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Interim Measures for Promoting the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises through Government Procurement



Promulgating Institution:Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Industry and Information

Document Number:Cai Ku [2011] No. 181

Promulgating Date:12/29/2011

Effective Date:01/01/2012

颁布机关:财政部; 工业和信息化部

文      号:财库[2011]181号




  Article 1   With a view to giving play to the policy function of government procurement, and promoting the development of the small and medium-sized enterprises that accord with the objectives of national economic and social development policies, manufacture quality products, offer outstanding services and have good reputation, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China and theLaw of the People's Republic of China on Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, these Measures are hereby formulated.

       第一条  为了发挥政府采购的政策功能,促进符合国家经济和社会发展政策目标,产品、服务、信誉较好的中小企业发展,根据《中华人民共和国政府采购法》、《中华人民共和国中小企业促进法》等有关法律法规,制定本办法。

  Article 2   The small and medium-sized enterprises as mentioned herein (including mini, small and medium-sized enterprises) shall meet the following conditions simultaneously:

(1) Such enterprises shall be up to the standards for dividing small and medium-sized enterprises; and

(2) Such enterprises shall provide goods manufactured by them, or projects or services undertaken by them, or provide goods manufactured by other small and medium-sized enterprises. The goods as mentioned in this subparagraph shall exclude the goods that use registered trademarks of large-sized enterprises.

The standards for dividing small and medium-sized enterprises as mentioned herein shall refer to the standards for dividing small and medium-sized enterprises formulated by relevant departments under the State Council based on indicators such as the number of employees, operating revenues and total assets of enterprises. 

Mini and small-sized enterprises that provide goods manufactured by medium-sized enterprises shall be deemed to be medium-sized enterprises.

       第二条  本办法所称中小企业(含中型、小型、微型企业,下同)应当同时符合以下条件:





  Article 3   No entities or individuals may hinder or restrain small and medium-sized enterprises from entering government procurement markets in respective areas and industries, and no differential treatment or discrimination treatment shall be given to small and medium-sized enterprises based on suppliers' scale conditions such as registered capital, total assets, operating revenues, number of employees, profit and tax payment.

       第三条  任何单位和个人不得阻挠和限制中小企业自由进入本地区和本行业的政府采购市场,政府采购活动不得以注册资本金、资产总额、营业收入、从业人员、利润、纳税额等供应商的规模条件对中小企业实行差别待遇或者歧视待遇。

  Article 4   All departments responsible for departmental budget (hereinafter referred to as "all departments") shall intensify the formulation of government procurement plans, formulate specific plans for procurement from small and medium-sized enterprises, and determine their procurement projects (including their subordinate entities, the same below) targeting small and medium-sized enterprises. On the premise of meeting departments' basic demands for self operations and providing public services, more than 30% of the total budget of annual government procurement projects shall be reserved for small and medium-sized enterprises, and among them, the proportion of reserves for mini and small-sized enterprises shall be not less than 60%.

While organizing procurement activities, purchasers or purchase agencies shall indicate the projects for small and medium-sized enterprises or mini and small-sized enterprises in bidding documents, negotiation documents or inquiry documents.

       第四条  负有编制部门预算职责的各部门(以下简称各部门),应当加强政府采购计划的编制工作,制定向中小企业采购的具体方案,统筹确定本部门(含所属各单位,下同)面向中小企业采购的项目。在满足机构自身运转和提供公共服务基本需求的前提下,应当预留本部门年度政府采购项目预算总额的30%以上,专门面向中小企业采购,其中,预留给小型和微型企业的比例不低于60%。


  Article 5   For projects not specific for small and medium-sized enterprises, purchasers or purchase agencies shall stipulate a deduction of 6% to 10% of prices of products of mini and small-sized enterprises in bidding documents, negotiation documents or inquiry documents and the prices after deduction shall be considered in bid evaluation. Deduction proportions shall be determined by purchasers or purchase agencies

Small and medium-sized enterprises involved in government procurement shall provide the Written Statement of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (see the Annex).

       第五条  对于非专门面向中小企业的项目,采购人或者采购代理机构应当在招标文件或者谈判文件、询价文件中作出规定,对小型和微型企业产品的价格给予6%-10%的扣除,用扣除后的价格参与评审,具体扣除比例由采购人或者采购代理机构确定。


  Article 6   Large and medium-sized enterprises shall be encouraged to form consortiums with other natural persons and legal persons, or other organizations shall be encouraged to form consortiums with mini and small-sized enterprises, to participate in government procurement not specific for small and medium-sized enterprises. Where the agreed contract value of mini and small-sized enterprises accounts for more than 30% of the agreed total contract value of a consortium in the consortium contract, 2% to 3% of prices of products of the consortium may be deducted.

Where all parties of a consortium are mini or small-sized enterprises, the consortium shall be deemed to be a mini or small-sized enterprise and may enjoy supportive policies specified in Articles 4 and 5 of these Measures.

No investment relation shall exist between large and medium-sized enterprises and other natural persons and legal persons that form consortiums, or between other organizations and mini and small-sized enterprises that form consortiums.

       第六条  鼓励大中型企业和其他自然人、法人或者其他组织与小型、微型企业组成联合体共同参加非专门面向中小企业的政府采购活动。联合协议中约定,小型、微型企业的协议合同金额占到联合体协议合同总金额30%以上的,可给予联合体2%-3%的价格扣除。



  Article 7   After small and medium-sized enterprises acquired government procurement contracts in accordance with the policies specified in Articles 4, 5 and 6 of these Measures, mini and small-sized enterprises shall not subcontract relevant projects to large and medium-sized enterprises, and medium-sized enterprises shall not subcontract relevant projects to large-sized enterprises.

       第七条  中小企业依据本办法第四条、第五条、第六条规定的政策获取政府采购合同后,小型、微型企业不得分包或转包给大型、中型企业,中型企业不得分包或转包给大型企业。

  Article 8   Purchasers shall be encouraged to permit large-sized enterprises that acquire government procurement contracts to subcontract relevant projects to small and medium-sized enterprises in accordance with law.

The value of relevant projects subcontracted by large-sized enterprises to small and medium-sized enterprises shall be included in the statistical amount of purchase from small and medium-sized enterprises.

       第八条  鼓励采购人允许获得政府采购合同的大型企业依法向中小企业分包。


  Article 9    Purchasers shall be encouraged to offer appropriate support to small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of performance bond, term of payment and mode of payment. Purchasers shall punctually and fully make payments under contracts.

       第九条  鼓励采购人在与中小企业签订政府采购合同时,在履约保证金、付款期限、付款方式等方面给予中小企业适当支持。采购人应当按照合同约定按时足额支付采购资金。

  Article 10   Means of credit guarantee shall be encouraged to be introduced in government procurement to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with professional guarantee services in terms of financing, bid guarantee and performance guarantee.

       第十条  鼓励在政府采购活动中引入信用担保手段,为中小企业在融资、投标保证、履约保证等方面提供专业化的担保服务。

  Article 11   Financial departments and relevant departments at all levels shall intensify training & guidance services and professional consultation services for small and medium-sized enterprises in government procurement to improve the capability of small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in government procurement.

       第十一条  各级财政部门和有关部门应当加大对中小企业参与政府采购的培训指导及专业化咨询服务力度,提高中小企业参与政府采购活动的能力。

  Article 12   All departments shall, in the first quarter of every year, report the details of purchase from small and medium-sized enterprises in the previous year to the financial departments at the same level, and make public the progress of reserved projects and other projects of purchase from small and medium-sized enterprises in the media for releasing government procurement information designated by the Ministry of Finance.

       第十二条  各部门应当每年第一季度向同级财政部门报告本部门上一年度面向中小企业采购的具体情况,并在财政部指定的政府采购发布媒体公开预留项目执行情况以及本部门其他项目面向中小企业采购的情况。

  Article 13   Financial departments at all levels shall actively advance the construction of government procurement informatization, increase the transparency of release of government procurement information and provide stable channels that facilitate small and medium-sized enterprises to acquire government procurement information.

       第十三条  各级财政部门应当积极推进政府采购信息化建设,提高政府采购信息发布透明度,提供便于中小企业获取政府采购信息的稳定渠道。

  Article 14   Financial departments at all levels shall, in consultation with departments in charge of small and medium-sized enterprises, establish and improve relevant systems for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises through government procurement, and strengthen the supervision and inspection of implementation of relevant policies.

All departments shall be responsible for implementing and administering respective work of promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises through government procurement.

       第十四条  各级财政部门会同中小企业主管部门建立健全政府采购促进中小企业发展的有关制度,加强有关政策执行情况的监督检查。


  Article 15   Departments in charge of small and medium-sized enterprises at or above the county level in places where relevant enterprises are located shall be responsible for identification of small and medium-sized enterprises in government procurement supervision and inspection, and complaint handling.

       第十五条  政府采购监督检查和投诉处理中对中小企业的认定,由企业所在地的县级以上中小企业主管部门负责。

  Article 16   Where purchasers, purchase agencies or small and medium-sized enterprises violate laws and regulations in government procurement, they shall be punished in accordance with the Government Procurement Law and relevant laws and regulations.

       第十六条  采购人、采购代理机构或者中小企业在政府采购活动中有违法违规行为的,依照政府采购法及有关法律法规处理。

  Article 17   These Measures shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

       第十七条  本办法由财政部、工业和信息化部负责解释。

Article 28   These Measures shall come into effect on January 1, 2012.

       第十八条  本办法自2012年1月1日起施行。





中英双语-政府采购促进中小企业发展暂行办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-04-09 10:04:58