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Interim Measures for the Administration of the Projects Aided by the Special Fund for Publication in the Ethnic-Minority Languages



Promulgating Institution: General Administration of Press and Publication; Ministry of Finance

Promulgating Date:05/28/2010

Effective Date: 01/01/2011


颁布机关: 新闻出版总署; 财政部

颁布时间: 05/28/2010

实施时间: 01/01/2011


Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1  These Measures are formulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the State in order to regulate and strengthen the administration of the projects aided by the special fund for publication in the ethnic-minority languages (hereinafter referred to as "Special Fund").

       第一条  为规范和加强民族文字出版专项资金(以下简称专项资金)资助项目管理,根据国家有关法律法规制定本办法。

  Article 2  For the purposes of these Measures, an ethnic-minority language refers to the spoken and written language used by an ethnic-minority in China other than the standard spoken and written Chinese language.

       第二条  本办法所称民族文字是指国家通用语言文字以外我国少数民族使用的语言和文字。

  Article 3  Aided projects refer to projects that are funded by the Special Fund to enrich publishing products and services in ethnic-minority languages and the projects that have a positive effect in improving the capability of publication in the ethnic-minority languages.

       第三条  资助项目是指专项资金资助的,对丰富民族文字出版产品和服务、提高民族文字出版能力有积极作用的项目。

  Article 4  Determination of the aided projects shall follow the principle of "voluntary application, expert evaluation and choice of projects based on merit".

       第四条  资助项目的确定,遵循“自愿申请、专家评审、择优立项”的原则。

  Article 5  Implementation of the project aided and use of fund must strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the State and the financial rules and be subject to inspection and supervision of the relevant administrative authorities like Finance, Auditing, Press and Publication.

       第五条  资助项目的实施和资金的使用必须严格执行国家有关法律法规和财务规章制度,接受财政、审计和新闻出版等相关行政部门的监督检查。

Charter 2: Application of Aided Projects

 第二章 资助项目的申报

  Article 6  Project applicants shall be the publication, distribution, printing and duplication, audio, video and electronic production units formally approved by the press and publication administrative authorities or the press and publication administrative authorities at the province level.

       第六条  项目申报单位应是经新闻出版行政部门正式批准的出版、发行、印刷复制、音像电子制作等单位或省级新闻出版行政部门。

  Article 7  Project applicants have no record of illegality or irregularity in the latest three years.

       第七条  项目申报单位在最近3年内无违法违规记录。

  Article 8  If project applicants have engaged in a project that is aided by previous year's Special Fund but fails to be accepted as scheduled, such applicants shall not apply for new projects in principle.

       第八条  项目申报单位有未按期完成验收的以前年度资助项目的,原则上不得申报新的项目。

  Article 9  The project that has already been subsidized by the Central budget such as the National Press Fund shall not be aided by the Special Fund.

       第九条  国家出版基金等中央财政资金已经资助的项目,专项资金不再资助。

  Article 10  In principle, the Special Fund may only aid a project for once. If there is a need indeed to subsidize such project again, the applicant must go through the new application procedure.

       第十条  专项资金原则上对同一项目只资助一次,确需再次资助的必须重新履行申报程序。

  Article 11  Applicants shall strictly follow the scope of expenditure of the Special Fund set forth inNotice of the Ministry of Finance and General Administration of Press and Publication on Printing and Issuing the "Interim Measures for the Administration of the Special Fund for Publication in the Ethnic-Minority Languages" (Cai Jiao [2007] No. 258), including:

(1) Any project that applies for publication subsidy for the publication products in an ethnic minority language must conform to the laws and regulations of the state, policies of CPC about press and publication and minorities, pass down the excellent ethnic traditional culture, and provide the advanced scientific and cultural knowledge for the ethnic mass. Series or sets of publication project in other media may apply for aid as a project. 

(2) Applicants that apply for technological innovation and equipment update subsidy shall be the local units that undertake the substantial tasks such as the printing and production of books and periodicals, audio and video products, Party newspapers and journals in local ethnic languages.

(3) Applicants that apply for subsidies for personnel training project for ethnic-minority scripts should be the press and publication administrative authority at the province level. Personnel training projects must have clear training people, training methods, training costs and training content.

       第十一条  项目申报单位应严格按照《财政部新闻出版总署关于印发<民族文字出版专项资金管理暂行办法>的通知》(财教[2007]258号)确定的专项资金开支范围进行申报。其中:




  Article 12  Applicants shall start with the practical situation, earnestly engage in serious scientific demonstration and feasibility analysis and rigorous preparation of project budget, and come up with a reasonable amount of grant applications and fill out the Application Form for the Project Aided by the Special Fund for Publication in the Ethnic-Minority Languages" (see Annex 1). And by the end of February of every year, all the forgoing materials shall be submitted to the finance department and press and publication administrative authority at the province level via the local counterpart at the next higher level.

       第十二条  项目申报单位应当从实际出发,对申请资助项目认真进行科学论证和可行性分析,严格编制项目预算,提出合理的资助金额申请,填报《民族文字出版专项资金资助项目申请表》(见附件一)。并于每年2月底前通过地方各级财政部门和新闻出版行政部门逐级上报到省级财政部门、新闻出版行政部门。

  Article 13  The finance department at the province level and the press and publication administrative authority at the same level jointly review and summarize the qualifications, projects and budget applied by the applicants according to the provisions herein and jointly submit the application reports for the project aided by the Special Fund for publication in the ethnic-minority language in their local area, eligible Application Form for the Project Aided by the Special Fund for Publication in the Ethnic-Minority Languages and summary sheet as the normative document of the finance department at the province level to the Ministry of Finance and General Administration of Press and Publication by March 31 every year. 

Where the application is submitted by leapfrogging the next higher level authority or unilaterally, such application shall not be accepted.

       第十三条  省级财政部门会同同级新闻出版行政部门根据本办法有关规定对项目申报单位的资质和申报项目及预算进行审核汇总,于每年3月31日前将本地区民族文字出版专项资金资助项目申请报告、符合申报条件的《民族文字出版专项资金项目申请表》和汇总表,以省级财政部门文件形式联合上报财政部和新闻出版总署。


Chapter 3: Evaluation, Determination and Fund Appropriation of Projects Aided

第三章  资助项目评审、确定和资金拨付

  Article 14  General Administration of Press and Publication shall organize experts to evaluate the applied projects and come up with suggestions on the projects to be aided and the amount of grant to be aided, which shall be submitted to the Ministry of Finance.

       第十四条  新闻出版总署组织专家对申报项目进行评审,提出拟资助项目和拟资助额度的建议,并报财政部。

  Article 15  Principles of project evaluation are as follows:

(1) in compliance with the aid mission of the Special Fund and generate better social efficiency;  

(2) implementation plans and budget for projects are in line with the practical needs, reasonable in terms of economy, and operable;

(3) applicants have ability and resources to complete the projects; and

 (4) mainly finance the publication project and take into account of other projects.

       第十五条  项目评审的原则是:





  Article 16  The project evaluation panel consists of experts from publication industry, financial sector and other fields.

       第十六条  项目评审组由出版专业、财务专业和其他有关方面专家组成。

  Article 17  In accordance with the suggestions of General Administration of Press and Publication, after the Ministry of Finance has reviewed and approved the aided projects and amount of grant, the aided projects and the Special Fund shall be allocated to the finance department at the province level and copied to press and publication administrative authority at the province level.

       第十七条  根据新闻出版总署的建议,财政部对资助项目和资助额度审核批准后,将资助项目和专项资金下达省级财政部门,同时抄送省级新闻出版行政部门。

Chapter 4: Implementation and Supervision of Projects Aided

第四章  资助项目实施和监督

  Article 18  A legal representative or a person in charge of Implementation units of project aided is responsible for the implementation of aided projects, and the management and use of grant of such projects.

       第十八条  资助项目实施单位法定代表人或主要负责人对资助项目的实施和项目资金的管理使用负责。

  Article 19  Implementation units of projects aided must strictly follow the content of project aided and budget as described in the reply and can not adjust unauthorized. If the implementation environment and conditions for implementation change and thus cause the project aided to adjust accordingly during the process of implementation of the project aided, the implementation unit shall go through the submission and approval formalities again in accordance with the application procedures.

       第十九条  资助项目实施单位必须严格按照批复的资助项目内容及预算执行,不得自行调整。资助项目实施过程中,因实施环境和实施条件等发生变化造成资助项目确需调整的,须按照申报程序重新履行报批手续。

  Article 20  Grant for the project aided shall be remitted to the account of the implementation unit and independently account so as to ensure earmarking of fund. The final accounting of the earmarking of the project aided shall be incorporated into the annual final accounting of the unit and attach some explanation.

       第二十条  资助项目资金纳入实施单位账户实行单独核算,确保专款专用。资助项目资金决算纳入本单位年度决算,并加以说明。

  Article 21  Project aided listed in the scope of government procurement should be in accordance with the relevant provisions of government procurement. If the domestic technology and equipment can meet demands, domestic technology and equipment should be used.

       第二十一条  纳入政府采购范围的资助项目应按照政府采购的有关规定执行。国产技术装备能够满足需求的,应采用国产技术装备。

  Article 22  Asset generated from the grant of a project aided is the State-owned asset, and thus the implementation unit of the project aided shall manage the asset in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State-owned asset management.

       第二十二条  资助项目资金形成的资产是国有资产,资助项目实施单位应按照国有资产管理的有关规定进行管理。

  Article 23  Publications of the project aided shall be labeled "Project Aided by the Special Fund for Publication in the Ethnic-Minority Languages" in a prominent position.

       第二十三条  资助项目的出版物应在显著位置标注“民族文字出版专项资金资助项目”字样。

  Article 24  Implementation unit of the project aided shall submit the Progress Form for the Project Aided by the Special Fund for Publication in the Ethnic-Minority Languages (see Annex 2) by the end of February of every year to the press and publication administrative authority at the province level so as to accurately reflect the implementation of projects funded and use of funds last year.

       第二十四条  资助项目实施单位应在每年2月底前向省级新闻出版行政部门报送《民族文字出版专项资金资助项目进展情况表》(见附件二),如实反映上一年度资助项目实施情况和项目资金使用情况。

  Article 25  The press and publication administrative authority at the province level shall review Progress Form of the Project Aided by the Special Fund for Publication in the Ethnic-Minority Languages submitted by the implementation unit of the project aided and come up with review opinions, and submit the summary of the implementation of the projects aided in previous year in the local places, the Progress Form for the Project Aided by the Special Fund for Publication in the Ethnic-Minority Languages, and application reports for the Special Fund for aiding projects of publication products in ethnic-minority scripts to the General Administration of Press and Publication and the Ministry of Finance.

       第二十五条  省级新闻出版行政部门应对资助项目实施单位报送的《民族文字出版专项资金资助项目进展情况表》进行审核,提出评价意见,并于每年3月31日前将本地区上一年度资助项目实施情况总结及《民族文字出版专项资金资助项目进展情况表》随本年度民族文字出版专项资金资助项目申请报告一并报送新闻出版总署、财政部。

  Article 26  After the project aided is completed, the implementation unit shall submit Application Form for Acceptance of the Project Aided by the Special Fund for Publication in the Ethnic-Minority Languages (see Annex 3, hereinafter referred to as "Application Form for Acceptance") to the press and publication administrative authority at the province level and the finance department at the same level for applying for acceptance of the project. The press and publication administrative authority at the province level and the finance department at the same level shall complete the work of acceptance within 2 months upon receipt of Application Form for Acceptance and issue opinions on completed project on Application Form for Acceptance before submitting to the General Administration of Press and Publication and the Ministry of Finance.

       第二十六条  资助项目完成后,实施单位应向省级新闻出版行政部门和同级财政部门报送《民族文字出版专项资金资助项目验收申请表》(见附件三,以下简称《验收申请表》),申请结项验收。省级新闻出版行政部门会同同级财政部门应在收到《验收申请表》后2个月内完成验收工作,并在《验收申请表》上签署结项意见后报送新闻出版总署、财政部。

  Article 27  The press and publication administrative authority at the province level and the finance department at the same level are responsible for supervision on the project aided and encourage the project to be completed as scheduled.

       第二十七条  省级新闻出版行政部门和同级财政部门负责对资助项目进行监管,督促资助项目按期完成。

  Article 28  The General Administration of Press and Publication shall inspect the implementation and acceptance of the project aided according to the needs from time to time.

       第二十八条  新闻出版总署会同财政部根据需要适时对资助项目的实施、验收情况进行检查。

  Article 29  In any of the following event, the General Administration of Press and Publication and the Ministry of Finance shall suspend the implementation of the project and allocating the fund, recover the aid fund, and suspend approving the new projects, or the relevant department shall investigate into the matter if it is suspected of in violation of law or administrative discipline:

(1) in violation of Copyright Law and Regulations on Publication Management and the relevant laws and regulations;

(2) serious quality issues exist in the project; 

(3) acts of serious frauds; 

(4) serious discrepancy with the approved projects in terms of content;

(5) the project aided can not be completed after repeated delays; 

(6) seriously violate the financial law and regulations as well as the provisions on funds management herein; 

(7) failed acceptance of the project funded; and

(8) other matters regarding illegality and server irregularity.

       第二十九条  有下列情形之一的,新闻出版总署会同财政部视情况给予暂停项目实施、停止拨款、收回资助资金、暂停核批新项目的处理,涉嫌违法违纪的,交有关部门处理:









Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions

 第五章 附则

  Article 30  The General Administration of Press and Publication and the Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

       第三十条  本办法由新闻出版总署和财政部负责解释。

  Article 31  These Measures shall come into force on January 1, 2011.

       第三十一条  本办法自2011年1月1日起施行。




中英双语-民族文字出版专项资金资助项目管理暂行办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-01-31 15:35:39