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中文中常见的制式语言主要是“兹证明……”,一般可译为“This is to certify that”


This is to certify that Li Lei (male, born on Feb 25, 1994) was enrolled in the Chemistry Department of Peking University (4-year course) in Sep 2012 and graduated with bachelor’s degree in July 2016.



This is to certify that Hengmei Trademark on cosmetics produced by Henan Tianchi Co., Ltd. registered at trademark office of Industry and Commerce Administration of the People’s Republic of China and accepted NO.0507 Trademark Registration Certificate.



1.I do hereby certify that本人特此/在此证明

I, John Smith, Clerk of the Court of said County, hereby certify that the foregoing 8 paragraphs contain a true and correct copy of certified copy of will of Lisa Lawrence, recorded in Will Book 10, at Page 308 - as the same appears of record and on file in my office.

本人,John Smith,本县法院书记员,在此证明以上8段记录为真实无误的Lisa Lawrence的遗嘱副本,该遗嘱登录在遗嘱第10卷第308页,以上文件与我办公室卷宗中的记录一致。


2.Witness my hand and Seal 由本人亲笔签名并盖章

Witness my hand and Seal of said Court, this 5th day of July, 2009


3.In testament/witness/testimony whereof 特此为证

In testament whereof I have hereto subscribed my name and affixed my notarial seal of office on this 31st day of August, 2018


4.To the best of my information and belief 尽本人所知所信

I do hereby certify that to the best of my information and belief it would appear that on the 31st day of August, 2018, JOHN WAH YING LEUNG was a Notary Public in and for the Province of British Columbia, duly commissioned and authorized by the laws of the Province to act as such Notary Public in British Columbia。

本人特此证明,尽本人所知所信,2018年8月31日,John Wah Ying Leung 为不列颠哥伦比亚省的公证员,经不列颠哥伦比亚省之法律正式委任和授权,以该省的公证员身份行事。

发布于 2020-05-15 16:16:09