No case to answer翻译为“无须答辩”。指刑事诉讼中,在控诉方举证之后,被告方以指控不成立为由,请求法庭宣告其无罪。具体而言,原告方(控方)首先必须提供相应的证据支持其争议或主张的每个事实,以说服法官将该事实提交陪审团审理,否则被告方有权要求法官撤销案件(withdraw)或提出无须答辩(no case to answer),被告方也无须出庭。
For example, the number of cases where costs are awarded against the prosecution and the number of defendants found with "no case to answer" may cause the police commanders to re-examine whether or not court papers have been adequately prepared, whether documents required to be disclosed to the defence are being disclosed in a timely manner, or whether the assistance given to the prosecution has been sufficient.
The figures include cases acquitted, cases with no case to answer, cases where the prosecution offers no evidence, cases where the accused turned insane or died, and so on.
When reaching this decision, the prosecutor will wish as a first step to be satisfied that there is no reasonable expectation of an ordered acquittal or a successful submission of no case to answer.