Caution作为法律术语主要在英国使用,表示:警告;通知;揭示;告示。根据1925年《土地登记法》(Land Registration Act),未经登记法律文书的关系方或司法判决的胜诉人可在登记官处提出一个警告,大意是除非送达通知给作出警告的人,有关该土地的交易不得进行。但是,该警告并未给予作出警告的人以任何对于土地上的权益,而仅使其能得到有关该土地的通知或提示,以利其提起诉讼。
参考例句:In discussing the paper on “Position Report on Main Issues” (LC Paper No. CB(1)968/03-04(02)), members noted that during the 12-year incubation period, all existing or newly created unwritten equities affecting unregistered land could be protected by registration of a warning notice known as “caveat” under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128), and that the caveat would automatically take effect as non-consent caution under the new land title registration system (LTRS).