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Interim Measures for the Management of Application For and Use of Project Management Fees by the Central Coordiantion Insititutions for Loan Projects of International Finance Corporations



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Promulgating Date: 07/13/2007

Effective Date:07/13/2007





Chapter 1: General Provisions

    第一章  总则

  Article 1   These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Loans and Grants of International Finance Corporations and Foreign Governments (Order No.38 of the Ministry of Finance) and related regulations of the Central Governments on budget management, for the purposes of further regulating and strengthening the administration on use of project management fees by the central project coordination insititutions for the Loan Projects of international finance corporations (hereinafter referred to as "Loan Projects") and improving the using efficinecy of the State financial funds. 

       第一条  为了进一步规范和加强国际金融组织贷款项目(以下简称贷款项目)中央项目协调机构项目管理费的使用管理,提高国家财政资金使用效益,根据《国际金融组织和外国政府贷款赠款管理办法》(财政部令第38号)及中央部门预算管理的有关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2    These Measures shall be applicable to the administration of use of the project management fees by the central project coordination insititutions (hereinafter referred to as "project management fees"). 

       第二条  中央项目协调机构项目管理费(以下简称项目管理费)的使用管理适用本办法。

  Article 3   Project management fees shall be reasonably determined according to the functions and workload of the central project coordination insititutions in their coordination and management service related to the Loan Project and shall be subject to budget management.

       第三条  项目管理费,按照中央项目协调机构在贷款项目协调与管理服务中的职能和工作量合理确定并纳入预算管理。

  Article 4   Project management fees shall be used only for expenses related to the coordination and management service of the Loan Project and shall not be used for other expenses irrelvant to the project management. Use and management of project management fees shall be subject to supervision and inspection under the principles of "legality, frugality, efficiency and transparency".

       第四条  项目管理费只能用于与贷款项目的协调和管理服务有关的支出,不得用于与项目管理无关的其他支出。项目管理费的使用和管理应按照“依法、节俭、高效、透明”的原则,并接受监督和检查。

  Article 5   For the purposes of these Measures, the following termsshall mean:

(1) Loan Project of an International Finnace Corporation shall refer to the projects under which loans of international finance corporations including World Bank, Asian Development Bank, International Fund for Agriculture Development, European Investment Bank are used by the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the country subject to the approval of State Council and the projects that are supported by joint financing with the above-mentioned loan; 

(2) Central project coordination insititution shall refer to the service agencies that are determined by the Ministry of Finance along with other related departments according to the releated procedures and are responsible for the guidance, organization and coordination of the implementation of the Loan Projects of international finance corporations. The central project coordination insititutions are usually full-amount or balance budgetary institutions or the institutions whose income and expenditures are wholly controlled by themselves;

(3) Project management fees shall refer to the funds for the coordiantion and management service of the Loan Projects to be completed by the central project coordination insititutions, including funds for preparation of the Loan Projects, funds for implmentation of the Loan Projects, funds for inspection and acceptance upon completion of the Loan Projects and funds for follow-up evaluation and sustainable development; 

(4) Preparation period of a Loan Project shall refer to the period from the date when the Loan Project is formally included in the State use plan of the loans from international finance corporations subject to the approval of State Council to the date when the agreement of the project loan comes into effect;

(5) Implementation period of a Loan Project shall refer to the period from the date when the agreement of the project loan comes into effect to the date when the speical account of the project is closed;

(6) Inspection and acceptance period upon completion of the Loan Project shall refer to the period from the date when the speical account of the project is closed to the date when the project is completed; and

(7) Follow-up evaluation and sustainable project period of the Loan Project shall refer to the period during which follow-up evaluation and sustainable management is conducted after completion of the project. 

       第五条  本办法下列用语的含义:








Chapter 2: Content of Project Management Fees

    第二章  项目管理费的内容

  Article 6   The project management fees during preparation period of a Loan Project shall include: 

(1) Expenses incurred from preparation, demonstration, submission, evaluation and other related research and study of the establishment proposal for the Loan Project, social impact assessment report, environment impact assessment report, feasiblity study report or fund application report required by coordination and completion of the approval procedures in the country; and

(2) Expenses incurred from organization, participation and coordination of preparation for the Loan Project, such as project appraisal, preparation, pre-assessment, assessment, negotiation, preparation of project implementation plan, assistance with effectiveness procedures of the project, and arrangement for launch of the project implementation. 

       第六条  贷款项目准备期间的项目管理费包括以下内容:



  Article 7   The project management fees during the implementation period of a Loan Project shall inlcude: 

(1) Expenses incurred from promoting, coordinating and supervising local project units (sub-project unit) to execute project construciton according to the feasibility study report of the Loan Project, or fund application report approved by the related departments of China and the loan agreement, project agreement and other legal documents related to the Loan Project signed between China and international finance corporations as well as the project implementation plan approved by the international finance corporations

(2) Expenses incurred from the organizaiton, coordination and participation of domestic and overseas technical training visit for the Loan Project, annual inspection, mid-term assessment and adjustment related to the Loan Project as well as submission of related reports to the Ministry of Finance; and

(3) Expenses incurred from the coordination of international finance corporations and related Chinese departments, formulation of the measures for Loan Project management and measures for fund and financial management, technical regulations and standards and distribution of the same to the local project units (sub-project units) for implementation. 

       第七条  贷款项目实施期间的项目管理费包括以下内容:




  Article 8   The project management fees during the inspection and acceptance period upon completion of the project loan shall include:

(1) Expenses incurred from inspection of the project activities completed according to the project "performance indexes" specified in the legal documents for the Loan Projects and urging the sub-project units to conduct inspection and acceptance upon completion, final settlement upon completion, registry of project assets and delivery of the project, etc.; and 

(2) Expenses incurred from the preparation and submission of project completion report. 

       第八条  贷款项目竣工验收期间的项目管理费包括以下内容:



  Article 9   During the "follow-up evaluation and sustainable management period of a Loan Project", the project management fees shall include:

(1) Expenses incurred from organizing and implementing the supervision and assessment of comprehensive profit in follow-up evaluation of the Loan Project, annual financial final accounting, and project liability management after the account is closed as well as accepting audit and inspection; 

(2) Expenses incurred from organizing, coordinating, guiding and implementing following-up evaluation of a Loan Project; and 

(3) Expenses incurred from coordinating, supervising and enhancing sustainable operation and management of a Loan Project.

       第九条  贷款项目后评价及可持续性管理期间的项目管理费包括以下内容:




Chapter 3: Application and Approval of the Project Management Fees

    第三章  项目管理费的申请和批复

  Article 10   The project management fees shall be incorporated into department budget of the competent department of a central project coordination institution and a budget application shall be filed as central-level project expenses and shall be reported through the competent department.

       第十条  项目管理费纳入中央项目协调机构主管部门的部门预算,作为中央本级项目支出申请预算,并通过主管部门上报。

  Article 11   After the Loan Project is included in the national plan for use of foreign-funds upon approval of the State Council or is included in the annual working plan upon approval of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Finance, together with other related departments, shall determine a central project coordination institution in light of the actual needs of the project.

The central project coordination institution shall apply for annual project management fees budget and submit the summary on the implementation of the budget of the project management fees of the preceding year from the second year on. 

       第十一条  贷款项目经国务院批准纳入国家利用外资规划或者经财政部批准列入年度工作计划后,由财政部会同有关部门根据项目的实际需要确定中央项目协调机构。


  Article 12   A central project coordination institution shall prepare and, through the competent department, report the budget of the project management fees according to the annual working task outline, expenditure standards stipulated by the State and the relevant provisions on budget of the department, or in the absence of expenditure standards stipulated by the State, according to the implementation plan (including price terms) determined by the Ministry of Finance in light of the actual needs. 

       第十二条  中央项目协调机构应当根据年度工作任务大纲,依照国家规定的有关支出标准,按照部门预算的有关规定编制并通过主管部门上报项目管理费预算。国家没有规定支出标准的,依照财政部根据实际需要确认的实施方案(含价格条款)编制预算。

  Article 13   The project management fees shall be applied according to the procedures prescribed and its expenditure scope shall be determined according to the nature of the organ: 

(1) Where a central project coordination institution is full-amount budgetary institution, the project management fees applied shall only be used for subsidy expenditure of a project;

(2) Where a central project coordination institution is balance budgetary institutions, the project management fees applied shall only be used for the insufficient part of the basic expenditure and project-related expenditure; and

(3) Where a central project coordination institution is the institution whose income and expenditures are wholly controlled by themselves, the project management fees applied shall only be used for project-related expenditure;

The project management fees of the full-amount or balance budgetary central project coordination institutions that have been included in the basic expenditure shall not be included again in the budget of the project management fees.

       第十三条  项目管理费应按程序申请,其支出范围应按机构性质相应确定:





  Article 14   When a central project coordination institution reports the budget of the project management fees through a competent department, it shall also report the same to the Ministry of Finance (department of international affairs).

Where a central project coordination institution is a full-amount or balance budgetary institution, it shall explain the budget of the basic expenditure applied in the budget of the project management fees when sending a copy thereof to the Ministry of Finance.

       第十四条  中央项目协调机构通过主管部门上报项目管理费预算时,应同时抄报财政部(国际司)。


  Article 15   The Ministry of Finance shall examine, decide and approve budget of project management fees of a central project coordination institution in consideration of the actual needs of the Loan Project management and related expenditure standards prescribed by the State. 

       第十五条  财政部根据贷款项目管理的实际需要,结合国家规定的有关开支标准,审核、确定并批复下达中央项目协调机构的项目管理费预算。

  Article 16   The project management fees, upon approval, shall not be adjusted without permission. During the execution process, if adjustment shall be made to the budget as a result of alteration or termination of a Loan Project, such adjustment shall be reported for approval in strict compliance with the procedures for department budget adjustment.

       第十六条  项目管理费一经批复,不得自行调整。执行过程中如发生贷款项目变更或终止而需调整预算,应严格按照部门预算调整的规定程序报批。

  Article 17   Use of the project management fees shall be listed separately in the final accounting report of the department, with a copy thereof submitted to the Ministry of Finance (department of international affairs).

       第十七条  项目管理费使用情况应在部门决算报表中单独列示,并抄报财政部(国际司)。

Chapter 4: Use of the Project Management Fees

    第四章  项目管理费的使用

  Article 18   The expenditure standards stipulated by the State or the implementation plan (including price terms) determined by the Ministry of Finance shall be applicable to the expenditures of the project management fees. Provisions on the administration system of financial State Treasury shall be applicable to the payment management of the project management fees.

       第十八条  项目管理费各项支出均应执行国家规定的有关支出标准或经财政部确认的实施方案(含价格条款)。项目管理费的支付管理,应当按照财政国库管理制度有关规定执行。

  Article 19    The project management fees can be used for the following expenditures. 

(1) Office expenses: expenses incurred from water, electricity and maintenance of office equipment for daily work of a central project coordination institution;

(2) Expenses for meetings;

(3) Training fees;

(4) Expenses for travelling: expenses for traveling in China and expenses incurred to the personnel going abroad for accomodation, travelling, meals and incidental expenses;

(5) Traffic expenses: rental for means of transporation, expenses incurred from fuel, repair and maintenance, tolls for bridges and tollgates and insruance premiums, etc.; 

(6) Postal and communication expenses; 

(7) Labor service fees: labor service fees paid to an entity or an individual, bidding agency fees related to a proejct, labor expenses for the personnel temporarily employeed, translation expenses, review expenses, bid evaluation expenses and author's renumeration, etc.; 

(8) Consultancy expenses;

(9) Printing expenses;

(10) Rental expenses: expenses for lease of offices, dormitories, dedicated communication network and other equipment, etc.; 

(11) Heating and property management fees: expenses for heating and overheads of the offices; 

(12) Entertainment expenses;

(13) Expenses for procurement of office equipment: expenses for procurement of office furniture and office equipment; and

(14) Bank charges and customs regulation charges directly related to coordination and management serivce of a Loan Project.

       第十九条  项目管理费可以用于以下支出:















  Article 20   The project management fees that are already included in the department budget shall not be drawn from investment for a Loan Project or other channels. 

       第二十条  项目管理费列入部门预算的,不得再从贷款项目投资或其它渠道提取或开支项目管理费。

  Article 21   The provisions of the Ministry of Finance on administration of balance funds of financial allotment shall be applicable to treatment of annual balance funds of the project management fees.

       第二十一条  项目管理费年度结余资金的处理,应当按照财政部关于财政拨款结余资金管理的有关规定执行。

Chapter 5: Supervision and Management of Use of Project Management Fees

    第五章  项目管理费使用的监督和管理

  Article 22    A central project coordination institution shall establish and improve an internal supervision and examination system and strictly abide by the national financial and economic laws and regulations as well as the provisions of these Measures. The project management fees shall be used for the intended purposes and shall not be intercepted, detained or misappropriated.

       第二十二条  中央项目协调机构应当建立健全内部监督、检查制度,严格执行国家各项财经法律、法规和本办法的规定,项目管理费应当专款专用,不得截留、挤占和挪用。

  Article 23   A central project coordination institution shall accept supervision and inspection of the Ministry of Finance, the National Audit Office and the competent department over use of the project management fees and shall take effective measures to solve and correct the problems related to use and management of the project management fees.

       第二十三条  中央项目协调机构应当接受财政部、审计署及主管部门对项目管理费使用情况的监督检查,并采取有效措施,及时解决和纠正管理费使用管理中存在的问题。

  Article 24   The Ministry of Finance adopts the performance evaluation system over execution of the project management fees. The measures for performance evaluation shall be separately formulated. 

       第二十四条  财政部对项目管理费的执行情况实行绩效考评制度,具体绩效考评办法另行制定。

Chapter 6: Supplementary Provisions 

    第六章  附则

  Article 25   All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and specially designated cities in the State plan shall formulate their respective measures for the administration of project management fees for special business of project execution institutions and coordination institutions by referring to these Measures and in light of the actual local situations. 

       第二十五条  各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市可以参照本办法并结合当地实际情况制定本省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市项目执行机构和协调机构的专项业务经费管理办法。

  Article 26   These Measures shall become effective from July 13, 2007. The Measures for the Collection and Use of Project Management Fees for the Loan Projects of International Finance Corporations (Trial) (Cai Shi Zi [1998] No. 90) shall be simultaneously repealed. If any previous promulgated provisions are not consistent with these Measures, these Measures shall prevail. 

       第二十六条  本办法自2007年7月13日起执行。《国际金融组织贷款项目管理费收取和使用办法(试行)》(财世字[1998]90号)同时废止。此前已发布的有关规定与本办法不一致的,以本办法为准。




中英双语-国际金融组织贷款项目中央项目协调机构项目管理费申请及使用管理暂行办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-20 14:51:20