

第五章  附则

  Article 23    For the time being, the amount of the Reserve Fund that shall be deposited by a foreign project contracting enterprise is RMB 200,000, and such Reserve Fund shall be deposited and used in accordance with the Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Project Contracting and relevant provisions herein.

       第二十三条  对外承包工程企业备用金缴存标准暂为20万元人民币。缴存和使用依照《对外承包工程管理条例》及本办法相关规定执行。

  Article 24    Where an enterprise operating foreign labor services cooperation business prior to the effective date hereof no longer engages in foreign labor services cooperation, it shall apply to the relevant Competent Commerce Department and finance department for refund of the Reserve Fund; and, if the said enterprise continues to engage in foreign labor services cooperation, it shall promptly deposit the Reserve Fund in accordance with the Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Labor Services Cooperation and these Measures. An enterprise without the business qualifications for foreign labor services cooperation or an enterprise that fails to promptly deposit the Reserve Fund shall be respectively dealt with pursuant to Article 39 and Article 41 of the Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Labor Services Cooperation.

       第二十四条  本办法施行前从事对外劳务合作经营的企业,如不再从事对外劳务合作经营的,应向商务主管部门、财政部门申请退还备用金;如继续从事对外劳务合作经营的,应按照《对外劳务合作管理条例》和本办法的有关规定及时缴存备用金。未取得对外劳务合作经营资格或未及时缴存备用金的,分别按照《对外劳务合作管理条例》第三十九条和第四十一条有关规定处理。

  Article 25    These Measures shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Commerce in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance.

       第二十五条  本办法由商务部会同财政部负责解释。

  Article 26    These Measures shall come into effect on August 17, 2014. The Interim Measures for the Reserve Fund for Foreign Labor Services Cooperation promulgated on November 27, 2001 by the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Ministry of Finance (Order 2001 No. 7 of the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Ministry of Finance) and the supplementary provisions thereof shall be simultaneously repealed.


Agreement on the Deposit of the Risk Disposal Reserve Fund for Foreign Labor Services Cooperation

Bank Guarantee Letter of the Risk Disposal Reserve Fund for Foreign Labor Services Cooperation

Withdrawal Notice of the Risk Disposal Reserve Fund for Foreign Labor Services Cooperation

       第二十六条  本办法自2014年8月17日起施行,2001年11月27日原对外贸易经济合作部、财政部发布的《对外劳务合作备用金暂行办法》(原对外贸易经济合作部财政部二〇〇一年第7号令)及其补充规定同时废止。

    附件: 对外劳务合作风险处置备用金存款协议书






中英双语-对外劳务合作风险处置备用金管理办法(试行)(可下载).pdf 下载
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