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Administrative Measures for the Budget on Government Procurement of Indigenous Innovation Products



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance

Document Number: Cai Ku [2007] No. 29

Promulgating Date: 04/03/2007

Effective Date: 04/03/2007

颁布机关: 财政部

文      号: 财库[2007]29号

颁布时间: 04/03/2007

实施时间: 04/03/2007


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1    In order to implement the “Notice of the State Council on Several Supporting Policies for the Implementation of the ‘Outline of Medium- and Long-term National Plan for Science and Technology Development (2006-2020)’” (Notice of the State Council [2006] No. 6) and implement the government procurement policies that promote indigenous innovation, these Measures are hereby formulated in accordance with the “Government Procurement Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Budget Law of the People’s Republic of China”.

       第一条  为贯彻落实《国务院关于实施〈国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006—2020年)〉若干配套政策的通知》(国发[2006]6号),实施促进自主创新的政府采购政策,根据《中华人民共和国政府采购法》和《中华人民共和国预算法》,制定本办法。

  Article 2    These Measures shall apply to the act of procuring the indigenous innovation products with the fiscal funds by the State organs, public institutions and organizations (hereinafter referred to as the “procuring entities”).

The “indigenous innovation products” as referred to in these Measures mean the products and services included in the “Catalogue of Indigenous Innovation Products for Government Procurement” (hereinafter referred to as the “Catalogue”) promulgated by the Ministry of Finance. The Catalogue shall be formulated by the Ministry of Finance together with the Ministry of Science and Technology and other relevant departments within the scope of indigenous innovation products accredited by the State.

       第二条  国家机关、事业单位和团体组织(以下统称采购人)用财政性资金采购自主创新产品的活动,适用本办法。


  Article 3    During the government procurement activities, the procuring entities shall give priority to the procurement of indigenous innovation products.

       第三条  采购人在政府采购活动中,应当优先购买自主创新产品。

  Article 4    When a procuring entity prepares the annual budget for the department, it shall prepare the budget for government procurement of indigenous innovation products in accordance with the scope of the Catalogue, and explicitly indicate the indigenous innovation products.

The budget for government procurement of indigenous innovation products is the supplement to and details of the government procurement budget, and is an integral component of the budget for the department.

       第四条  采购人在编制年度部门预算时,应当按照目录的范围编制自主创新产品政府采购预算,标明自主创新产品。


  Article 5    A procuring entity shall, under the principle of strictly controlling the expenditures, prepare a budget for government procurement of indigenous innovation products in a strict and tight manner to ensure the authenticity and completeness of the budget.

       第五条  采购人应当在坚持严格控制支出的原则下,从严从紧编制自主创新产品政府采购预算,确保预算的真实性和完整性。

  Article 6    During the examination and verification of the budgets for the department, the finance departments at various levels shall, upon confirmation of the procurement items and expenditures thereof, make prior arrangement for the procurement of indigenous innovation products.

       第六条  各级财政部门在部门预算审批过程中,在采购项目支出已确定的情况下,应当优先安排采购自主创新产品的预算。

  Article 7    The finance departments at various levels shall be responsible for guiding the procuring entities to prepare the budgets for government procurement of indigenous innovation products and supervising the implementation of the budgets according to the provisions of law.

       第七条  各级财政部门依法负责指导采购人编制自主创新产品政府采购预算,并对预算执行情况进行监督。

Chapter II Budgeting

第二章  预算编制

  Article 8    The budget for government procurement of indigenous innovation products and the government procurement budget shall be prepared simultaneously in the budget for the department, and shall be subject to examination and approval simultaneously.

       第八条  自主创新产品政府采购预算与政府采购预算同时在部门预算中编报、同时审批。

  Article 9    The finance departments at various levels shall explicitly specify the budgeting requirements for government procurement of indigenous innovation products in the notice on preparation of annual budgets for the department. The procuring entities shall prepare the budgets for the department for government procurement of indigenous innovation products according to the requirements.

       第九条  各级财政部门在编制年度部门预算的通知中,要明确提出自主创新产品的政府采购预算编制要求。采购人根据要求编制本部门自主创新产品政府采购预算。

  Article 10    The finance departments at various levels shall add the contents that reflect the government procurement of indigenous innovation products to the relevant tables of the budgets for the department, and issue them together with the notice on preparation of annual budgets for the department.

       第十条  各级财政部门应当在部门预算的相关表格中增加反映自主创新产品政府采购的内容,随同编制年度部门预算的通知一并下发。

Chapter III Implementation of Budgets

第三章  预算执行

  Article 11    All competent administrative departments shall, within forty (40) working days after their budget for the department has been approved by the finance department, prepare the plan for government procurement of indigenous innovation products in strict accordance with the approved budget for government procurement of indigenous innovation products, and report the plan to the finance department for filing.

The plan for government procurement of indigenous innovation products shall be prepared together with the government procurement plan, and shall be specified separately.

       第十一条  各主管部门应当自财政部门批复部门预算之日起40个工作日内,严格按照批准的自主创新产品政府采购预算编制自主创新产品政府采购计划,报财政部门备案。


  Article 12    A procuring entity shall conduct procurement in strict accordance with the budget and plan for government procurement of indigenous innovation products.

If a procuring entity fails to specify the indigenous innovation products in the government procurement budget but procures the indigenous innovation products in practice, it shall make a supplementary report on the budget for government procurement of indigenous innovation products.

       第十二条  采购人应当严格按照自主创新产品政府采购预算和计划进行采购。


  Article 13    In case a procuring entity needs to procure beyond the limits of the procurement budget due to the procurement of indigenous innovation products during the implementation of the budget, it may apply for adjusting the budget in accordance with the prescribed procedures.

       第十三条  对采购人在预算执行过程中因购买自主创新产品确需超出采购预算的,应当按规定程序申请调整预算。

  Article 14    The payment of the funds for government procurement of indigenous innovation products shall be subject to the relevant provisions on centralized payment by the State Treasury.

       第十四条  自主创新产品政府采购资金支付按财政国库集中支付有关规定执行。

  Article 15    The finance departments at various levels shall include the implementation of the budget for government procurement of indigenous innovation products into the scope of performance appraisal for budgetary expenditures, and add the factor of procurement of indigenous innovation products to the economic and social benefit indexes of the common appraisal indexes.

       第十五条  各级财政部门应当将自主创新产品政府采购预算执行情况纳入预算支出绩效考评范围,在共性考评指标的经济和社会效益指标中,增加采购自主创新产品因素。

  Article 16    The finance departments at various levels shall study the establishment of the reward and punishment systems for procurement of indigenous innovation products.

       第十六条  各级财政部门应当研究建立采购自主创新产品奖惩制度。

Chapter IV Supervision and Inspection

第四章  监督检查

  Article 17    During the examination and verification of the budgets, the finance departments at various levels shall supervise and urge the procuring entities to prepare the budgets for government procurement of indigenous innovation products, and strengthen the administration over examination and verification.

In case any procuring entity should prepare a budget for government procurement of indigenous innovation products but fails to do so, the finance department shall order the entity to make rectification.

       第十七条  各级财政部门在预算审核过程中,应当督促采购人编制自主创新产品政府采购预算,并加强审核管理。


  Article 18    The finance departments at various levels shall be responsible for supervising and inspecting the preparation and implementation of the budgets for government procurement of indigenous innovation products. The main contents of the supervision and inspection shall be:

(1) the preparation of the budgets and plans for government procurement of indigenous innovation products by the procuring entities;

(2) the implementation of the approved budgets for government procurement of indigenous innovation products by the procuring entities; and

(3) the implementation of the policies for giving priority to the procurement of indigenous innovation products by the procuring entities during the implementation of the budgets for government procurement of indigenous innovation products.

       第十八条  各级财政部门负责对自主创新产品政府采购预算编制和执行的监督检查。监督检查的主要内容有:




  Article 19    For the items that have been included in the budget for government procurement of indigenous innovation products, if the procurement results thereof turn out to be non-indigenous innovation products, the procuring entity shall make a written explanation to the finance department.

       第十九条  对于列入自主创新产品政府采购预算的项目,其采购结果为非自主创新产品的,采购人应当向财政部门作出书面说明。

  Article 20    If a procuring entity fails to prepare the budget or plan for government procurement of indigenous innovation products, or fails to procure the indigenous innovation products in accordance with the budget, the finance department may refuse to pay the procurement funds in light of the circumstance.

       第二十条  对采购人未编报自主创新产品政府采购预算和计划,或不按预算采购自主创新产品的,财政部门视情况可以拒付采购资金。

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

第五章  附则

  Article 21    The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for interpretation of these Measures.

       第二十一条  本办法由财政部负责解释。

  Article 22    These Measures shall be effective as of the promulgation date.

       第二十二条  本办法自发布之日起施行。



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