了解抵押中的“First mortgage”和“Second mortgage”的含义

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First mortgage 翻译为“第一抵押权”。指的是较同一财产的其他抵押权具有优先受偿权利的抵押权,

Second mortgage 翻译为“第二顺位抵押权;次级顺位抵押权”。在同一不动产上可以设定数个普通法或者衡平法上的抵押权,第二顺位抵押权是其中仅次于第一顺位抵押权者。第二顺位抵押权人的地位仅次于第一顺位的抵押权人。第一顺位抵押权人有权不经第二顺位抵押权人统一即可将抵押物出卖,抵押物已经出卖所有的抵押权即告消灭。出卖抵押物所得收益须先清偿第一顺位抵押人的债券,如有剩余再清偿第二顺位抵押人的债券。



Pursuant to the provision equivalent to art. 21 (1)(e) of the Model Law, the court entrusted the administration and realisation of all of the debtor’s assets in Australia to the foreign representatives, ordered that no person could enforce a charge on the property of the debtor and that a pledge or lienholder in possession of the property of the debtor could continue in possession, but could not sell or otherwise enforce the lien or pledge.

按照相当于《示范法》第 21(1)(e)条的规定,法院授权外国管理人对债务人在澳大利亚的所有资产进行管理和变现,下令任何人不得执行债务人财产上的抵押权,占有债务人财产的质权或留置权持有人可以继续占有,但不得出售或以其他方式执行该留置权或质权。

Banks were not allowed under the existing supervisory guidelines to let the home buyers draw down the first mortgage loan before a property transaction was completed, and home buyers would not be able to secure a second mortgage loan thereafter.


Where any uncalled capital of the Company is charged, all persons taking any subsequent charge thereon shall take the same subject to such prior charge and shall not be entitled, by notice to the shareholders or otherwise, to obtain priority over such prior charge.


发布于 2022-02-25 16:33:39