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Administrative Measures for Projects of Support to Comprehensive Practice Demonstration Bases by the Central Special Lottery Welfare Fund



Promulgating Institution: Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Education

Document Number: Cai Zong [2011] No. 45

Promulgating Date: 06/22/2011

Effective Date: 06/22/2011

颁布机关: 财政部; 教育部

文      号: 财综[2011]45号  

颁布时间: 06/22/2011



Chapter 1: General Provisions

第一章  总则

  Article 1  With a view to standardizing and strengthening the administration of the projects of supporting the comprehensive practice demonstration bases by the central special lottery welfare fund, these Measures in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Lottery Administration (Order No. 554 of the State Council) and the Administrative Measures for Lottery Welfare Fund (Cai Zong [2007] No. 83), the Measures are hereby formulated.

       第一条  为了规范和加强中央专项彩票公益金支持示范性综合实践基地项目管理工作,根据《彩票管理条例》(国务院令第554号)和《彩票公益金管理办法》(财综[2007]83号)的有关规定,制定本办法。

  Article 2   For the purposes of the Measures, the "projects of support to comprehensive practice demonstration bases by the central special lottery welfare fund" (hereinafter referred to as the "projects") refer to the construction of comprehensive practice demonstration bases with the central special lottery welfare fund as earmarked by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education from 2011 to 2015.

       第二条  本办法所称中央专项彩票公益金支持示范性综合实践基地项目(以下简称项目),是指2011年至2015年由财政部和教育部安排利用中央专项彩票公益金,进行的示范性综合实践基地建设。

  Article 3   For the purposes of the Measures, the "comprehensive practice demonstration bases" refer to public places with the aim of promoting the quality-oriented education of primary and secondary school students and improving their practical abilities, which have the basic functional zones such as indoor comprehensive practice zone, outdoor labor practice zone, comprehensive training zone and living zone, and can provide the centralized board and lodging, and be available for carrying out the comprehensive practical education activities in the aspects of industrial learning, agricultural learning and life safety, etc..

       第三条  本办法所称示范性综合实践基地,是指以推进中小学生素质教育,提高实践能力为目的,具备室内综合实践区、室外劳动实践区、综合训练区、生活区等基本功能区,可容纳集中食宿,开展学工、学农、生命安全教育等综合实践教育活动的公益性场所。

  Article 4   The central special lottery welfare fund used for the projects (hereinafter referred to as the "project fund") shall be used under the principles of openness, transparency, standard administration and use of funds as earmarked.

       第四条  用于项目的中央专项彩票公益金(以下简称项目资金),应当坚持公开透明、规范管理和专款专用原则。

  Article 5   The wording "Supported by lottery welfare fund--China Welfare Lottery and China Sports Lottery" shall be marked in the striking positions of the places, facilities and equipment constructed with the support of the project fund.

       第五条  由项目资金资助建设的场所和设施设备,应当在显著位置标识“彩票公益金资助——中国福利彩票和中国体育彩票”字样。

Chapter 2: Scope and Standard of Fund Use

第二章  资金使用范围与标准

  Article 6  The project fund shall be used to support prefecture-level cities in constructing comprehensive practice demonstration bases and configuring devices.

       第六条  项目资金用于支持地级市建设示范性综合实践基地和配置设备。

  Article 7   The standard for the construction of a comprehensive practice demonstration base shall be RMB 30 million on average, including RMB 24 million for capital construction and RMB 6 million for device configuration.

       第七条  示范性综合实践基地的建设标准为平均每个基地3000万元,其中,基本建设为2400万元,设备配置为600万元。

Chapter 3: Project Application and Fund Use

第三章  项目申报与资金使用

  Article 8   The procedure for project application and approval shall be as follows:

(1) The Ministry of Education shall, in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance, formulate the overall project plan, application measures and template for project application form, and assign the tasks for constructing comprehensive practice model bases to each region every year; and

(2) The provincial educational departments shall, in conjunction with the financial departments at the same level, in accordance with the application measures and template for project application form, organize application work in the region, examine applications, offer opinions, and prepare and submit application documents to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance; and

(3) The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance shall organize experts to conduct review for initiation of projects.

       第八条  项目申报审批程序如下:




  Article 9   The project fund budget shall, in accordance with the standards of the project fund specified in Article 7 and the tasks of construction of comprehensive practice demonstration bases in all areas, be assigned by the Ministry of Finance to the finance departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government as well as the Finance Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (hereinafter referred to as "provincial finance departments").

       第九条  项目资金预算由财政部根据第七条规定的项目资金标准和各地示范性综合实践基地建设指标,按年度下达各省、自治区、直辖市财政厅(局)和新疆生产建设兵团财务局(以下简称省级财政部门)。

  Article 10  The provincial finance departments shall, based on the local financial conditions, earmark some funds to be used together with the project fund earmarked by the central budget.

       第十条  省级财政部门根据当地财力情况,可以安排资金与中央财政安排的项目资金统筹使用。

  Article 11    The local finance departments shall conduct the special administration on the project fund and use the fund for specified purposes as required, and shall not intercept, divert and embezzle the fund.

       第十一条  地方财政部门应当对项目资金实行专项管理,并严格按照规定用途使用,不得截留、挤占、挪用。

  Article 12  In making arrangement of use of the project fund, Item 04 "Expenditure of Lottery Welfare Fund for Education" of Paragraph 60 "Arranged Expenditures of Lottery Welfare Fund" of Category 229 "Other Expenditures" in the Classified Accounting Items of Government Revenues and Expenditures shall be completed.

       第十二条  项目资金安排使用时,填列《政府收支分类科目》中229类“其他支出”60款“彩票公益金安排的支出”04项“用于教育事业的彩票公益金支出”。

  Article 13   Where the expenditure of the project fund falls within the scope of government procurement, the relevant regulations on government procurement shall apply.

       第十三条  项目资金支出属于政府采购范围的,按照政府采购有关规定执行。

  Article 14   The payment of the project fund shall be administered in accordance with the relevant provisions of the national treasury management system.

       第十四条  项目资金支付管理,按照财政国库管理制度有关规定执行。

  Article 15   Upon approval and initiation, a project shall not be adjusted in principle. Where the project in progress needs to be adjusted for a special reason, it shall be submitted for approval in accordance with the original examination and approval procedures.

       第十五条  项目经批准立项后,原则上不得调整。执行过程中由于特殊原因需要调整的,应当按照原申报审批程序报批。

  Article 16  The provincial education departments shall, in conjunction with the finance departments at the same level and in accordance with the Measures, formulate the specific measures for implementation of projects and report the same to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance for record-filing.

       第十六条  省级教育部门应当会同同级财政部门根据本办法制定具体的项目实施办法,报教育部和财政部备案。

Chapter 4: Supervision and Administration

第四章  监督管理

  Article 17   The finance departments and education departments at all levels shall strengthen the administration of the project fund as well as the supervision and inspection on the implementation of projects to ensure the fund is earmarked and used for specified purposes.

       第十七条  各级财政部门和教育部门应当加强对项目资金管理和项目实施情况的监督检查,确保资金专款专用。

  Article 18  The provincial finance departments and education departments shall, prior to the end of March each year, report the use of project fund and implementation of projects of the previous year to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education.

       第十八条  省级财政部门和教育部门,应当于每年3月底前,将上一年度项目资金使用和项目执行情况报送财政部和教育部。

  Article 19   Provincial finance departments and education departments shall, prior to the end of June each year, make public the use of project fund and implementation of projects of the previous year.

       第十九条  省级财政部门和教育部门,应当于每年6月底前,向社会公告上一年度项目资金使用和项目执行情况。

  Article 20  Any entity or individual intercepting, diverting or embezzling the project fund in violation of the regulations shall be subject to legal liabilities in accordance with the Regulations on Punishments and Sanctions against Financial Violations (Order No. 427 of the State Council).

       第二十条  单位和个人违反规定,截留、挤占、挪用项目资金等的,依照《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)追究法律责任。

Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions

第五章  附则

  Article 21  The Measures shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education.

       第二十一条  本办法由财政部和教育部负责解释。

  Article 22  The Measures shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation.

       第二十二条  本办法自发布之日起施行。





中英双语-中央专项彩票公益金支持示范性综合实践基地项目管理办法(可下载).pdf 下载
发布于 2021-04-10 10:20:25