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Provisions on Accounting Treatment of Enterprises under the Pilot Program for Replacing Business Tax with Value-added Tax



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Kuai [2012] No. 13

Promulgating Date: 07/05/2012

Effective Date: 07/05/2012

颁布机关: 财政部

文   号: 财会[2012]13号

颁布时间: 07/05/2012

实施时间: 07/05/2012


Pursuant to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Printing and Distributing the "Pilot Plan for the Imposition of Value-Added Tax to Replace Business Tax" (Cai Shui [2011] No. 110) and other relevant provisions, the accounting treatment of enterprises under the pilot program for Replacing business tax (”BT”) with value-added tax (“VAT”) is hereby provided for as follows:

  根据“财政部、国家税务总局关于印发《营业税改征增值税试点方案》的通知”(财税„2011‟110 号)等相关规定,现就营业税改征增值税试点有关企业会计处理规定如下:

1. Accounting treatment of difference between two tax systems for pilot taxpayers


(1) Accounting treatment of general taxpayers


Where a general taxpayer provides taxable services and is allowed to deduct the prices it pays to non-pilot taxpayers from its sales according to relevant provisions on the BT to VAT program during the term of the pilot program, it shall add a subsidiary title “output tax offset under the BT to VAT program” under the title “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable”, to record the amount of reduced output tax due to the deduction of its sales according to relevant provisions. In addition, it shall set up subsidiary accounts for “prime operating revenue”, “prime operating cost” and relevant account titles according to business categories.


Where an enterprise accepts taxable services and is allowed to deduct the output tax from its sales according to relevant provisions, it shall debit the amount of output tax thus reduced to “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable (output tax offset under the BT to VAT program)”, debit the difference between the amount actually paid or payable and the amount of the aforesaid VAT to “prime operating cost” and other relevant account titles, and credit the amount actually paid or payable to “bank deposit”, “account payable” and other relevant account titles.


An enterprise making accounting treatment only once at the end of a given period shall, at the end of the period, debit the amount of reduced output tax due to deduction of sales that is allowed for the period according to relevant provisions to “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable (output tax offset under the BT to VAT program)” and credit the same to “prime operating cost” and other relevant account titles.


(2) Accounting treatment of small-scale taxpayers


Where a small-scale taxpayer provides taxable services and is allowed to deduct the prices it pays to non-pilot taxpayers from its sales according to relevant provisions on the BT to VAT program during the term of the pilot program, it shall directly write off the amount of reduced VAT payable due to deduction of sales against “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable”.


Where an enterprise accepts taxable services, it shall debit the amount of reduced VAT payable due to deduction of sales that is allowed for the period according to relevant provisions to “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable”, debit the difference between the amount actually paid or payable and the amount of the aforesaid VAT to “prime operating cost” and other relevant account titles, and credit the amount actually paid or payable to “bank deposit”, “account payable” and other relevant account titles.


An enterprise making accounting treatment only once at the end of a given period shall, at the end of the period, debit the amount of reduced VAT payable due to deduction of sales that is allowed for the period according to relevant provisions to “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable” and credit the same to “prime operating cost” and other relevant account titles.


2. Accounting treatment of end-of-period overpaid VAT


Where a former general VAT payer who provides taxable service in a pilot area has overpaid VAT as of the beginning of the month when the pilot program starts which cannot be deducted from the output tax on taxable services according to relevant provisions on the BT to VAT program, the taxpayer shall add a subsidiary title “overpaid VAT” under the title “taxes and dues payable”.


At the beginning of the month when the pilot program starts, the enterprise shall debit the overpaid VAT that cannot be deducted from the output tax on taxable services to “taxes and dues payable - overpaid VAT” and credit the same to “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable (input tax transferred out)”. When such overpaid VAT is deductible in a future period, the enterprise shall debit the amount deductible to “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable (input tax)” and credit the same to “taxes and dues payable - overpaid VAT”.

  开始试点当月月初,企业应按不得从应税服务的销项税额中抵扣的增值税留抵税额,借记“应交税费——增值税留抵税额”科目,贷记“应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额转出)”科目。待以后期间允许抵扣时,按允许抵扣的金额,借记 “应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)”科目,贷记“应交税费——增值税留抵税额”科目。

The ending balance of “taxes and dues payable - overpaid VAT” shall be listed under “other current assets” or “other non-current assets” of the balance sheet according to its liquidity.


3. Accounting treatment of transitional financial support funds received


Where a pilot taxpayer applies to financial and tax authorities for financial support funds due to the increase of its tax burden during the period of transition between the new and old tax systems, and there’s conclusive evidence at the end of a given period that the enterprise meets relevant conditions of the financial support policies and is expected to receive the financial support funds, the enterprise shall debit the amount receivable to “other accounts receivable” and other relevant account titles and credit the same to “non-operating revenue”. Upon the actual receipt of the financial support funds, the enterprise shall debit the amount received to “bank deposit” and other relevant account titles and credit the same to “other accounts receivable” and other relevant account titles.


4. Accounting treatment of offset of purchase price and technical maintenance fee of dedicated equipment for VAT control systems against VAT Payable


(1) Accounting treatment of general VAT payers


According to relevant provisions of the Tax Law, where a general VAT payer is allowed to offset the purchase price and technical maintenance fee it pays for dedicated equipment for VAT control systems that it purchases for the first time against its VAT payable in full, it shall add a subsidiary title “taxes exempted and reduced” under the title “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable”, to record the amount of VAT payable that is offset according to relevant provisions.


Upon purchase of dedicated equipment for VAT control systems, the enterprise shall debit the amount actually paid or payable to “fixed assets” and credit the same to “bank deposit”, “accounts payable” and other relevant account titles; shall debit the amount of VAT payable that is offset according to relevant provisions to “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable (taxes exempted and reduced)” and credit the same to “deferred revenue”. The enterprise shall accrue depreciation thereof as scheduled, debit such depreciation expenses to “administration expenses” and other relevant account titles, and credit the same to “accumulated depreciation”; meanwhile, debit such depreciation expenses to “deferred revenue” and credit the same to “administration expenses” and other relevant account titles.


In respect of technical maintenance fees incurred, the enterprise shall debit the amount actually paid or payable to “administration expenses” and other relevant account titles, and credit the same to “bank deposit” and other relevant account titles; and debit the amount of VAT payable that is offset according to relevant provisions to “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable (taxes exempted and reduced)” and credit the same to “administration expenses” and other relevant account titles.


(2) Accounting treatment of small-scale taxpayers


According to the relevant provisions of the Tax Law, where a small-scale VAT payer is allowed to offset the purchase price and technical maintenance fee it pays for dedicated equipment for VAT control systems that it purchases for the first time against its VAT payable in full, it shall directly write off the amount of VAT payable that is offset according to relevant provisions against “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable”.


Upon purchase of dedicated equipment for VAT control systems, the enterprise shall debit the amount actually paid or payable to “fixed assets” and credit the same to “bank deposit”, “accounts payable” and other relevant account titles; shall debit the amount of VAT payable that is offset according to relevant provisions to “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable” and credit the same to “deferred revenue”. The enterprise shall accrue depreciation thereof as scheduled, debit such depreciation expenses to “administration expenses” and other relevant account titles, and credit the same to “accumulated depreciation”; meanwhile, debit such depreciation expenses to “deferred revenue” and credit the same to “administration expenses” and other relevant account titles.


In respect of technical maintenance fees incurred, the enterprise shall debit the amount actually paid or payable to “administration expenses” and other relevant account titles, and credit the same to “bank deposit” and other relevant account titles; and debit the amount of VAT payable that is offset according to relevant provisions to “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable” and credit the same to “administration expenses” and other relevant account titles.


If there’s debit balance under “taxes and dues payable - VAT payable” at the end of a period, such debit balance shall be listed under “other current assets” or “other non-current assets” of the balance sheet according to its liquidity; if there’s credit balance, such credit balance shall be listed under “taxes and dues payable” of the balance sheet.





中英双语-营业税改征增值税试点有关企业会计处理规定(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-02-07 09:01:31