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Interim Measures for the Administration of the Charging Standards for Administrative and Institutional Fees



Promulgating Institution:National Development and Reform Commission; Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Fa Gai Jia Ge [2006] No. 532

Promulgating Date: 03/27/2006

Effective Date: 07/01/2006


颁布机关: 国家发展和改革委员会; 财政部

文      号: 发改价格[2006]532号

颁布时间: 03/27/2006

实施时间: 07/01/2006

Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1   These Measures are formulated according to the relevant provisions of the State in order to strengthen the administration of the charging standards for administrative and institutional fees, protect the legal rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, regulate the acts of administration of charging standards and improve the scientificness and transparency of the decision-making process for determining charging standards.

       第一条  为加强行政事业性收费标准管理,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,规范对收费标准的管理行为,提高收费决策的科学性和透明度,根据国家有关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2   These Measures shall apply to the application, acceptance, investigation, demonstration, review, decision-making, announcement, promulgation, supervision and examination of the charging standards for administrative and institutional fees within the territory of the People's Republic of China. Where laws and regulations stipulate the relevant provisions, such provisions shall prevail.

       第二条  中华人民共和国境内行政事业性收费标准的申请、受理、调查、论证、审核、决策、公布、公示、监督、检查等,适用本办法。有法律法规规定的,从其规定。

  Article 3  For the purposes of these Measures, "administrative and institutional fees" (hereinafter referred to as "fees") shall mean the charges collected from the specific objects by State organs, institutions, social groups performing government functions on behalf of the government, and other organizations, according to relevant provisions of laws, regulations, and specified procedures approved by the State Council, during the process of rendering specific public services to citizens and legal persons.

       第三条  本办法所称行政事业性收费(以下简称收费),是指国家机关、事业单位、代行政府职能的社会团体及其他组织根据法律法规等有关规定,依照国务院规定程序批准,在实施社会公共管理,以及在向公民、法人提供特定公共服务过程中,向特定对象收取的费用。

  Article 4   The charging standards shall be examined and approved by the Central Government and the provincial government. The State Council as well as the departments of price and finance under the People's Government of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as "provincial government") shall examine and approve the criterions on fee in light of specified powers.

The charging standards for relevant Central departments and units (including the Central departments in local areas, hereinafter being thus defined), and the whole State or region (trans-province, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) shall be examined and approved by the departments of price and finance under the State Council. Among them, the charging standards for important items shall be reported to the State Council for approval by the departments of price and finance under the State Council, upon review.

The criteria on fees for items other than those mentioned above shall be examined and approved by the departments of price and finance under the provincial government, and shall, within thirty days of the approval date, be reported to the departments of price and finance under the State Council for future reference. Among them, the charging standards for important items shall be reported to the provincial government for approval by the price and financial department under the provincial government.

       第四条  收费标准实行中央和省两级审批制度。国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府(以下简称“省级政府”)的价格、财政部门按照规定权限审批收费标准。



  Article 5   The examination and approval of charging standards shall adhere to the following principles:

(1) The principles of impartiality, justice, openness and efficiency;

(2) The principles of meeting the requirements of social public administration, reasonably compensating administration or service costs, and accommodating social affordability;

(3) The principles of promoting environmental protection, resource conservation and effective utilization, as well as sustainable development in economic and social undertakings; and

(4) Conforming to the international practices and the relevant equivalent principles.

       第五条  审批收费标准应遵循以下原则:





  Article 6   Price authorities and finance authorities at all levels shall strengthen the supervision and administration of the charging standards, and ensure the implementation of these Measures.

       第六条  各级价格、财政部门要加强对收费标准的监督管理,确保本办法的贯彻落实。

  Article 7   Citizens, legal persons or other organizations shall have the right to reject paying fees of which the collection violates provisions of laws, regulations and these Measures, and report such collection.

       第七条  公民、法人或其他组织有权拒绝缴纳和举报违反法律法规以及本办法规定的收费。

Chapter 2: Filing and Accepting Applications for Fee Standards

第二章  收费标准的申请和受理

  Article 8   Unless otherwise provided by laws, regulations and the people's government at or above the provincial level, a charging entity shall, when formulating or adjusting the fee standards, file a application in writing with the price department and finance department under the State Council or the relevant provincial government (hereinafter referred to as "price department and finance department") according to their respective administration authority limits.

As for the charging standards to be examined and approved by the price department and finance department under the State Council, the relevant department of the Central Government, or provincial government or its price and finance departments shall file an application in writing in a centralized manner, and report the application as an official document to the price department and finance department under the State Council.

With regard to the charging standards to be examined and approved by the price department and finance department under the relevant provincial government, the relevant department of the provincial government, or the people's government at municipal or prefecture level or its finance and price departments shall file an application in writing with the price department and finance department under the provincial government.

       第八条  除法律法规和省级以上人民政府另有规定外,制定或调整收费标准,由收费单位按规定的管理权限,向国务院价格、财政部门或省级政府价格、财政部门(以下简称“价格、财政部门”)提出书面申请。



  Article 9   The following materials shall be provided when applying for the formulation of or adjustment to charging standards:

(1) Charging standards to be formulated or adjusted and the reasons therefor, and annual amount of the fees to be collected, or the increase or decrease after the adjustment;

(2) Materials for the calculation of the costs for the formulation of or adjustments to the charging standards; and cost review materials produced by the relevant intermediary or professional institutions if the charging standards involve technological issues and professional knowledge; 

(3) Provisions of the relevant laws, regulations, rules and policies;

(4) Relevant conditions of the charging entity, including, among other things, the nature, functions and structure, staff structure, and source of funds;

(5) Impact on objects subject to the fee collection and relevant industries; and

(6) Other materials deemed necessary by price departments and finance departments.

Materials provided by applicants shall be authentic and valid.

       第九条  申请制定或调整收费标准应提供以下材料:








  Article 10   The relevant price department and finance department shall, upon the receipt of an application, carry out preliminary examination of the format and content of the application materials. Applications complying with provisions hereof shall be accepted; while with respect to application not complying with provisions hereof, a notice shall be issued to the applicant entity in a timely manner requesting for modification or supplementation.

       第十条  价格、财政部门收到申请后,应对申请材料的形式及内容进行初步审查。对符合本办法规定的,应予以受理;对不符合本办法规定的,应及时通知申请单位对申请材料作出修改或补充。

  Article 11   An application shall not be accepted under any of the following circumstances:

(1) The basis for the application conflicts with the relevant prevailing laws, regulations, rules or policies in effect;

(2) The reasons for the formulation of or adjustments to the charging standards are insufficient or obviously unreasonable;

(3) Materials provided are false; or

(4) The application is beyond the authority limit of the relevant price department and finance department for the examination and approval thereof.

Where an application is rejected, the relevant department shall officially notify the application entity of such rejection within 15 working days of the receipt of the application, and provide the reasons therefor.

       第十一条  具有下列情形之一的申请,不予以受理:






Chapter 3: Procedures and Principles for the Examination and Approval of Fee Standards

第三章  收费标准审批的程序和原则

  Article 12   Price departments and finance departments shall, upon the receipt of an application, carry out the following work according to specific conditions:

(1) Examining whether the application complies with provisions of relevant laws, regulations, rules and policies of the State;

(2) Examining the authenticity and validity of the application materials;

(3) Examining the charging standards stated in the application accommodate the needs of the applicant entity for performing its functions; and

(4) Investigating and studying the feasibility of the fee collection, social affordability and other relevant matters.

       第十二条  价格、财政部门在收到申请后,应根据具体情况开展以下工作:





  Article 13   Price departments and finance departments may solicit opinions from relevant society by way of seminar, discussion and hearing or request for written comments.

       第十三条  价格、财政部门可以采用召开座谈会、论证会、听证会或书面征求意见等形式,征求社会有关方面的意见。

  Article 14   The formulation of charging standards involving technological issues and professional knowledge shall be subject to experts' demonstration.

       第十四条  对技术含量高、专业性强的收费标准可进行专家论证。

  Article 15   Charging standards applications complying with provisions shall be subject to classified review according to the different natures of the fees involved.

       第十五条  对符合规定申请的收费标准,应根据收费的不同性质实行分类审核。

  Article 16   "Administrative costs" shall mean fees collected from the objects subject to administration during the performance by State organs of the administrative functions of the State according to the provisions of laws and regulations. Charging standards for the issuance of certificates, licenses or cards shall be examined and verified based on the direct costs for production and issuance thereof, i.e., the printing and production costs, transportation costs, storage costs, and reasonable losses.

The printing and production costs of certificates and licenses shall in principle be determined as per the bid price. With respect to certificates and licenses subject to centralized printing and production, but decentralized issuance, the charging standards for the printing and production thereof, and the charging standards of certificate and license issuance departments shall be separately formulated.

       第十六条  行政管理类收费,即根据法律法规规定,在行使国家管理职能时,向被管理对象收取的费用,收费标准按照行使管理职能的需要从严审核。其中,各种证件、牌照、簿卡等证照收费标准按证照印制、发放的直接成本,即印制费用、运输费用、仓储费用及合理损耗审核。


  Article 17   "Resource compensation fees" shall mean fees collected according to provisions of laws and regulations from parties that exploit and utilize natural and social public resources, and the charging standards for such fees shall be reviewed by referring to the value and scarcity of resources concerned, as well as by considering sustainable development and other factors. Where the exploitation and utilization of natural resources bring about environmental pollution or other environmental damage, full consideration shall be given to the costs for environmental control and recovery while reviewing the relevant charging standards.

       第十七条  资源补偿类收费,即根据法律法规规定向开采、利用自然和社会公共资源者收取的费用,收费标准参考相关资源的价值或其稀缺性,并考虑可持续发展等因素审核。对开采利用自然资源造成环境污染或其他环境损害的,审核收费标准时,还应充分考虑相关环境治理和恢复的成本。

  Article 18   "Appraisal fees" shall mean the fees collected according to provisions of laws and regulations for performing government functions or performing said functions on behalf of government departments, including mandatory inspection, test, verification, attestation and quarantine, the charging standards shall be reviewed according to the needs of performing administration functions and the actual costs of appraisal.

       第十八条  鉴定类收费,即根据法律法规规定,行使或代行政府职能强制实施检验、检测、检定、认证、检疫等收取的费用,收费标准根据行使管理职能的需要,按照鉴定的实际成本审核。

  Article 19   "Exam fees" shall mean fees collected for organizing exams according to laws, regulations and provisions of documents of the State Council or the provincial government, and the fees collected for organizing exams for professional technical qualifications, practice qualifications or occupational qualifications approved by the Ministry of Personnel or the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the charging standards shall be reviewed in light of the costs for organizing the exams.

With regard to exams uniformly organized nationwide, the charging standards for the exam-related administrative fees collected by the concerned Central entities from local examination organs and the charging standards for the examination fees collected by such local organs from the examinees shall be separately formulated.

       第十九条  考试类收费,即根据法律法规、国务院或省级政府文件规定组织考试收取的费用,以及组织经人事部或劳动和社会保障部批准的专业技术资格、执业资格或职业资格考试收取的费用,收费标准按照组织报名考试的成本从严审核。


  Article 20   "Training fees" shall mean fees collected according to laws and regulations or rules of the State Council for mandatory training, the charging standards therefor shall be reviewed in accordance with social average costs for training. The specific charging standards shall be reviewed separately first according to the classified fees for the training category, subject and class hour, and then according to the class hour of the training.

       第二十条  培训类收费,即根据法律法规或国务院规定开展强制性培训收取的费用,收费标准按照培训的社会平均成本审核。首先根据培训的门类、科目、等级核定培训课时的分类收费标准,其次按照培训课时设置情况,分别审核具体的收费标准。

  Article 21   The fees for other items shall be reviewed based on the needs of administration or service, and according to the principles of compensation for costs and non-profit.

       第二十一条  其他收费类别的收费标准,根据管理或服务需要,按照成本补偿和非营利原则审核。

  Article 22   Where fees involve the relationship with other countries or regions, the charging standards shall be reviewed in accordance with the international practice and the principle of reciprocity.

       第二十二条  收费涉及与其他国家或地区关系的,收费标准按照国际惯例和对等原则审核。

  Article 23   In the case that there are other financial resources for the implementation of relevant administration or provision of services, the charging standards shall be reviewed in consideration of the relevant deduction factors. The "other financial resources" shall mean financial allocation, sponsorship, etc.

       第二十三条  实施相关管理或服务有其他经费来源的,审核收费标准时应考虑相应的扣除因素。其他经费来源指财政拨款、赞助等。

  Article 24   Price departments and finance departments shall, after receiving an application for charging standards, make a decision within a specified period according to different situations.

(1) With regard to charging standards of which the decision-making does not require a seminar, discussion or hearing, the examination and approval decision shall be made within 60 working days; 

(2) With regard to charging standards of which the decision-making requires an exchange seminar or demonstration meeting, the examination and approval decision shall be made within 90 working days; or 

(3) With regard to charging standards of which the decision-making requires a hearing, the examination and approval decision shall be made according to relevant procedures and time limit of the hearing.

The abovementioned time shall not include the time period for reporting to the State Council or the provincial government for approval.

Where charging standards cannot be determined within the specified time limit, a written statement shall be given to the applicant.

       第二十四条  价格、财政部门在受理收费标准申请后,应根据不同情况,在规定时限内作出决定。






  Article 25   The written decision on the examination and approval of the charging standards shall be issued in the form of an official document of the relevant price departments and finance departments, and the main content thereof shall include the charging subject, charging object, charging scope, charging rate (measuring) unit and standards, charging frequency, and time limit for the implementation.

       第二十五条  审批收费标准的书面决定,以价格、财政部门的公文形式发布。其内容主要包括:收费主体、收费对象、收费范围、计费(量)单位和标准、收费频次、执行期限等。

  Article 26   With respect to newly formulated charging standards, the relevant authorities shall stipulate a trial implementation period. Upon the expiration of the trial implementation period, the relevant fee collecting entity shall file an application again according to specified authority limit and procedures; and the relevant price department and finance department shall re-formulate the charging standards according to the trial implementation situation and the provisions of these Measures.

       第二十六条  新制定的收费标准,应规定试行期限。试行期满后,收费单位应按规定权限和程序重新申报;价格、财政部门根据试行情况和本办法规定重新制定收费标准。

Chapter 4: Announcement and Administration of Charging Standards

第四章  收费标准的公布和管理

  Article 27   Price departments and finance departments shall inform the applicants and relevant entities of the approval for charging standards in a timely manner, and make a public announcement thereof, unless the charging standards involve State secrets.

       第二十七条  除涉及国家秘密外,价格、财政部门应及时将批准的收费标准通知申请人和有关单位,并向社会公布。

  Article 28   A fee collecting entity shall, in the prominent places at the collecting site, publish the charging items, standards, charging subject and objects, documents on charging basis, and charging scope, and shall be subject to the social supervision.

       第二十八条  收费单位应在收费地点的显著位置公示收费项目、收费标准、收费主体、收费文件依据、收费范围、收费对象等,接受社会监督。

  Article 29   A fee collecting entity shall, while collecting fees, go through the formalities for obtaining or changing license for fee collection with the responsible department of price, and shall utilize the financial instruments printed and produced uniformly by the Ministry of Finance or the provincial department of finance.

       第二十九条  收费单位实施收费时,应到指定的价格主管部门办理收费许可证申领或变更手续,并按财务隶属关系分别使用财政部或省级政府财政部门统一印制的财政票据。

  Article 30   A fee collecting unit shall take part in annual examination for fee collection, according to rules.

       第三十条  收费单位应按规定参加收费年度审验。

  Article 31    Price departments and finance departments shall supervise the implementation of charging standards or conduct inspections thereof on a regular basis. In the case of any changes, the charging standards shall be adjusted in a timely manner.

       第三十一条  价格、财政部门应对收费标准执行情况进行监测或定期审核。情况发生变化的,应对收费标准及时进行调整。

  Article 32   Regular inspection shall include:

(1) Implementation of the charging standards of fee collecting entities;

(2) Revenues and expenditures of fee collecting entities, and reporting from citizens, legal persons and other organizations that pay the fees;

(3) Whether the standards, form and method in connection with the formulation of the charging standards conform to the changes in the actual situations; and 

(4) Other contents that price departments and finance departments deem necessary for regular inspection.

       第三十二条  定期审核的内容包括:





Chapter 5: Legal Liabilities

第五章  法律责任

  Article 33   Where a fee collection entity violates provisions of these Measures and involves any of the following circumstances, the relevant price department and finance department shall, according to their division of responsibilities, order the entity to make corrections, and impose punishments according relevant provisions.

(1) Increasing charging standards, extending charge time limit, or increasing charge frequency, without approval, and activities involving other arbitrary fee collection;

(2) Continuing the collection of fees or implementation of charging standards that have been explicitly cancelled or suspended;

(3) Failing to observe relevant provisions by collecting fees without announcing to the public the relevant charging items and charging standards;

(4) Failing to apply for and collect fee collection license or failing to complete the relevant alteration formalities as required; or

(5) Other activities in violation of the provisions on the administration of fees.

       第三十三条  收费单位违反本办法规定,具有下列情形之一的,由各级价格、财政部门按照职责分工责令其改正,并按有关规定予以处罚。






  Article 34   People's governments at all levels or their departments that violate provisions of these Measures by arbitrarily approving charging fees shall be ordered to make corrections. If the case is serious, a notice of criticism shall be circulated, and the person directly in charge and other persons subject to direct liability shall be punished in accordance with the law.

       第三十四条  各级政府及其部门违反本办法规定,擅自审批收费标准的,责令改正,情节严重的给予通报批评,并对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予处分。

  Article 35    Where any functionary of a price department or finance department at any level involves acts of abusing authority, practicing favoritism, neglecting their duties, and extorting and accepting bribes during fee administration work, such functionary shall be subject to administrative sanctions; if such acts constitute criminal offenses, such functionary shall be subject to criminal liability.

       第三十五条  各级价格、财政部门工作人员在收费管理工作中,滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守、索贿受贿,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予处分。

Chapter 6: Supplementary Provisions

第六章  附则

  Article 36   These Measures shall not apply the fees for business services provided by enterprises, institutions, social groups and other organizations, which are charged on the voluntary and compensatory basis.

       第三十六条  企业、事业单位、社会团体及其他组织按照自愿有偿原则,提供服务取得的经营服务性收费,不适用本办法。

  Article 37   The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

       第三十七条  本办法由国家发展改革委、财政部负责解释。

  Article 38   These Measures shall take effect from July 1, 2006.

       第三十八条  本办法从2006年7月1日起执行。




中英双语-行政事业性收费标准管理暂行办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-27 09:24:21