了解英美法中的“knock and announce rule”

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英美法中的“knock and announce rule”指的是“敲门并告知规则”,指在执行逮捕或搜查时,法律要求警察在进入公民住宅之前应当先敲门,并向其告知自己的合法身份及进入的目的。该规则起源于17世纪英格兰的一个判例。该判例确认郡长为执行国王的传票而要强行进入私宅之前,应当先说明其目的,并要求户主将门打开。现在美国大多数州的法律都规定,只有警察已首先宣布了自己的合法身份及目的,并被拒绝进入后,方可强行进入公民住宅。

在我国,也有类似的规则,公安机关在进入民宅对嫌疑犯进行逮捕时,需要出示逮捕证(Warrant of arrest),逮捕证是公安机关对犯罪嫌疑人实施逮捕的文件,该证一般由检察机关批准。公安机关应根据人民检察院的批准逮捕决定书签发逮捕证,执行逮捕。人民检察院或者人民法院需要逮捕犯罪嫌疑人、被告人时,应当制作决定逮捕书或逮捕决定书送交公安机关,公安机关根据上述文书签发逮捕证,执行逮捕。在进行逮捕时必须出具此证明书。

参考例句:Furthermore, section 8 provides that the Minister may, if he thinks fit, in place of issuing a warrant of arrest and detention or in place of making a banishment order, make an order requiring any person who he is satisfied is not a citizen or an exempted person to leave Malaysia before the expiration of a period of 14 days from the date of service under subsection (4) of a copy of the order.


Without prejudice to the terms of this Agreement, the Organization shall not permit its Headquarters to become a refuge from justice for persons against whom a penal judgement has been made or who are pursued flagrante delicto, or against whom a warrant of arrest or a deportation order has been issued by the competent French authorities.


发布于 2022-01-24 17:13:13