" 了解Specific performance的含义和相关原则"

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Specific performance表示“实际履行;强制履行”,其英文释义为:the performance of a legal contract as specified by its terms.是(当损害赔偿不足时)法庭要求个人执行合同下的义务的补救方法。如:Under the common law, specific performance was not a remedy, with the rights of a litigant being limited to the collection of damages.


与其相关的,Doctrine of specific performance为“实际履行原则”,即指债务人应按债中规定的给付标的来履行,非经债权人同意,债务人不得任意变更给付标的。全面履行原则即债务人不仅要按债规定的标的履行,还应按照法定或约定的标的的质量、数量、规格、时间、地点方式全部履行债务。


Rescission of the contested administrative decision or specific performance, provided that, where the contested administrative decision concerns appointment, promotion or termination, the Dispute Tribunal shall also set an amount of compensation that the respondent may elect to pay as an alternative to the rescission of the contested administrative decision or specific performance ordered, subject to subparagraph (b) of the present paragraph.


Newer technologies within one of the Group’s reporting segments may also have different revenue recognition policies, depending on, among other factors, the specific performance and acceptance criteria within the applicable contract.


发布于 2022-02-25 15:08:22