Interim Measures for the Administration of Subsidy Funds for the Energy Regeneration and Utilization of Straws and Stalks.
Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance
Document Number: Cai Jian[2008] No.735
Promulgating Date: 10/30/2008
Effective Date: 10/30/2008
颁布机关: 财政部
文 号: 财建[2008]735号
颁布时间: 10/30/2008
实施时间: 10/30/2008
第一章 总则
Article 1 The central finance shall allocate subsidy funds to support the energy regeneration and utilization of straws and stalks in accordance with the “Renewable Energy Law of the People’s Republic of China”, the “Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Accelerating the Comprehensive Utilization of Crop Straws and Stalks” (Guo Ban Fa [2008] No.105), and the “Interim Measures for the Administration of Special Funds for the Development of Renewable Energy” (Cai Jian [2006] No.237).These Measures are formulated with the goal of standardizing the administration of funds and improving the overall benefit from the use thereof.
第一条 根据《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》、《国务院办公厅关于加快推进农作物秸秆综合利用的意见》(国办发[2008]105号)、《可再生能源发展专项资金管理暂行办法》(财建[2006]237号),中央财政安排补助资金支持秸秆能源化利用。为规范资金管理,提高使用效益,特制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purpose of These Measures, “straws and stalks“ refers to the straws and stalks of paddy, wheat, corn, beans, oil plants, cotton, tuber crops and other crops, and residues of agricultural products derived from primary processing operations.
第二条 本办法所指秸秆包括水稻、小麦、玉米、豆类、油料、棉花、薯类等农作物秸秆以及农产品初加工过程中产生的剩余物。
Article 3 The subsidy funds shall be allocated in compliance with the principles of openness and transparency, and be subject to public supervision.
第三条 补助资金实行公开、透明原则,接受社会各方面监督。
第二章 支持对象和方式
Article 4 The targets to be supported shall be enterprises that engage in the regenerative energy production by virtue of straws and stalks, including the straw and stalk briquette fuel, straw and stalk gasification, straw and stalk dry distillation, etc.
The grid-connected power generation projects for the energy regeneration and utilization of straws and stalks in enterprises shall be subject to the supporting policies provided for in the “Tentative Management Measures for Price and Sharing of Expenses for Electricity Generation from Renewable Energy”(Fa Gai Jia Ge [2006] No.7), and shall not be given special subsidizes.
第四条 支持对象为从事秸秆成型燃料、秸秆气化、秸秆干馏等秸秆能源化生产的企业。
Article 5 The subsidy funds shall be allocated with the application of a comprehensive method by supporting enterprises to collect straws and stalks, produce energy products of straws and stalks, and launch them into the market.
第五条 补助资金主要采取综合性补助方式,支持企业收集秸秆、生产秸秆能源产品并向市场推广。
第三章 支持条件
Article 6 Enterprises that apply for subsidy funds shall satisfy the following requirements:
(1) The registered capital shall be not less than RMB 10 million;
(2) The energy regeneration and utilization of straws and stalks of enterprises shall comply with the comprehensive plans of the utilization of straws and stalks in their respective areas;
(3) The consumption of straws and stalks of enterprises shall be not less than 10,000 tons; and
(4) The enterprises have already realized the sale of energy products of straws and stalks, and now have their own regular users.
第六条 申请补助资金的企业应满足以下条件:
第四章 补助标准
Article 7 Those enterprises that meet the requirements for support shall be, on the basis of the consumed categories and amount of straws and stalks converted by the categories and amount of energy products sold, given a comprehensive subsidy in accordance with certain standards by the central government.
第七条 对符合支持条件的企业,根据企业每年实际销售秸秆能源产品的种类、数量折算消耗的秸秆种类和数量,中央财政按一定标准给予综合性补助。
第五章 资金申报和下达
Article 8 When undertaking the application procedures, enterprises shall fill in the application report for the financial subsidy funds of the energy regeneration and utilization of straws and stalks and the application form (The format is set out in the appendix), and submit the following materials:
(1) The purchase of straws and stalks, including relevant vouchers such as the categories, amount, prices and moisture contents of straws and stalks purchased;
(2) The production and sale of energy products of straws and stalks, including the output volume, sales volume, selling prices, etc. and the vouchers such as sales invoice;
(3) The quality inspection report for the energy products of straws and stalks;
(4) The long-term supply agreement on the energy products of straws and stalks signed with users; and
(5) Relevant materials in relation to the energy consumption, environmental protection, safety of per unit product.
第八条 企业在申报时,应按要求填报秸秆能源化利用财政补助资金申请报告及申请表(格式见附件),并提供以下材料:
Article 9 Enterprises shall submit the application report for funds and other relevant materials to the financial departments in their respective areas according to the domicile principle; the provincial financial departments shall, upon the examination, review and collection, submit them to the Ministry of Finance before March 31 of each year.
第九条 申报企业按属地原则将资金申请报告及相关材料报所在地财政部门,省级财政部门组织检查、核实并汇总后,于每年3月31日前报财政部。
Article 10 The Ministry of Finance shall organize relevant experts to examine the application materials, determine the amount of subsidy, distribute the budget in accordance with provisions, and allocate subsidy funds.
第十条 财政部组织相关专家对申报材料进行审查,核定补助金额,并按规定下达预算、拨付补助资金。
第六章 监督管理
Article 11 The Ministry of Finance shall entrust financial investment review institutions to carry out random examination of the application materials on the spot; if enterprises commit any fraudulent act, and make a fraudulent application and claim, they shall be ordered to return the funds subsidized, and nullified of their application qualifications for the financial subsidy funds; If there exist many problems in the application materials and the supervision and examination is slack, enterprises in these areas shall be suspended the qualifications for the application of financial subsidy funds.
第十一条 财政部委托财政投资评审机构等单位对企业申报材料进行实地抽查,对弄虚作假、虚报冒领财政补助资金的企业,将扣回补助资金,并取消企业申请财政补助资金的资格;对申报材料问题较多、监督检查不力的地区,将暂停该地区申请财政补助资金的资格。
Article 12 The subsidy funds shall be used exclusively for its designated purpose, and no unit shall intercept or misappropriate funds in any form or on any ground. Any one in violation of these provisions shall be punished in accordance with the “Regulations on Penalties and Sanctions against Illegal Financial Activities” (Order No.427 of the State Council).
第十二条 补助资金必须专款专用,任何单位不得以任何理由、任何形式截留、挪用。对违反规定的,按照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)规定处理。
第七章 附则
Article 13 These Measures shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Finance.
第十三条 本办法由财政部负责解释。
Article 14 These Regulations shall be implemented as of the date of its promulgation.
第十四条 本办法自印发之日起施行。
Application Form for the Financial Funds of the Energy Regeneration and Utilization of Straws and Stalks in XXXX (Year)