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Interim Measures for the Collection of Equity Investment Income of Venture Capital Guiding Funds for Small and Medium Sized Technology Enterprises



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Science and Technology

Document Number:Cai Qi [2010] No. 361

Promulgating Date:12/09/2010

Effective Date: 12/09/2010


颁布机关:财政部; 科学技术部

文      号:财企[2010]361号

颁布时间: 12/09/2010

实施时间: 12/09/2010


  Article 1   For the purpose of standardizing the collection of equity investment income of venture capital guiding funds for small and medium sized technology enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "Guiding Fund"), these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Budget Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science and Technology on the Printing and Distribution of the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Venture Capital Guiding Funds for Small and Medium Sized Technology Enterprises" (Cai Qi [2007] No. 128).  

Article 2   These Measures are applicable to the administration task of collecting various incomes as generated by investing in venture capital invested enterprises by way of equity participation in stages, as well as by investing in small and medium sized technology enterprises through the follow-up method by Guiding Funds. 

Article 3   The equity investment income of a Guiding Fund includes: The principal and entitled returns that shall be recouped by the Guiding Fund upon withdrawing from the equity investment; the entitled returns of the Guiding Fund during the holding of the equity investment through the follow-up investment method; the balance of the income from property liquidation for which the Guiding Fund is entitled. 

Article 4   The equity investment income of a Guiding Fund turned over to the State Treasury shall be incorporated into the general budget administration of the central government, and listed as general budget revenue related items under "Non-tax income" in Category 103 and "State-owned capital operating income" in Section 06 of the Government Income and Expenditure Category Items. In particular:  

(1) The principal and entitled returns that shall be recouped by the Guiding Fund upon withdrawing from the equity investment shall be listed as "Revenue from the transfer of other property rights" under "Revenue from transfer of property rights" (Budget item code: 103060399). 

(2) The entitled returns of the Guiding Fund during the holding of the equity investment through the follow-up investment method shall be listed as "Dividends and dividend income" under "Other dividend and dividend income" (Budget item code: 103060299). 

(3) The balance of the income from property liquidation for which the Guiding Fund is entitled shall be listed as "Other State-owned capital operating income" (Budget item code: 1030699).

Article 5   The Ministry of Finance is the functional department for administering the collection of equity investment income of Guiding Funds, and shall supervise and examine the collection of equity investment income of Guiding Funds.  

Article 6   The Ministry of Science and Technology shall be responsible for the administration and supervision over entities under its collection enforcement and the task of collecting equity investment income of Guiding Funds. 

Article 7   As the collection enforcement entity, the Center for the Administration of the Innovation Fund for Technology Based Firms of the Ministry of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Innovation Fund Administrative Center) shall be responsible for the administrative task of collecting the equity investment income of Guiding Funds

Article 8   The equity investment income of a Guiding Fund turned over shall be separately determined based on the following contents: 

(1) The principal that shall be recouped by the Guiding Fund upon withdrawing from the equity investment shall be determined in accordance with relevant Guiding Fund incorporation and funds allocation documents as well as the funds allocation income certificate of the Central Finance Guiding Fund received by the Guiding Fund invested enterprise. 

(2) The entitled returns that shall be recouped by the Guiding Fund upon withdrawing from the equity investment shall be determined in accordance with the funds allocation income certificate of the Central Finance Guiding Fund received by the Guiding Fund invested enterprise as well as the equity transfer agreement of the Guiding Fund. 

(3) The entitled returns of the Guiding Fund during the holding of the equity investment through the follow-up investment method shall be determined in accordance with the accounting statements of the Guiding Fund invested enterprise audited by an accounting firm as well as the resolution of shareholders' meeting as regards profit distribution.  

(4) The balance of the income from property liquidation for which the Guiding Fund is entitled shall be determined by relevant legal procedures. 

Article 9   The equity investment income of a Guiding Fund shall be turned over according to the following procedures: 

(1) On the basis of implementation status of the supervision and examination of the Guiding Fund by the Innovation Fund Administrative Center, matters such as withdrawing from an equity investment and the allocation of profits shall be discussed with the Guiding Fund invested enterprise and the party purchasing the equity from the Guiding Fund (or authorized administrative entity), and a review shall be carried out as regards the special audit report of the implementation status of the Guiding Fund invested enterprise project, the application of the purchasing party of the equity investment of the Guiding Fund as well as the confirmation of relevant information on which the income is based. 

(2) Based on the outcome of the discussions and audit, the Innovation Fund Administrative Center shall put forward the withdrawal from the equity investment by the Guiding Fund as well as the income collection implementation plan reported to the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance for examination and approval. 

(3) The Innovation Fund Administrative Center shall, in accordance with examination and approval opinions of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance, undertake such formalities as the equity transfer and income collection, and shall issue and deliver the notice to turn over funds to the relevant entities that shall turn over the funds, ensuring that income shall be turned over promptly and in its full amount in accordance with relevant provisions. 

(4) Within 30 working days of receiving the notice to turn over funds, relevant funds payment entities of the Guiding Fund shall directly turn over the equity investment income of the Guiding Fund that shall be paid to a special centralized payment account of the Central Finance opened by the Innovation Fund Administrative Center. 

Article 10   The Innovation Administrative Center shall make a report regularly to the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance as regards the turning over of equity investment income of Guiding Funds. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science and Technology shall organize an examination of the status of turning over equity investment income by Guiding Funds on an ad-hoc basis. 

Article 11   No entity or individual shall conceal, detain, retain, arrogate or appropriate the equity investment income of a Guiding Fund. Once the investigated facts are established, in addition to regaining all the relevant funds, punishment shall be meted out in accordance with relevant provisions of the Regulations on Penalties and Sanctions for Fiscal Violations (Decree No. 427 of the State Council). 

Article 12   The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures in consultation with the Ministry of Science and Technology. 

Article 13    These Measures shall become effective on the day of their printing and distribution.

      第一条 为规范科技型中小企业创业投资引导基金(以下简称引导基金)股权投资收入的收缴工作,根据《中华人民共和国预算法》、《财政部 科技部关于印发〈科技型中小企业创业投资引导基金管理暂行办法〉的通知》(财企[2007]128号)及有关财政管理制度,制定本办法。

    第二条 本办法适用于引导基金通过阶段参股方式投资于创业投资企业,以及通过跟进投资方式投资于科技型中小企业所产生的各项收入的收缴管理工作。

    第三条 引导基金股权投资收入包括:引导基金股权退出应收回的原始投资及应取得的收益;引导基金通过跟进投资方式投资,在持有股权期间应取得的收益;被投资企业清算时,引导基金应取得的剩余财产清偿收入。

    第四条 引导基金股权投资收入上缴中央国库,纳入中央一般预算管理,列《政府收支分类科目》103类“非税收入”06款“国有资本经营收入”下一般预算收入相关科目。其中:




    第五条 财政部是引导基金股权投资收入收缴管理职能部门,对引导基金股权投资收入收缴情况进行监督检查。

    第六条 科技部负责对所属执收单位及引导基金股权投资收入收缴工作实施管理和监督。

    第七条 科技部科技型中小企业技术创新基金管理中心(以下简称创新基金管理中心)作为执收单位,负责引导基金股权投资收入的收缴管理工作。

    第八条 引导基金股权投资收入上缴金额分别依据以下内容确定:





    第九条 引导基金股权投资收入按以下程序上缴:





    第十条 创新基金管理中心定期向科技部和财政部报告引导基金股权投资收入上缴情况,财政部、科技部不定期组织开展对引导基金股权投资收入上缴情况进行检查。

    第十一条 任何单位、个人不得隐瞒、滞留、截留、挤占、挪用引导基金股权投资收入,一经查实,除收回有关资金外,将按照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)的相关规定进行处理。

    第十二条 本办法由财政部会同科技部负责解释。

    第十三条 本办法自印发之日起施行。




中英双语-科技型中小企业创业投资引导基金股权投资收入收缴暂行办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-31 14:51:54