Punitive damages和compensatory damages的含义和区别

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Punitive damages表示“惩罚性损害赔偿金”,指当被告以恶意、故意、欺诈或放任之方式实施行为而致原告受损时,原告可以获得的除实际损害赔偿金(actual damages)外的损害赔偿金。

参考例句:That court has inherent power and jurisdiction to award compensatory damages and, in certain cases, punitive damages, as well as to give binding directions to secure the rehabilitation of such persons.


Mr. X and Ms. Y sought the enforcement in France of a decision handed down by the Californian court on 26 February 2003 ordering Fountaine Pajot to pay them US$ 1,391,650 damages in compensation, $1,460,000 in punitive damages and $402,084 for legal fees.

X先生及Y女士要求在法国执行加利福尼亚法院2003年2月26日宣布的判决,令Fountaine Pajot公司向其支付1,391,650美元的损害赔偿、1,460,000美元的惩罚性赔偿和 02,084美元律师费。

Compensatory damages表示“补偿性损害赔偿金”,英文释义为:Compensatory damages represent the money awarded to a plaintiff in a lawsuit.指用于补偿实际的和精神的损失、伤害的一切损害赔偿金,但不包括惩罚性赔偿金(Punitive damages)和名义损害赔偿金(nominal damages)(英美法体系下的一种制度)。

参考例句:That court has inherent power and jurisdiction to award compensatory damages and, in certain cases, punitive damages, as wel as to give binding directions to secure the rehabilitation of such persons.


The Poitiers Appeal Court had held that the Californian decision ran counter to international public policy, since the amount of punitive damages was manifestly disproportionate to the price of the goods and the sum of compensatory damages for loss suffered.


发布于 2022-01-24 16:55:58