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“Impeachment”表示“弹劾;控告”。一般该控告或弹劾针对的是【senior official】。在美国,一切所有文职官员,凡受叛国、贿赂或其他重罪轻罪的弹劾并被判定有罪时,应予以免职。这也体现了美国的分权制衡原则。以下对“Impeachment trial”和“Impeachment trial”两个术语的含义做简单介绍。

Impeachment trial表示“弹劾审判,弹劾审讯”。弹劾审判是一项法律程序,人们在该程序中听取与弹劾条款(articles of impeachment)有关的证据,即对公职人员的正式指控。弹劾条款是一系列指控,如果得到证实,可能会导致该官员被免职。如:The Senate has not adopted standard rules of evidence during an Impeachment trial 在弹劾审讯期间,参议院并无采用标准的证据规则。

Impeachment power表示“弹劾权”。指的是凡对行政或司法官员有失职或违法行为所提出的处分与惩戒的请求叫做弹劾,这种权利叫弹劾权。Impeachment在三权分立的国家,此权多属于议会,而在我国现行制度,则属于检察院


A ruling on a recent presidential impeachment case specifies that the President can be impeached only for serious violations of law, for conduct only while in office, and only when the damage inflicted on the fundamental constitutional order is so grave that only his removal can repair the damage.


Some Governments noted that, when ratifying the Rome Statute, the issue arose regarding the applicability of the Statute to persons enjoying immunity under their constitutional framework, and it was advised that relevant constitutional chambers had considered that the existence of such an immunity did not prevent the simultaneous introduction of proceedings in the International Criminal Court along with immunity and impeachment proceedings in domestic courts (e.g., Costa Rica).


A dispute over a controversial ruling by the presidentially-appointed Constitutional Tribunal led to impeachment proceedings and the resignation of the tribunal members, highlighting both the power of the legislature, and the risks to a political structure in transition as new institutions test the boundaries of their authority.


发布于 2022-02-25 14:56:03