了解英美法中的“indecent exposure”及其相关法律知识"

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Indecent exposure翻译为“有伤风化的暴露;不压暴露”,指的是故意或轻率地在公共场合多次暴露自己或他人身体的隐密部分从而败坏社会风俗的行为。其中,“indecent”一词有“下流的;有伤风化的;猥亵的;过分暴露的”的意思,比如:indecent conduct下流的行为;indecent photos 淫秽的照片;That skirt of hers is positively indecent. 她的那条裙子太暴露了。

普通法(common law)以及美国大多数州的制定法都将Indecent exposure规定为可诉罪(Indictable offences)。美国《模范刑法典》规定,男性在非其配偶的女性面前暴露生殖器以侮辱女性的行为属轻罪(minor offense)。


The report recommended that the generic offences of corruption of public morals and outrage to public decency should he abolished, together with the specific common law offences of public exhibition of indecent acts and things, keeping a disorderly house, indecent exposure and obscene libel.


Although some of these posters may be without indecent exposure, they are very seductive and can adversely affect juveniles who are under the age of majority, will the Government inform this Council whether consideration will be given to amending the legislation concerned so that posters of Category III pornographic films can only be put up after censorship?


Acting as Deputy Director of Films, Newspapers and Articles Administration to assist the DG Com (acting in the capacity of Director of Films, Newspapers and Articles Administration) in enforcement of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (COIAO) (Cap. 390), overseeing the public education work on COIAO, assisting the relevant policy bureau to review COIAO and other enforcement work, including censorship for all films exhibited in Hong Kong and enforcement of the Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap. 392).

担任电影报刊及物品管理副专员,以协助总监(身份为电影报刊及物品管理专员)执行淫亵及不雅物品管制条例(下称该条例)(第 390 章);监督有关该条例的公众教育工作;协助相关的决策局检讨该条例和其他执法工作,包括检查所有在本港上映的电影和执行电影检查条例(第 392 章)。

发布于 2022-02-25 15:20:28