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Measures for the Administration of Land Reserve



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Land and Resources; Ministry of Finance; People's Bank of China

Document Number: Guo Tu Zi Fa [2007] No. 277

Promulgating Date: 11/19/2007

Effective Date: 11/19/2007

颁布机关: 国土资源部; 财政部; 中国人民银行

文   号: 国土资发[2007]277号

颁布时间: 11/19/2007

实施时间: 11/19/2007


Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章 总 则

 Article 1  These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Notice of the State Council Concerning Strengthening the Administration of State-owned Land Assets (Guo Fa [2001] No.15) and the Notice of the General Office of the State Council Concerning Standardizing the Administration of Income and Expenditures for Transfer of the Right to the Use of State-owned Land (Guo Ban Fa [2006] No.100), in order to improve the system of land reserve, enhance the control of land, standardize the operation of land market, promote the economical and intensive utilization of land and increase the capability of construction land guarantee.

    第一条 为完善土地储备制度,加强土地调控,规范土地市场运行,促进土地节约集约利用,提高建设用地保障能力,根据《国务院关于加强国有土地资产管理的通知》(国发〔2001〕15号)、《国务院办公厅关于规范国有土地使用权出让收支管理的通知》(国办发〔2006〕100号),制定本办法。

 Article 2  For the purpose of these Measures, "land reserve" shall mean an act by the land and resources management department of the people's government at the municipal or county level of procuring land, conducting preliminary development and holding land in reserve for supply in a lawful manner, to realize the target of regulating the land market and promoting rational utilization of land.

The land reserve institution shall be responsible for the implementation of work related to land reserve.

    第二条 本办法所称土地储备,是指市、县人民政府国土资源管理部门为实现调控土地市场、促进土地资源合理利用目标,依法取得土地,进行前期开发、储存以备供应土地的行为。 


 Article 3  The land reserve institution shall be a public institution which (a) has the qualification of being an independent legal person; (b) is established upon the approval of the people's government at the municipal or county level; (c) is subordinate to the land and resources management department; and (d) undertakes the land reserve related work within its jurisdiction.

    第三条 土地储备机构应为市、县人民政府批准成立、具有独立的法人资格、隶属于国土资源管理部门、统一承担本行政辖区内土地储备工作的事业单位。

 Article 4  The land and resources management department and financial department of the people's government at the municipal or county level along with the local branch of the People's Bank of China shall be responsible for their respective assignment by cooperating with each other in order to guarantee the smooth development of work related to land reserve.

    第四条 市、县人民政府国土资源管理、财政及当地人民银行等部门,按照职责分工,各负其责,互相配合,保证土地储备工作顺利开展。

 Article 5  An information sharing system shall be established. The land and resources management department and financial department of the people's government at the county level or above along with the local branch of the People's Bank of China shall summarize the information including volume of land reserve and supply, income and expenditure of reserve funds and loans. They shall submit the same to their respective competent departments and exchange information amongst themselves at the same level.

    第五条 建立信息共享制度。县级以上人民政府国土资源管理、财政及人民银行相关分支行要将土地储备与供应数量、储备资金收支、贷款数量等信息按季逐级汇总上报主管部门,并在同级部门间进行信息交换。

Chapter 2: Planning and Management

第二章 计划与管理

 Article 6  The government at all levels shall rationally determine the scale of land reserve according to the demand of regulating land market, reserve land in accordance with the design and planning and prioritize to hold in reserve the surplus, vacant and ineffective State-owned land in storage for construction.

    第六条 各地应根据调控土地市场的需要,合理确定储备土地规模,储备土地必须符合规划、计划,优先储备闲置、空闲和低效利用的国有存量建设用地。

 Article 7  Planned management shall be adopted in land reserve. The land and resources management department and financial department of the people's government at the municipality or county level along with the local branch of the People's Bank of China shall jointly formulate the annual land reserve plan according to local economic and social development plan, overall plan of land utilization, overall urban planning, annual plan of land utilization and supply and demand in the land market. They shall submit the annual land reserve plan to the people's government at the same level for approval and to the next higher level of land and resources management department for filing.

    第七条 土地储备实行计划管理。市、县人民政府国土资源管理、财政及当地人民银行相关分支行等部门应根据当地经济和社会发展计划、土地利用总体规划、城市总体规划、土地利用年度计划和土地市场供需状况等共同编制年度土地储备计划,报同级人民政府批准,并报上级国土资源管理部门备案。

 Article 8  The annual land reserve plan shall include:

(1) Scale of annual land reserve;

(2) Scale of preliminary development of annual land reserve;

(3) Supply scale of annual land reserve;

(4) Temporary utilization plan of annual land reserve; and

(5) Planned scale of year-end land reserve.

    第八条 年度土地储备计划应包括: 






 Article 9  At the time of implementing the land reserve plan, the land and resources management department at the municipal or county level shall prepare project implementation plan which, after being approved by the government at the same level, shall act as the basis for going through the procedures of approval.

    第九条 市、县人民政府国土资源管理部门实施土地储备计划,应编制项目实施方案,经同级人民政府批准后,作为办理相关审批手续的依据。

Chapter 3: Scope and Procedures

第三章 范围与程序

 Article 10  The following kinds of land can be included into the scope of land reserve:

(1) State-owned land which is recovered in accordance with the law;

(2) Purchased land;

(3) Land that is bought through exercising pre-emptive right;

(4) Land that has gone through the procedures of agricultural land transformation and land requisition; and

(5) Land obtained by other legal means.

    第十条 下列土地可以纳入土地储备范围: 






 Article 11  The right to the use of state-owned land which is lawfully recovered without compensation by the people's government at the municipal or county level or the land and resources management department thereunder shall be subsumed in land reserve after going through the procedures of cancellation of land registration with the land registration authority.

    第十一条 市、县人民政府或国土资源管理部门依法无偿收回国有土地使用权的土地,由土地登记机关办理注销土地登记手续后纳入土地储备。

 Article 12  If land utilization needs to be adjusted due to reconstruction of old town of the city, the land and resources management department shall report the situation to the people's government which has the power of approval. After obtaining the said approval, the land and resources management department shall compensate land users who owned the land use, in accordance with the law and then recover the land use right. The land that is recovered by the people's government with compensation shall be subsumed in land reserve after going through the procedures of cancellation of land registration with the land registration authority.

    第十二条 因实施城市规划进行旧城区改建需要调整使用土地的,应由国土资源管理部门报经有批准权的人民政府批准,依法对土地使用权人给予补偿后,收回土地使用权。对政府有偿收回的土地,由土地登记机关办理注销土地登记手续后纳入土地储备。

 Article 13  With regard to the right to the use of State-owned land which is purchased according to the land reserve plan, the purchasing contract shall be signed between the land reserve institution and the owner with the right to the use of land. The compensation standards for purchasing land shall be approved by the land and resources management department and the financial department or any other organization as prescribed by the local regulations after negotiation with the land reserve institution and the owner of the right to the use of land according to the result of land evaluation. The purchased land shall be subsumed in land reserve after the procedures of cancellation of land registration with the land registration authority are completed.

    第十三条 根据土地储备计划收购国有土地使用权的,土地储备机构应与土地使用权人签订土地使用权收购合同。收购土地的补偿标准,由土地储备机构与土地使用权人根据土地评估结果协商,经国土资源管理、财政部门或地方法规规定的机构批准确认。完成收购程序后的土地,由土地登记机关办理注销土地登记手续后纳入土地储备。

 Article 14  Land which is purchased by the government by exercising the pre-emptive right shall be subsumed in land reserve after the procedures of cancellation of land registration with the land registration authority are completed.

    第十四条 政府行使优先购买权取得的土地, 由土地登记机关办理注销土地登记手续后纳入土地储备。

 Article 15  Land for which the procedures of agricultural land transformation and land requisition have been completed shall be subsumed in land reserve after the land registration authority has handled the procedures for cancellation of land registration.

    第十五条 已办理农用地转用、土地征收批准手续的土地,由土地登记机关办理注销土地登记手续后纳入土地储备。

Chapter 4: Development and Utilization

第四章 开发与利用

 Article 16  The land reserve institution shall be entitled to conduct preliminary development, protection, management, temporary utilization and fund raising for land reserve and preliminary development of the land which is subsumed in land reserve after the approval of the land and resources management department of the people's government at the municipal or county level.

    第十六条 对纳入储备的土地,经市、县人民政府国土资源管理部门批准,土地储备机构有权对储备土地进行前期开发、保护、管理、临时利用及为储备土地、实施前期开发进行融资等活动。

 Article 17  The people's government at the municipal or county level may, if necessary, handle the formalities for land registration and issue land use certificate to the reserve land with clear ownership and complete application materials. The land certificate shall be recovered and the right to land mortgage, if established, shall be lifted in accordance with the law, before the certified reserve land is supplied.

    第十七条 市、县人民政府可根据需要,对产权清晰、申请资料齐全的储备土地,办理土地登记手续,核发土地证书。供应已发证储备土地前,应收回土地证书,设立土地抵押权的,要先行依法解除。

 Article 18  The land reserve institution shall conduct necessary preliminary development of the reserve land, especially which is expropriated legally and is subsumed in reserve land, in order to make available land with required conditions for supply.

    第十八条 土地储备机构应对储备土地特别是依法征收后纳入储备的土地进行必要的前期开发,使之具备供应条件。

 Article 19  With regard to the construction of infrastructures such as road, water supply, power supply, gas supply, drainage, telecommunications, illumination, landscape and land smoothing during the preliminary development, the project construction organization shall be selected through public tenders according to the relevant regulations.

    第十九条 前期开发涉及道路、供水、供电、供气、排水、通讯、照明、绿化、土地平整等基础设施建设的,要按照有关规定,通过公开招标方式选择工程实施单位。

 Article 20  The land reserve institution shall take necessary measures to protect reserve land in order to prevent any infringement upon the right of reserve land.

    第二十条 土地储备机构应对纳入储备的土地采取必要的措施予以保护管理,防止侵害储备土地权利行为的发生。

 Article 21  Before the reserve land is supplied; the land reserve institution may utilize the land and buildings on the land through lease, temporary utilization or other ways. The temporary utilization of reserve land for which right to land mortgage is established shall be approved by the mortgagee. The term of temporary utilization of reserve land shall not exceed two years and the supply of land shall not be affected by such utilization.

    第二十一条 在储备土地未供应前,土地储备机构可将储备土地或连同地上建(构)筑物,通过出租、临时使用等方式加以利用。设立抵押权的储备土地临时利用,应征得抵押权人同意。储备土地的临时利用,一般不超过两年,且不能影响土地供应。

Chapter 5: Land Supply

第五章 土地供应

 Article 22  The reserve land shall, after preliminary development and preparation is completed, be subsumed in the local land supply plan and supplied in a centralized manner by the land and resources management department of the people's government at the municipal or county level.

    第二十二条 储备土地完成前期开发整理后,纳入当地市、县土地供应计划,由市、县人民政府国土资源管理部门统一组织供地。

 Article 23  If the land that is transferred from agricultural land and expropriated through legal procedures is not supplied within two years after being subsumed in reserve land, the corresponding quota shall be reduced in the next-year's plan of transferring agricultural land.

    第二十三条 依法办理农用地转用、土地征收后的土地,纳入储备满两年未供应的,在下达下一年度农用地转用计划时扣减相应指标。

Chapter 6: Fund Management

第六章 资金管理

 Article 24  The management of income and expenditure of land reserve funds shall be subject to the provisions of the Interim Measures for the Financial Administration of Land Reserve Funds (Cai Zong [2007] No.17).

    第二十四条 土地储备资金收支管理严格执行《土地储备资金财务管理暂行办法》(财综〔2007〕17号)的规定。

 Article 25  The loan applied for by the land reserve institution to the banks and other financial institutions shall be guaranteed loan, in which the mortgage lending shall be based on legitimate land use certificate. The land reserve institution shall satisfy the requirements for loans of commercial bank and other financial institutions. The extent of the loan to the land reserve institution shall be in compliance with the project budget in annual land reserve plan and land reserve funds and shall be submitted to the financial department at the same level for approval. The loan shall not exceed the planned range. The land reserve institution can only apply for guaranteed loans to the local commercial bank and other financial institutions by presenting the documents of approval of loan scale issued by the financial department and project implementation plan approved by the people's government at the same level. The commercial bank and other financial institutions shall grant loans for land reserve within the approved scale strictly in accordance with the commercial rules. The loan for land reserve shall be used for specified purpose; managed in an orderly manner and shall not be embezzled.  

In settlement of mortgage for reserve land, the value of the reserve land shall be determined by market evaluation value subtracted by land remise income to be given to the government. The procedures of mortgage shall be executed in reference to the mortgage procedures of allocation of land use right.  

The commercial banks and other financial institutions shall accurately, completely and promptly submit the information regarding land reserve loan of the land reserve institution to the national unified enterprise credit information database established by the People's Bank of China. Before granting loans, the commercial banks and other financial institutions shall inquire about the information of the land reserve institution applying for loan through the said database and shall be cautious in granting loans to the land reserve institution that does not have good records. The commercial banks and other financial institutions shall determine the term of loan rationally and scientifically according to the regulatory requirements.

    第二十五条 土地储备机构向银行等金融机构申请的贷款应为担保贷款,其中抵押贷款必须具有合法的土地使用证;申请贷款的土地储备机构必须满足商业银行及其他金融机构的贷款要求。土地储备机构举借的贷款规模,应当与年度土地储备计划、土地储备资金项目预算相衔接,并报经同级财政部门批准,不得超计划、超规模贷款。土地储备机构申请贷款时,应持财政部门的贷款规模批准文件及同级人民政府批准的项目实施方案等书面材料向当地商业银行及其他金融机构申请担保贷款。商业银行及其他金融机构应严格按照商业原则在批准的规模内发放土地储备贷款。土地储备贷款应实行专款专用、封闭管理,不得挪用。 



 Article 26  The land reserve institution that borrows loan from commercial bank or other financial institutions shall fully repay loans and interests in a timely manner according to the loan contract.

    第二十六条 土地储备机构举借商业银行及其他金融机构贷款的,必须按贷款合同约定,及时足额偿还贷款本息。

 Article 27  According to the law, no fiscal capital can be used as the guarantee for land reserve loan. The land reserve institution shall strengthen capital risk management and shall not provide guarantee in any form to a third party.

    第二十七条 各类财政性资金依法不得用于土地储备贷款担保。土地储备机构应加强资金风险管理,不得以任何形式为第三方提供担保。

Chapter 7: Supplementary Provisions

第七章 附 则

 Article 28  Land and resources management departments of all the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and specially designated cities in the State plan may formulate specific measures together with the financial authorities and the People's Bank of China according to the local conditions.

    第二十八条 各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市人民政府国土资源管理部门可依据本办法规定,结合当地实际,会同财政部门、人民银行制定具体实施办法。

 Article 29  The Ministry of Land and Resources, together with the Ministry of Finance and the People's Bank of China, shall be responsible for the interpretations of these Measures.

    第二十九条 本办法由国土资源部会同财政部、中国人民银行负责解释。

 Article 30  These Measures shall become effective from the date of promulgation.

    第三十条 本办法自发布之日起实施。




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