事务律师,英文为solicitor,事务律师的主要法律业务是为委托人提供有关诉讼或者非诉讼事务的1,法律咨询,2,制作法律文书,3,办理不动产产权的转移等。在刑事案件中,事务律师既可以接受犯罪嫌疑人或被告人的委托,或者接受法院的指定,担任辩护人,也可以接受皇家检察机构的聘任,担任专职检察官。事务律师担任刑事辩护人(criminal defender),目前只能在治安法院(Magistrate Court)出席法庭审判,为被告人提供辩护。而不能出席刑事法院以及更高审级法院的审判,担任辩护人。
出庭律师,英文为barrister,又译“大律师”、“巴律师”、“高级律师”等。作为刑事辩护人(criminal defender),出庭律师可以在除治安法院(Magistrate Court)以外的其他法院出庭辩护。在刑事诉讼领域,嫌疑人和被告人不能直接委托出庭律师辩护,而必须通过事务律师作为中介人。被告人的所有请求和意见均要通过事务律师向出庭律师转交。成为出庭律师必须具备以下条件:1,成为英国四大律师公会的成员;2,有大学学历,并通过专门举行的资格考试;3,在指定的律师事务所实习一年以上。出庭律师也分为两种:Junior和Silk。Silk也称作Queen Counsel,大部分QC是君主或者君主的代表册封的,在法庭上他们会穿上特别设计的丝质长袍,因此也被称为Silk。
3.事务律师属于事务律师协会(Law Society of England and Wales),出庭律师属于出庭律师协会(The Bar Council);
The Chief Executive Officer of LAC, who is appointed by the Attorney General and is not required to be a barrister or solicitor;110and (b) nine part-time members, among whom one is appointed as the Chairman of the Board; one is nominated by the Bar Association of NSW; one is nominated by the Law Society of NSW; one is nominated by Unions NSW (which represents workers in NSW); three possess skills or experience that would benefit the Board; one represents consumer and community welfare interests; and one represents bodies providing community legal services.
These provisions relate to the Higher Rights Assessment Board (the Board)'s determination of an application for higher rights of audience before the High Court and the Court of Final Appeal in civil and criminal proceedings (higher rights), the eligibility requirements, the conditions for granting the application, the loss of higher rights, the cessation and re-acquisition of higher rights, the keeping of a list of solicitors having higher rights, and the issuance of higher rights certificates and a code of conduct for solicitor advocates.