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Interim Measures for the Management and Maintenance of Online Service Platforms of Exemplary Accounting Service Bases



Promulgating Institution: Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Document Number: Hui Xie [2011] No. 63

Promulgating Date: 10/10/2011

Effective Date: 10/10/2011

颁布机关: 中国注册会计师协会

文   号: 会协[2011]63号

颁布时间: 10/10/2011

实施时间: 10/10/2011


 Article 1  These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Plan of the China Institute of Certified Public Accountants for the Construction of Exemplary Accounting Service Bases and the Interim Administrative Measures for Exemplary Accounting Service Bases with a view to strengthening the management and maintenance of online service platforms of exemplary accounting service bases (hereinafter referred to as the "Online Service Platform"), ensuring the timely updating, and secure and reliable operations thereof, and giving full play to their role in the development of new business of the exemplary accounting service bases (hereinafter referred to as the "Exemplary Base").

    第一条 为加强会计服务示范基地网上服务平台(以下简称网上服务平台)的管理和维护,确保网上服务平台能够及时更新并安全可靠运行,充分发挥网上服务平台在会计服务示范基地(以下简称示范基地)新业务拓展中的“平台”作用,根据《中国注册会计师行业会计服务示范基地建设工作方案》和《会计服务示范基地管理暂行办法》,制定本办法。

 Article 2  Jointly established, managed and maintained by the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants ("CICPA") in conjunction with the institutes of certified public accountants ("CPA") of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as the "Local CPA Institute") and relevant parties to Exemplary Bases, Online Service Platforms act as the information platforms, work platforms, communication platforms and publicity platforms serving the development of new business of the Exemplary Bases. 


    第二条 网上服务平台由中国注册会计师协会(以下简称中注协)会同各省区市注册会计师协会(以下简称地方注协)、示范基地相关方共同创建、管理和维护,是服务于各示范基地新业务拓展的信息平台、工作平台、交流平台和宣传平台。

 Article 3  Online Service Platforms are constructed by relying on the official websites of the CICPA and other relevant parties, and are inter-connected and inter-linked via the information platform of the CICPA. Efforts to inter-connect and inter-link the Online Service Platforms among Exemplary Bases and between Exemplary Bases and relevant parties are encouraged. 

An Online Service Platform shall reflect the service characteristics of the Exemplary Base to which it belongs. 


    第三条 网上服务平台依托于中注协和有关各方官方网站建设,并通过中注协信息平台实现联通和链接。鼓励示范基地各方之间及与相关方创建网上服务平台的联通链接。


 Article 4  In principle, the pages and functions of all Online Service Platforms shall remain consistent with each other, with their configurations including but not limited to: 

(1) News of Exemplary Bases, and information on activities conducted by all parties related to the Exemplary Bases;  

(2) Information on service clients, professional service needs and links to relevant websites; and

(3) Information on firms and agencies that provide services for the Exemplary Bases, the scope of their services, their expertise and links to relevant websites. 

Local CPA Institutes and relevant parties to Exemplary Bases may add online sections according to the characteristics of their respective Exemplary Bases. Local CPA Institutes and relevant parties to Exemplary Bases are encouraged to provide such supporting services as matching supply and demand for the service clients and agencies that enter the Exemplary Bases by such information technology means as online business processing, web conferencing and webcams.

    第四条 网上服务平台的页面和功能原则上保持统一,设置包括但不限于:





 Article 5  All parties related to Exemplary Bases shall jointly perform the design, daily maintenance and management of their Online Service Platforms by adhering to the principles of collaborative construction, joint operation and division of responsibilities. 

The CICPA shall be responsible for the overall coordination of webpage design and technical support. Local CPA Institutes and relevant parties to Exemplary Bases shall be responsible for daily maintenance and information update, including the editing, examination and verification, uploading and statistics compilation of information as well as daily technical maintenance, so as to ensure the proper functioning of the Online Service Platforms.

    第五条 本着共同建设、联动运作、分工负责的原则,示范基地各方共同对网上服务平台进行设计、日常维护和管理。


 Article 6  Capable and willing Exemplary Bases shall be promoted, encouraged and supported for their efforts to design and construct Online Service Platforms on their own initiative. The configuration of pages and functions shall still be in compliance with Article 4 herein.

    第六条 倡导、鼓励和支持有能力、有意愿的示范基地一方自行设计创建网上服务平台,页面和功能设置应符合本办法第四条的要求。

 Article 7  All activities conducted by an Exemplary Base shall be fully reflected in its Online Service Platform, so as to display the four functions of the Online Service Platform and also meet the following requirements: 

(1) That full-time staff members shall be designated to handle the daily maintenance and update of the Online Service Platform; 

(2) In principle, information such as the news and operation of the Exemplary Base shall be uploaded and released within two (2) working days after occurrence of relevant events; and

(3) Examination and approval procedures shall be established in handling information uploading and release on the Online Service Platform, so as to ensure the information released online complies with relevant laws and regulations of the State. 


    第七条 示范基地开展的各项活动应在网上服务平台上充分反映,以体现网上服务平台“四个平台”功能,并符合以下要求:




 Article 8  These Measures shall come into effect on October 10, 2011.

    第八条 本办法自2011年10月10日起施行。




中英双语-会计服务示范基地网上服务平台管理和维护暂行办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-02-04 15:29:12