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Certain Opinions of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the National Natural Science Foundation of China on Encouraging Organizations Undertaking Scientific Research Projects to Absorb University and College Graduates for Their Stable Employment



Promulgating Institution:Ministry of Science and Technology; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security; National Natural Science Foundation

Document Number: Guo Ke Fa Cai [2009] No. 97

Promulgating Date: 02/27/2009

Effective Date: 02/27/2009


颁布机关:科学技术部; 教育部; 财政部; 人力资源和社会保障部; 国家自然科学基金委员会

文      号: 国科发财[2009]97号

颁布时间: 02/27/2009

实施时间: 02/27/2009


To all relevant organizations undertaking scientific research projects:

In accordance with the purpose of the Notice on Strengthening the Employment Work of Graduates of Ordinary Universities and Colleges (Guo Ban Fa [2009] No. 3) issued by the General Office of the State Council, in order to further reinforce the work on employment of university and college graduates, promote the implementation of policies relevant to enhancing the organizations undertaking scientific research projects to absorb university and college graduates and thus stabilize the employment, fully exert the functions of scientific research work in cultivating talent and promoting employment, the following opinions on work relevant to organizations undertaking major scientific research projects (hereinafter referred to as the project undertakers) employing excellent university and college graduates are hereby promulgated:



1. Significance of the project undertakers employing university and college graduates and appointing them to participate in the research of major scientific research projects. Outstanding university and college graduates, especially postgraduates, form an important force of vitality for national science and technology innovation. The employment and appointment of outstanding university and college graduates in research work by the project undertakers plays a positive role in accelerating the implementation of scientific research projects and improving the research level thereof as well as has significant meaning as to promoting the employment of university and college graduates, cultivating talents of high quality, enhancing the science and technology innovation ability of the State. It is also an important measure to push forward the construction of both an innovation-oriented country and a country with strong human resources.


2. Scope of the project undertakers employing university and college graduates and appointing them to participate in the research of major scientific research projects. The State encourages universities and colleges, scientific research institutions and enterprises to employ, in accordance with the principle of openness, voluntariness and mutual selection, university and college graduates and appoint them as research assistants or auxiliaries to be involved in the research work and implementation process of their undertaken projects involving major special projects of civilian science and technology, projects under Plan 973 and Plan 863, projects under the Science and Technology Supporting Plan, and major/key projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation. Universities and colleges, scientific research institutions and enterprises shall conclude with the graduates service agreements, in which the rights, responsibilities and obligations of both parties are clearly stated; outstanding graduates of current year shall dominate the candidates to be employed; such outstanding graduates include the graduates with doctoral, master or bachelor degrees from universities, colleges and the science and technology institutions with degree-awarding powers.


3. Funding channels for the project undertakers to employ university and college graduates as participants in the research of major scientific research projects. Where a project undertaker employs university and college graduates to participate in research work, the pay for their service and relevant social insurance premium subsidies are allocated from the item of "service cost" under the project fund in accordance with relevant provisions. The specific operating methods are as follows:

Under the precondition that the research objective and fund budget for an ongoing project shall not be changed, measures of making adjustment to the fund expense structure shall be adopted for arrangement of the service cost and social insurance premium subsidies that are needed to pay employed university and college graduates in an overall manner. The project (subject) group shall propose its opinions as to budget adjustment in accordance with the employment plan, and then submit it to the project undertaker for approval. After being approved, the adjustment may be made in accordance with relevant regulations on fund management. For a newly-established project, before making the budget thereof, an employment plan shall be made by considering the actual needs of the project research, and the corresponding funds needed in the research shall be seriously calculated and included in project budget application. The approval and release of the budget plan shall be made in accordance with relevant regulations on fund management. 



4. Examination, approval, management and supervision of relevant funds. In principle, the standards for the service cost and social insurance premium subsidies for university and college graduates employed as research assistants and auxiliaries to work for major scientific research projects shall be determined by the project undertakers in accordance with the local standards for corresponding posts. A project undertaker shall strengthen its financial management over relevant funds; all expenses must be included in the finance of the organization for overall accounting and operated in accordance with relevant provisions on the procedures and methods of wage payment of organizations as well as social insurance payment. Internal financial (auditing) and supervision departments of an organization shall strengthen its routine supervision over relevant funds to ensure scientific, reasonable and safe fund allocation.


5. Employment policies relevant to the project undertakers employing university and college graduates. During the time when university and college graduates participate in project research, their permanent residence cards and archives may be kept at the place where the project undertakers are located or the job referral service center of the place where their families are located before they entered the university or the college. Upon expiration of their employment, their contracts may be renewed or, they may find another job; their working years after being employed shall include the working hours of participating in the research and the calculation for their years for making social insurance payment follows the same rule.


6. Strengthening the organization and leadership over involvement of university and college graduates in major scientific research projects. The State encourages the involvement of excellent university and college graduates in major scientific research projects. The projects undertakers shall make overall arrangements by considering the work requirements of project research, smoothly carry through the work of involving university and college graduates in major scientific research projects for the purpose of stabilizing the employment thereof, and safeguard sound research conditions and living standard for the graduates. Universities, colleges and relevant scientific research institutes shall strengthen the propaganda and guidance to encourage excellent graduates' participation in the research work of major scientific research projects. All relevant departments shall practically give full play to their functions, perform their work responsibilities, ensure the implementation of relevant employment policies and relieve them of their concerns and worries.


7. All relevant departments shall practically perform their duties and responsibilities in strengthening the supervision and inspection over the application of relevant funds so as to raise the application efficiency of financial funds. At the same time, they shall also strengthen the follow-up guidance and supervision over the work progress of involving university and college graduates in major scientific projects and seriously study any problems that occurred in the implementation thereof so as to create a favorable policy environment for the steady progress of relevant work.


8.All places shall actively encourage the major scientific research projects established within their regions to employ university and college graduates to participate in research work so as to promote the employment of university and college graduates. All places may separately formulate the specific measures based on their actual situations by referring to these Opinions.

Ministry of Science and Technology

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Finance 

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

National Natural Science Foundation 

February 27, 2009











中英双语-科技部、教育部、财政部、人力资源和社会保障部、国家自然科学基金委员会关于鼓励科研项目单位吸纳和稳定高校毕业生就业的若干意见(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-31 14:47:50