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Certain Provisions of Shenzhen Municipality on the Administration of Administrative Charges



Promulgating Institution: People's Government of Shenzhen Municipality

Promulgating Date: 07/01/2002

Effective Date: 08/01/2002

颁布机关: 深圳市人民政府

文      号:深圳市人民政府令第116号

颁布时间: 07/01/2002

实施时间: 08/01/2002


  Article 1   In order to strengthen the administration of administrative charges, to establish a regularized, transparent, and reasonable charging system, and to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, and other organizations, these Provisions are hereby enacted in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, in combination with this municipality's practical situation.

       第一条  为加强行政事业性收费管理,建立规范、透明、合理的收费制度,维护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,根据有关法律、法规,结合深圳市实际,制定本规定。

  Article 2    Administrative charges shall be established and collected according to law.

       第二条  行政事业性收费应依法设立和征收。

  Article 3    Administrative charging items shall be formulated according to one of the following legal bases:

(1) Law and administrative regulations;

(2) Normative documents formulated or approved by the State Council;

(3) Rules and regulations formulated by the administrative departments in charge of administrative charges in accordance with laws or administrative regulations;

(4) Local regulations formulated by Guangdong Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee;

(5) Rules and regulations formulated by Guangdong Provincial People's Government in accordance with laws or administrative regulations;

(6) The Special Economic Zone regulations and local regulations formulated by Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee; and

(7) Rules and regulations formulated by Shenzhen Municipal People's Government.

If laws, regulations, rules, or normative documents as specified in the preceding Paragraph do not provide for collection of charges for administrative acts, no administrative charging item shall be formulated.

       第三条  行政事业性收费项目的设立,应具备下列之一的法律依据:









  Article 4    In order to apply for collecting administrative charges, an applicant shall provide the legal basis, explain the corresponding reason, and submit the pertinent documents and materials. The municipal price control authority shall, after examining and making preliminary remarks on an application for collecting administrative charges, submit this application as well as its remarks to Shenzhen Municipal Administrative Charges Examination Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Examination Committee") to examine the necessity, reasonableness, and legality of administrative charges. When deeming it necessary, the Examination Committee may decide to hold a hearing. The municipal price control authority shall be responsible for organizing a hearing, and it shall be guaranteed that a certain proportion of enterprises, citizens, and professionals attend the hearing. The Examination Committee shall report the information about a hearing as well as the examination opinions to Executive Meeting of the Municipal People's Government for review. Without approval of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, no administrative charge shall be collected, and the municipal price control authority shall not issue the corresponding License of Guangdong Province for Collection of Administrative Charges. The Examination Committee shall consist of municipal departments of finance, price control, legislation, audit, and supervision, and municipal price control authority shall be responsible for this Committee's routine work. All member departments of the Committee must attend the Committee's meetings, and reports as well as opinions formed accordingly shall, after being signed by the representatives from all member departments, be submitted to the Municipal People's Government.

       第四条  申请征收行政事业性收费,申请单位应提供依据、说明理由并提交相应的文件、资料。




  Article 5    The municipal price control authority shall, jointly with the municipal financial authority, make Shenzhen Municipality's Catalogue of Administrative Charging Items (hereinafter referred to the "Catalogue of Charging Items") in accordance with the factual administrative charging items. The Catalogue of Charging Items shall include the names of charging items, collecting authorities, license numbers, charging standards, measures, and time, and shall be published in the Municipal People's Government gazette and the website www.sz.gov.cn in March each year. Administrative charges not listed in the Catalogue of Charging Items shall not be collected, and any units and individuals shall have the right to refuse to hand in such charges.

       第五条  市物价部门应会同市财政部门按实际征收的行政事业性收费项目编制《深圳市行政事业性收费征收项目目录》(以下简称《征收项目目录》);《征收项目目录》包括项目名称、征收单位、许可证编号、征收标准、办法及开征时间等,应于每年的三月份在市政府公报及政府信息网上公布。


  Article 6    Administrative charges approved to be collected shall, 30 days before collection, be announced in the Municipal People's Government gazette and the website www.sz.gov.cn , and be listed in the Catalogue of Charging Items.

       第六条  经批准征收的行政事业性收费,应于开始征收30日前在市政府公报及政府信息网上公布,并列入《征收项目目录》。

  Article 7    If some administrative charges are cancelled or the charging standards are reduced, the municipal price control authority shall announce the names of the corresponding administrative charges, collecting authorities, license numbers, collection cancellation time, or the reduced charging standards and the effective dates in the Municipal People's Government gazette and the website www.sz.gov.cn.

       第七条  停止征收或降低征收标准的,市物价部门应将停止征收或降低征收标准的项目名称、征收单位、许可证编号、停止征收的时间,或降低的征收标准及其开始执行的时间在市政府公报及政府信息网上公布。

  Article 8    Municipal financial authority and municipal price control authority shall make each year's report about administrative charges, and submit the report to the Municipal People's Government after being examined by the Examination Committee.

       第八条  市财政、物价部门应编制每一年度的行政事业性收费情况报告,经审查委员会审议后报市政府。

  Article 9    Administrative charges shall be brought into financial budgets and subject to the management of two lines of revenue and expenditure. Collecting authorities shall use the receipts for administrative charges uniformly printed by the municipal financial authority, record charging items according to law, deposit all administrative charges into bank accounts accredited by the municipal financial authority by means of entrusting banks to collect such charges, and be subject to the finance, price control, and auditing authorities' supervision and examination.

       第九条  行政事业性收费应纳入财政预算,实行收支两条线管理。


  Article 10    If certificates or licenses are issued in accordance with laws, regulations, and rules, applications for collecting the corresponding costs of certificates or licenses may be filed. If laws, regulations, or rules do not stipulate the collection of charges for annual examination of certificates and licenses, no charge shall be collected. If the administrative charge has been collected for an administrative act, no cost of certificates or licenses shall be collected any longer, unless otherwise provided by laws or regulations.

       第十条  根据法律、法规和规章的规定制发证照的,可以申请收取证照工本费;法律、法规或规章未规定对证照年审可以收取年审费的,不得收费。


  Article 11    If documents, data, information, technologies, or other similar resources owned or administered by the people's governments are used, the resources management departments may collect charges of reproduction in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, or rules. However, laws, regulations, and rules stipulate that the administrative departments shall fulfill their responsibilities or provide services, these administrative departments shall neither collect any charges for fulfilling their responsibilities or providing services, nor appoint or entrust institutions or service agencies to fulfill their responsibilities or provide services, nor acquire any economic benefits accordingly.

       第十一条  利用政府所有或管理的文件、资料、信息、技术或其他类似资源的,资源管理部门可按法律、法规或规章的规定收取复制成本费,但法律、法规、规章规定行政管理部门应履行职责或应提供服务的,不得因履行职责或提供服务收取任何费用,不得指定或委托事业单位或中介机构履行职责、提供服务,不得因此获得任何经济上的利益。

  Article 12    If persons subject to the administration acts and required to provide the relevant documents or materials, they shall not be forced to buy the standard or sample documentation; no unit shall be appointed to handle the affairs concerning documents or materials, and the corresponding charging standards shall not be stipulated. The administrative authorities shall not acquire any economic benefits accordingly.

       第十二条  实施行政管理行为要求行政管理相对人提供相应的文件、资料的,不得强制购买标准或示范文本,不得指定办理文件、资料的单位,不得规定办理文件、资料的费用标准,实施行政管理行为的单位不得因此获得任何经济上的利益。

  Article 13    If administrative charges are collected on commission, the power of attorney shall be provided, examined, and announced in public in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 and Article 6 herein.

       第十三条  代征收行政事业性收费的,应提交代征收的授权委托书,并按本若干规定第四条、第六条的规定进行审查、公告。

  Article 14    No additional charge shall be collected; no economic benefits shall be acquired in the course of collection of administrative charges.

If picture frames, other holders, or external decorations are required to be used for licenses and certificates, picture frames, other holders, or external decorations shall not be provided, the specifications or patterns of picture frames, other holders, or external decorations shall not be prescribed, no making unit shall be appointed, and no charging standards for marking such articles shall be stipulated.

       第十四条  征收行政事业性收费不得附带收取任何费用或因此获得任何经济上的利益。


  Article 15    If laws, regulations, rules, or normative documents as specified in Article 3 herein do not provide for collection of charges for inspection, quarantine, and detection administration, no charge shall be collected, unless some units voluntarily submit articles for inspection, guarantee, or detection.

       第十五条  实行检验、检疫、检测管理,本规定第三条所列法律、法规、规章或规范性文件未规定可以收费的,不得收取任何费用,但送检单位主动送检的除外。

  Article 16    Administrative charging items shall not be set repeatedly for the same administrative act; the charging standards for the same act shall be consistent, and shall not collect from different charging objects at different charging standards.

       第十六条  对同一行政管理行为不得重复设立收费项目,设立的收费标准应一致,不得因管理对象不同收取不同标准的费用。

  Article 17    Any units and individuals shall have the right to lodge complaints and make comments and suggestions on the necessity, reasonableness, and legality of administrative charges. The municipal supervisory authority shall duly investigate and handle unlawful acts of collection of administrative charges, and announce the corresponding handling results to the public. If comments or suggestions are made on the necessity and reasonableness of collection of administrative charges, the municipal supervisory authority shall, within five days upon receipt of any comment or suggestion, submit it to the Examination Committee. If deeming it necessary, the Examination Committee may hold a hearing, and report the discussions or information about the hearing to the Executive Meeting of the Municipal People's Government for review. Any member departments of the Examination Committee may independently lodge motions to discuss or hold hearings on the necessity, reasonableness, and legality of administrative charges, and the Examination Committee shall report the discussions or information about the hearings to the Municipal People's Government.

       第十七条  任何单位和个人有权对行政事业性收费的必要性、合理性与合法性向市监察部门进行投诉和提出意见或建议。




  Article 18    Whoever collects charges in violation of the relevant laws, regulations, rules, or these Provisions shall be ordered to make corrections forthwith, and to refund the collected charges to the original payers by the municipal price control authority. The administrative charges that cannot be refunded within the specified time limits shall be turned in to the state treasuries. The units that refund the collected administrative charges shall announce refund items, measures, and time in the Municipal People's Government gazette, the website www.sz.gov.cn and the relevant media. The municipal price control authority shall disclose information about handling such affairs in the Municipal People's Government gazette and the website www.sz.gov.cn.

       第十八条  违反有关法律、法规、规章或本规定收取费用的,由市物价部门责令立即纠正,并责令收取单位在规定时间内将违法收取的费用退还原交费人,规定时间内无法退还的,上缴国库。



  Article 19    Personnel directly responsible for illegal collection of administrative charges, and persons in charge of units that unlawfully collect administrative charges shall be demoted, removed from their administrative posts, even discharged from public employment by the municipal supervisory authority according to the relevant provisions. The relevant sanction information shall be disclosed in the Municipal People's Government gazette and the website www.sz.gov.cn. The municipal supervisory authority shall make a report on administrative sanctions against illegal collection of administrative charges to the Municipal People's Government each year.

       第十九条  违法收费的直接责任人和单位负责人,由市监察部门按规定予以行政降级、撤销行政职务直至开除公职的处分,并将处分情况于市政府公报及政府信息网上公布。


  Article 20    These Provisions shall take effect as of 1st August 2002, and the Certain Provisions of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on the Administration of Administrative Charges issued by Order No. 51 of the Municipal People's Government on 28th March 1996 shall be simultaneously repealed.

       第二十条  本若干规定于2002年8月1日起实施,1996年3月28日市政府第51号令发布实施的《深圳经济特区行政事业性收费管理若干规定》同时废止。





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发布于 2021-03-31 17:23:06