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Measures for Examination and Approval of the Early Recovery of Investment by the Foreign Party to a Sino-Foreign Cooperative Joint Venture Enterprise



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Order No. 28 of the Ministry of Finance

Promulgating Date: 06/09/2005

Effective Date: 09/01/2005

颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财政部令第28号

颁布时间: 06/09/2005

实施时间: 09/01/2005


  Article 1   These Measures are formulated in order to regulate the examination and approval of the early recovery of investment by the foreign party to a Sino-foreign cooperative joint venture enterprise (hereinafter, "Early Recovery of Investment") and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Sino-Foreign Cooperative Joint Venture Enterprise Law of the People's Republic of China, the Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Detailed Implementing Rules for the "Sino-Foreign Cooperative Joint Venture Enterprise Law of the People's Republic of China".

      第一条 为规范中外合作经营企业外国合作者先行回收投资(以下简称“先行回收投资”)的审批工作,根据《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国行政许可法》以及《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法实施细则》的有关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2   These Measures shall be applicable to the matters relating to Early Recovery of Investment by the foreign party to a Sino-foreign cooperative joint venture enterprise established in the People's Republic of China.

      第二条 在中华人民共和国境内设立的中外合作经营企业外国合作者先行回收投资的相关事项适用本办法。

  Article 3   For the purposes of these Measures, Early Recovery of Investment shall mean the Early Recovery of Investment by the foreign party to a Sino-foreign cooperative joint venture enterprise (hereinafter, "CJV") within the duration thereof in accordance with the provisions of the law and the contract, through receiving the distributed funds generated from depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets, etc. and other methods.

      第三条 本办法所称的先行回收投资,是指中外合作经营企业(以下简称“合作企业”)中的外国合作者按照法律规定以及合同的约定,以分取固定资产折旧、无形资产摊销等形成的资金以及其他方式,在合作期限内先行回收其投资的行为。

  Article 4   A CJV that applies for Early Recovery of Investment shall satisfy the following conditions:

(1) The Chinese and foreign parties to the CJV agree to under the contract of the CJV that all remained fixed assets after the liquidation of the enterprise shall be vested in the Chinese party thereto for free upon expiry of the duration of the CJV;

(2) The CJV issues a letter of undertaking to undertake that repayment of debts shall have priority over Early Recovery of Investment;

(3) The foreign party to conduct Early Recovery of Investment issues a letter of undertaking to undertake that it shall be severally liable for the debts of the CJV within the extent of the early recovered investment;

(4) The capital contribution to the CJV is in place as required by the provisions of the law and the contract; and

(5) The CJV is in good operational and financial status and has no loss remained to be made up.

      第四条 合作企业申请先行回收投资应当符合下列条件: 






  Article 5   The examination and approval authority for Early Recovery of Investment shall be the financial authority of the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, or the specially designated city in the State plan where the enterprise concerned is located (hereinafter, "Financial Authority").

      第五条 先行回收投资的审批机构为企业所在地的省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市的财政机关(以下简称“财政机关”)。

  Article 6   Where a CJV applies for Early Recovery of Investment, the following materials shall be submitted to the Financial Authority:

(1) Written application of the CJV, specifying the total amount, time frame, and method for Early Recovery of Investment in details;

(2) Approval Certificate for a Foreign-Invested Enterprise and business license issued by the relevant administration for industry and commerce (original and duplicate) and the photocopy thereof;

(3) Photocopy of the contract and articles of association of the CJV;

(4) Capital verification report for the CJV issued by a certified public accountant of China; and

(5) Resolution of the board of directors or the joint management body of the CJV on the plan for Early Recovery of Investment for the then-current time period, accompanied by the financial and accounting report audited in accordance with the law for the time period corresponding to the CJV's proposed recovery of investment, the description of the due debts of the CJV, and the letter of undertaking for debts issued by the CJV and the foreign party thereto, etc.

      第六条 合作企业申请先行回收投资的,应当向财政机关报送以下材料: 






  Article 7   The Financial Authority shall examine the materials submitted by a CJV that files an application. If the materials are incomplete or non-conforming to the statutory forms, the Financial Authority shall, either at that time and place or within five days, notify the applicant at one time of all the materials and content that are required to be supplemented and/or corrected. Failure to provide such notification shall be deemed acceptance of the application from the date of receipt of the materials.

      第七条 财政机关应当对申请的合作企业报送的材料进行审查,对材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,应当当场或者在五日内一次告知申请人需要补正的全部材料和内容,逾期不告知的,自收到材料之日起即为受理。

  Article 8   An application shall be accepted if the submitted materials are complete and conforming to the statutory forms, or the CJV that files the application has submitted all supplemented and/or corrected materials as required.

The Financial Authority shall, when accepting, or refusing to accept, an application, issue to the CJV that files the application a written certification that is affixed with its seal for special use and indicated with the date.

      第八条 对报送材料齐全、符合法定形式,或者申请的合作企业按照要求提交全部补正材料的应当受理。 


  Article 9   The Financial Authority shall, within 20 days of its acceptance of the application filed by a CJV, make an examination and approval decision. Failure to make such decision within 20 days, the time limit may be extended to an appropriate extent subject to the approval of the responsible person of the Financial Authority, provided that such extension shall not exceed ten days maximally and the reasons for such extension shall be notified to the CJV that files the application.

After granting the approval, the Financial Authority shall forward, to the authorities for commerce and foreign exchange control at the same level, its approval reply and the letter of undertaking submitted by the CJV and the foreign investor.

      第九条 财政机关应当在受理合作企业申请之日起二十日内作出审批决定。二十日内不能作出决定的,经财政机关负责人批准,可以适当延长,但最长不得超过十日,并将延长期限的理由告知申请的合作企业。 


  Article 10   Where an application filed by a CJV meets the statutory conditions and standards, the Financial Authority shall make a written decision, in accordance with the law, to permit the Early Recovery of Investment.

The Financial Authority that makes a written decision to refuse to grant the administrative license shall state the reasons for such decision and notify the CJV that files the application of its entitlement under the law of the right to apply for an administrative reconsideration or to file an administrative action.

      第十条 合作企业的申请符合法定条件、标准的,财政机关应当依法作出准予先行回收投资的书面决定。 


  Article 11   Where the Financial Authority or its personnel fails to perform its duties in accordance with the law, the Financial Authority or the personnel concerned shall be subject to legal liability in accordance with Articles 72, 73, and 74 of the Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China and the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations.

      第十一条 财政机关及其工作人员不依法履行职责的,按《中华人民共和国行政许可法》第七十二条、第七十三条和第七十四条及有关法律法规的规定,承担法律责任。

  Article 12   Where a CJV conceals the relevant information or provides false materials in applying for Early Recovery of Investment, the Financial Authority shall refuse to accept the application or refuse to approve it, and shall give a warning.

      第十二条 合作企业隐瞒有关情况或者提供虚假材料申请先行回收投资的,财政机关不予受理或者不予批准,并给予警告。

  Article 13   Where a CJV obtains, through deceit, bribery, or other improper means, an approval on Early Recovery of Investment, the Financial Authority shall, pursuant to the law, abrogate its examination and approval decision and impose an administrative penalty.

      第十三条 合作企业以欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段取得先行回收投资许可的,财政机关应当依法撤销其审批决定并给予行政处罚。

  Article 14   Where a CJV that has filed an application raises any objection to a decision made by the Financial Authority on refusal to accept, refusal to grant the administrative license, or imposition of any administrative penalty, the applicant may apply for an administrative reconsideration or file an administrative action in accordance with the law.

      第十四条 申请的合作企业对于财政机关不予受理、不予行政许可或行政处罚的决定有异议的,可以依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。

  Article 15   With respect to Early Recovery of Investment applicable for cooperative joint venture enterprises established by companies, enterprises and other economic organizations, or individuals from the Hong Kong or Macau Special Administrative Region or Taiwan of China, or by Chinese citizens residing abroad, these Measures shall apply as the reference.

      第十五条 中国香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区、台湾地区的公司、企业和其他经济组织或者个人以及在国外居住的中国公民举办合作企业先行回收投资的,参照本办法办理。

  Article 16   These Measures shall take effect as of 1 September 2005.

      第十六条 本办法自2005年9月1日起施行。





中英双语-中外合作经营企业外国合作者先行回收投资审批办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-03-15 18:11:04