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Measures for the Use and Management of the Special Fund of Shanghai Municipality for Encouraging the Development of Regional Headquarters of Multinational Companies



Promulgating Institution: Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau; Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce

Document Number: Hu Shang Wai Zi [2013] No.283

Promulgating Date: 04/12/2013

Effective Date: 04/12/2013

颁布机关: 上海市商务委员会; 上海市财政局

文      号: 沪商外资[2013]283号

颁布时间: 04/12/2013

实施时间: 04/12/2013


Article 1    (Legislative intent and bases)

With a view to further expanding the opening-up initiative, encouraging multinational companies ("MNC") to set up regional headquarters in Shanghai Municipality, and encouraging existing Shanghai-based regional headquarters of MNCs to relocate more substantive business to Shanghai, offer more functions, improve capacity levels and ultimately promote economic transformation and development, the special fund of Shanghai Municipality for encouraging the development of regional headquarters of MNCs has been set aside pursuant to the Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Encouraging the Establishment of Regional Headquarters by Multinational Companies (Hu Fu Fa [2011] No. 98) and the Several Implementing Opinions on the "Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Encouraging the Establishment of Regional Headquarters by Multinational Companies" (Hu Fu Ban Fa [2012] No. 51). These Measures are formulated with a view to regulating the use and management of the said special fund, improving the use efficiency of fiscal funds, and further playing the guiding role of fiscal funds.

       第一条  (目的和依据)


  Article 2    (Funding sources)

The special fund of Shanghai Municipality for encouraging the development of regional headquarters of MNCs (hereinafter referred to as the "Regional Headquarters Development Special Fund") shall refer to the subsidy funds set aside by the fiscal budget of Shanghai Municipality that shall be earmarked for encouraging the development of the Shanghai-based regional headquarters of MNCs. The Regional Headquarters Development Special Fund shall be shared by the municipal finance department and the finance departments at the district (county) level according to their respective levels.

       第二条  (资金来源)


  Article 3    (Ways and standards of support)

The Regional Headquarters Development Special Fund shall, mainly by providing gratuitous grants, encourage and support MNCs to set up regional headquarters in Shanghai Municipality in the form of investment companies and management companies, and encourage existing Shanghai-based regional headquarters of MNCs to relocate more substantive business to Shanghai, offer more functions and improve capacity levels.

(1) Standards of establishment subsidies. An establishment subsidy in the amount of RMB 5 million shall be granted to a regional headquarters established in the form of an investment company that is registered in, or relocated to, the Shanghai Municipality after July 7, 2008 and that has at least ten employees. The establishment subsidy shall be granted over a three-year period at 40%, 30% and 30% respectively starting from the year immediately following the registration of the regional headquarters in Shanghai, or the relocation thereof to Shanghai.

(2) Standards of office leasing subsidies. Where the regional headquarters of a MNC that is registered in, or relocated to, the Shanghai Municipality after July 7, 2008 and that has at least ten employees leases office space for self-use, it shall be subsidized for a three-year period at 30% of the office space rental subject to a maximum of 1000 square meters of office space and a maximum of RMB 8 per square meter per day. Where the said regional headquarters purchases or builds office space for self-use, it shall be given a one-off subsidy equivalent to the total amount of the three-year office leasing subsidy payable according to the same standards of office leasing subsidies.

(3) Standards of rewards. A one-off reward in the amount of RMB 10 million shall be given to a regional headquarters that meets the following requirements: an investment company that is recognized as the national-level regional headquarters of the relevant MNC after July 7, 2008 and that generates over RMB 1 billion of annual turnover for the first time since the year of such recognition; or an investment company that is recognized as the national-level regional headquarters of the relevant MNC before July 7, 2008 and that generates over RMB 1 billion of annual turnover for the first time since 2008.

A one-off reward in the amount of RMB 5 million shall be given to a regional headquarters that meets the following requirements: a management company that is recognized as the regional headquarters of the relevant MNC after July 7, 2008 and that generates over RMB 500 million of annual turnover for the first time since the year of such recognition; or a management company that is recognized as the regional headquarters of the relevant MNC before July 7, 2008 and that generates over RMB 500 million of annual turnover for the first time since 2008.

A one-off reward in the amount of RMB 5 million shall be given to a regional headquarters that meets the following requirements: an investment company that is recognized as the regional headquarters of the relevant MNC after January 1, 2012 and that generates over RMB 1 billion of annual turnover for the first time since the year of such recognition; or an investment company that is recognized as the regional headquarters of the relevant MNC before January 1, 2012 and that generates over RMB 1 billion of annual turnover for the first time since 2012. The same regional headquarters shall not repeatedly enjoy the reward in this Item and the reward referred to in Item 1 of this Article.

The reward shall be disbursed over a three-year period at 40%, 30% and 30% respectively.

(4) Subsidies for the Shanghai-based regional headquarters of MNCs to enhance capacity levels. An establishment subsidy in the amount of RMB 8 million may be disbursed over a three-year period at 40%, 30% and 30% respectively to a recipient who meets the following requirements: the recipient is the Asia regional headquarters, Asia Pacific regional headquarters or larger regional headquarters newly established by a MNC in Shanghai Municipality after January 1, 2012; the recipient has at least 50 employees; and the person-in-charge appointed by the parent company and the key senior management personnel whose positions are related to head office functions are based in Shanghai in the long run for work purposes.

A one-off subsidy in the amount of RMB 3 million may be disbursed to a recipient who meets the following requirements: the recipient is an existing regional headquarters of a MNC which is subsequently upgraded to an Asia regional headquarters, Asia Pacific regional headquarters or larger regional headquarters; the recipient has at least 50 employees; and the person-in-charge appointed by the parent company and the key senior management personnel whose positions are related to head office functions are based in Shanghai in the long run for work purposes.

(5) Subsidies for equity integration by regional headquarters in the form of investment companies. The costs and expenses for internal equity integration incurred by a regional headquarters in the form of an investment company that shall be attracted by Shanghai Municipality on a priority basis shall be appropriately subsidized after review by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau and other relevant departments.

       第三条  (支持方式和标准)











  Article 4    (Specific measures for fund sharing)

The amount of establishment subsidies, rewards, subsidies for enhancing capacity levels and subsidies for equity integration of the regional headquarters of MNCs shall be shared by the municipal finance department and the finance departments at the district (county) level according to their respective levels. Specifically, the municipal finance department shall bear 40% of the foregoing amount, while the finance departments at the district (county) level shall bear the remaining 60%. The amount of office leasing subsidies shall be fully borne by the finance departments at the district (county) level.

       第四条  (资金具体负担办法)


  Article 5    (Application materials required)

(1) The regional headquarters of a MNC that applies for establishment subsidies shall submit the following materials:

a. Application Form for the Special Fund of Shanghai Municipality for Encouraging the Development of Regional Headquarters of Multinational Companies (original);

b. The approval certificate and business license (in photocopies) of the applicant;

c. The staff list (including the name, position and the first day of employment of each employee) and the samples of labor contracts of the applicant;

d. Letter of appointment issued by the parent company to the person in charge of the applying regional headquarters; and

e. Approvals issued by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce on recognizing the applicant as a regional headquarters (in photocopies).

(2) The regional headquarters of a MNC that applies for office leasing subsidies shall submit the following materials:

a. Application Form for the Special Fund of Shanghai Municipality for Encouraging the Development of Regional Headquarters of Multinational Companies (original);

b. The approval certificate and business license (in photocopies) of the applicant;

c. The staff list (including the name, position and the first day of employment of each employee) and the samples of labor contracts of the applicant;

d. Letter of appointment issued by the parent company to the person in charge of the applying regional headquarters;

e. Approvals issued by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce on recognizing the applicant as a regional headquarters (in photocopies); and

f. The leasing agreements on the office space for self-use, the property purchase contracts on the office space purchased for self-use, or the property ownership certificates for self-built office space (in photocopies).

(3) The regional headquarters of a MNC that applies for rewards shall submit the following materials:

a. Application Form for the Special Fund of Shanghai Municipality for Encouraging the Development of Regional Headquarters of Multinational Companies (original);

b. The approval certificate and business license (in photocopies) of the applicant;

c. Approvals issued by the competent commerce department on recognizing the applicant as a regional headquarters or a national-level regional headquarters (in photocopies); and

d. The applicant's annual accounting statements and financial auditor's reports (in photocopies) of the very year when the applicant reaches the thresholds for enjoying rewards and those of the preceding year.

(4) The regional headquarters of a MNC that applies for subsidies for enhancing capacity levels shall submit the following materials (for a newly-established or an upgraded regional headquarters):

a. Application Form for the Special Fund of Shanghai Municipality for Encouraging the Development of Regional Headquarters of Multinational Companies (original);

b. The approval certificate and business license (in photocopies) of the applicant;

c. Approvals issued by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce on recognizing the applicant as a regional headquarters (in photocopies).

d. Supporting documents on the establishment of the regional headquarters as posted by the parent company on its official website;

e. The staff list (including the name, position and the first day of employment of each employee) and the samples of labor contracts of the applicant;

f. Letter of appointment issued by the parent company to the person in charge of the applying regional headquarters;

g. Employment certificates of the person in charge of the applying regional headquarters and those of the senior management personnel whose positions are related to head office functions (in photocopies); and

h. The leasing agreements on the office space for self-use, the property purchase contracts on the office space purchased for self-use, or the property ownership certificates for self-built office space (in photocopies).

(5) The regional headquarters of a MNC that applies for equity integration subsidies shall submit the following materials:

a. An application report;

b. The approval certificate, business license and capital verification report of the applicant upon completion of equity capital increase (in photocopies);

c. Approval documents on equity capital increase (in photocopies), applicable if the applicant is an investment company;

d. Certificates of payment of enterprise income tax on equity transfer (in photocopies); and

e. Other materials required by the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and other relevant departments.

The Application Form for the Special Fund of Shanghai Municipality for Encouraging the Development of Regional Headquarters of Multinational Companies shall be submitted in quintuplicate, while other materials shall be submitted in duplicate. Photocopies shall be stamped with the official seal of an applicant.

       第五条  (申请提交的材料)



































  Article 6    (Application and review)

The regional headquarters of a MNC that applies for the Regional Headquarters Development Special Fund shall, in accordance with relevant provisions herein, fill out the Application Form for the Special Fund of Shanghai Municipality for Encouraging the Development of Regional Headquarters of Multinational Companies (in quintuplicate), submit relevant application materials and apply to the competent commerce department of its local district (county). The said competent commerce department shall, in conjunction with the finance bureau of the same district (county), conduct joint preliminary examination of the application materials submitted by the applicant. The Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce shall thereafter review the preliminary examination materials submitted in conjunction with the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau, and shall, where necessary, consult other relevant departments before issuing final review opinions. Where the application is approved, the finance bureau of the relevant district (county) shall disburse funds under relevant provisions on centralized payment by the State Treasury. Where the application is not approved, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce shall explain the reasons to the applicant.

       第六条  (申报与审核)


  Article 7    (Disbursement of funds)

Finance bureaus at the district (county) level shall, according to final review opinions and relevant provisions on centralized payment by the State Treasury, disburse establishment subsidies, office leasing subsidies, rewards, subsidies for enhancing capacity levels and equity integration subsidies on an annual basis. The portion of 40% of the establishment subsidies, rewards, subsidies for enhancing capacity levels and equity integration subsidies, which shall be borne by the municipal finance department, shall be returned to the finance departments at the district (county) level after year-end settlement of financial resources between the municipal finance department and finance bureaus at the district (county) level.

       第七条  (资金拨付)


  Article 8    (Supervision over fund use)

All applicants shall be responsible for the truthfulness and legality of the application materials. Users of the Regional Headquarters Development Special Fund shall strictly abide by relevant laws, regulations and financial and accounting systems of the State, earmark the Regional Headquarters Development Special Fund for dedicated purposes, and refrain from defrauding, intercepting or misappropriating the funds.

The Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau shall, in conjunction with the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, conduct supervision and inspection over the use of the Regional Headquarters Development Special Fund in accordance with relevant provisions.

Entities in violation of these Measures shall have their funds recovered in full amount by the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau or the finance bureaus of the relevant districts (counties), and shall be dealt with in accordance with the Regulations on Punishments and Sanctions against Finance-related Illegalities (Order No. 427 of the State Council). Under grave circumstances or in the event of violations of State laws, relevant persons or entities shall be held liable in accordance with the law.

       第八条  (使用监督)




  Article 9    (Supplementary provisions)

(1) These Measures shall be interpreted by the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau in conjunction with the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce.

(2) These Measures shall come into effect on the date of promulgation on a trial basis.

    Application Form for the Special Fund of Shanghai Municipality for Encouraging the Development of Regional Headquarters of Multinational Companies

Sections to be completed by the applying enterprise

Name of the applying enterprise:

Nature of the headquarters status: □ investment □ management


Address of the applying enterprise:

Date of registration:

Bank of deposit:

Bank account number:

Legal representative:

Contact person:

Contact telephone:

Fax number:

 *Establishment subsidies

Total amount of subsidies applied for (in RMB 10,000)

 *Office leasing subsidies

Areas of leased office space (m2)

Total amount of subsidies applied for (in RMB 10,000)


Areas of purchased/self-built office space (m2)

Total amount of subsidies applied for (in RMB 10,000)



Annual turnover (in RMB 10,000)


Total amount of rewards applied for (in RMB 10,000)


*Subsidies for enhancing capacity levels

Total amount of subsidies applied for (in RMB 10,000)

*Subsidies for business integration

Total amount of subsidies applied for (in RMB 10,000)

1. I hereby undertake responsibilities towards the truthfulness and legality of the application materials submitted by the enterprise.

2. I hereby undertake that the duplicates and photocopies of all application materials submitted are consistent with the originals.

3. The project is voluntarily subject to the supervision and inspection by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau over the use of funds and the progress of the project.

Signature of the legal representative:

Company seal:

Date of application:


Review opinions by the competent departments

Opinions of the commerce department of the relevant district

Opinions of the finance bureau of the relevant district



Opinions of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce

Opinions of the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau



Remarks: This form shall be in quintuplicate, with the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau, the commerce department of the relevant district, the finance bureau of the relevant district and the applying regional headquarters each holding one copy. 


       第九条  (附则)






总部性质:□投资性 □管理性



















































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发布于 2021-03-31 08:15:11