中国——熊猫债券(Panda Bond)
Panda bonds are onshore renminbi-denominated debt issued in China by overseas companies. The panda bond market is used as a capital-raising platform for foreign firms targeting domestic investors and hence, domestic investors are the main purchasers of these bonds.
熊猫债券是境外机构在华发行的人民币债券,属于外国债券。2005年9月28日,国际多边金融机构首次获准在华发行人民币债券, 财政部部长金人庆将首发债券命名为“熊猫债券”。
美国——扬基债券(Yankee Bond)
A Yankee bond is a debt obligation issued by a foreign entity, such as a government or company, which is traded in the United States and denominated in U.S. dollars. Yankee bonds are subject to U.S. securities laws, as they trade on U.S. exchanges. Yankee bonds offer the issuer to chance to get cheaper financing and reach a broader investment audience; they offer investors the chance for better yields. On the downside, Yankee bonds can take a long time to come to market, subjecting them to interest rate risk; they are also vulnerable to currency risk and other problems in their home country's economy.
日本——武士债券(Samurai Bond)
Samurai bonds are issued in Japan by foreign companies, denominated in yen, and subject to Japanese regulations. Companies might issue bonds in yen to capitalize on low Japanese interest rates, or to gain exposure to Japanese markets and investors. Risks associated with raising capital in Japanese yen can often be mitigated with cross-currency swaps and currency forwards.
英国——猛犬债券(Bulldog Bond)
A bulldog bond is a type of foreign bond issued by non-British corporations seeking to raise capital in pound-sterling (GBP) from British investors. Bulldog bond is a bond, traded in the United Kingdom, that is purchased by buyers interested in earning a revenue stream from the British pound. These foreign, pound denominated, bonds are referred to as bulldog bonds given that the British bulldog is a national icon of England.
猛犬债券指由非英国本国企业在伦敦发行的英镑债券或者说是非英国借款人在英国市场上发行的英镑债券,因斗牛犬是英国的一个标志而得名。 1979年英国外汇管制条例被撤销后,英国外国债券市场重新得以恢复。在英国发行的英镑外国债券被称为猛犬债券。发行者可以是外国政府,也可以是外国私人企业。
澳大利亚——袋鼠债券(Kangaroo Bond)
A kangaroo bond is a type of foreign bond issued in the Australian market by non-Australian firms and is denominated in Australian currency. The bond is subject to the securities regulations of Australia. A kangaroo bond is also known as a “matilda bond”. The benefit of kangaroo bonds to Australian investors is that they are not subject to currency risks that they would be if purchasing the same bonds in a foreign currency.
加拿大——枫树债券(Maple Bond)
Maple Bond is denominated in Canadian dollars (CAD), transacts on the secondary market and gives foreign issuers access to the Canadian debt market. Maple bond gives Canadian investors the opportunity to invest in foreign companies without worrying about the effects of foreign exchange fluctuations. Elimination of the foreign property rules (FPR) in 2005, which placed restrictions on registered investors access to foreign investments, led to a surge in maple bond popularity.
1. Investopedia
2. 百度百科